.§A iictory for the Reputlicen government of Spain will be a serious bloe tot e ear glans of the aggressor nations. Such a victory coulé be the turning e point toeerde the yreservetion of eoflé peece ene freedom. The ole eorlo is emezeé at the courage ene aeterminetion of the Span» ish people iotheir eifficult fight egeinst the regular troops of the for- eign powers. For two end e helf yeere, theee trooye have been pluniering that beautiful country. For too and e helf years, German end Itelien ear planes have trought fieeth to thousands of innocent, eefenceless yeople. The netioh'e finest savings have teen transferee into emcee, famous cities end humble villages hove been eipefi of the map. thousands upon thoueende of eomen one chiléren are homeless ané hungnry. Such is the result of the in~ vesion of Spain by feeciet countries. I eyent 15 months in Spain. _I livee through the air reido in Valencia enfi Barcelona. I livec through one of the heevieet ehellings in wee eoundea on the A:a§?§W$?Gflt,eeere I lost e leg. I eeve eeeneith«mx own eyes the horfoe of ear enéell that it brings. Bot nothing is more cruel or more horrifying than the air raids against the defenceleee popfiletioe. As soon as the droning of the “Junkers” or “Cepronis“ is heerd, the eoeen, ole men, chilaren, run for eefety. I remember when the people ifi Valencia eeee eeekened at night by the explosion of the bomte, ena as I looked outof the eindow in the hotel, I saw women fleeing eceose the street with babies in their arms, screaming, knowing not ehere the next bombs eere going to fall. when I eee in the hospital at S'Agaro, there eere an ole couple liv~ ing, in a hut near the reed some 500 yerée outside the hosyitel zone. This couple left a home in Barcelona in orier toescege bombarameets. 0n the 2Mth of July 12 Itelieoieirplefins eppeeree in the eke, dropping their deeth— lg cergo as they flew over the hospital. The bomb lendeé 10 feet eeey from the hut. iAfter the elenesihed gone, the hut eee missing, and so were the old couple.i Teie ie only one of the milder incidents of an air-raid. east Qf gthem are too gruesome to tell.