is unprintable but you can forgive the boys because language be- comes loose in a trench. Rest Did Come THE rumor that we were to go on a three weeks' rest was discounted by the boys. "We'll never get any rest," they said. "We are going to stay here until the whole war is over." But rest did come. The army was beginning to be organized into an efficient fighting unit; reserves were being trained. If we had been incensed about the treacherous Trotskyist rising in Barcelona, we knew now that it brought things to a head and forced a showdown. The new Negrin government filled us with confidence. We saw the practical effects of the new efficient policy. Our Brigade paper had explained how the Communist Party had been hammering away to build the unified command, to na- tionalize the war industry. In short, to create the possibilities to go on an offensive and win the war. The Spanish boys in our battalion were of all political shades. There were Republicans, Anarchists, Socialists, Com- munists and those who did not belong to any party. But they were altogether in one trench fighting fascism. You don't need any arguments about the building of a people's front when you see this in front of you. The middle of June found us in a village called Albares. Three whole weeks of rest! We were really going to get it at last. And what made us even more happy, we were going to form our own Canadian Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion. We had begun to call our companies in the Lincoln Battalion, that name anyway. But now, our own commanders, leaders,---well it felt good. We had made buddies amongst the American boys and it was hard leaving them, but, we were to fight side by side in any event so we got our cake and ate it at the same time. ---14---