EIGHTH: A radical agrarian reform to abolish the former aristocratic and semi-feudal system of ownership, which, lacking as it did every human, national and patriotic senti- ment, has always been the greatest obstacle to the develop- ment of the enormous resources of the country. The estab- lishment of the new Spain on a wide and solid basis of a democracy of farmers owning the land which they cultivate. NINTH: The State shall guarantee the rights of the worker by means of an advanced social legislation, in agree- ment with the specific necessities of Spanish life and economy. TENTH: One of the primary and basic concerns of the State shall be the cultural, physical and moral improvement of the race. ELEVENTH: The Spanish army, at the service of the nation itself, shall be free from all hegemony, bias or party, and the people shall recognize in it a sure stronghold for the defence of their liberties and their independence. TWELFTH: The Spanish State reaffirms the constitu- tional doctrine of renouncing war as an instrument of na- tional policy. Spain, loyal to agreements and treaties, will support the policy represented by the League of Nations, which shall continue to be its standard. Spain, maintaining the rights of the Spanish State, and claiming as a Mediter- ranean power her place among the nations, is always ready to collaborate in the support of collective security and the general defence of peace. In order to contribute effectively to this policy, Spain will develop and intensify every pos- sible means of defence. THIRTEENTH: Complete amnesty for all those Span- iards who wish to co-operate in the tremendous, work of reconstructing Spain and making her once again a great nation. After the cruel struggle which is now laying waste our country, and which has reawakened the classic racial virtues of heroism and idealist fervour, it would be an act of treason to our country's destiny not to yield up all thought of vengeance or reprisals on the altars of a common mission; of work and sacrifice, which in the interests of Spain's future all her sons must fulfill. 7