xj¢ d 24
‘ t“§h/ Committee.
. @§: A he matter of reorganization has been discussed at very many iW% meetings of the Executive Committee. On July 7ththe Chairman snhwt
egg, r% [ rnmamnmzmnnnmn ~ r ~ V l g
§¥i A y i t A rsovincint OBaahIZATICN ". i §
h ;&; * "That, as far as possible, in each Province, an organization be ii - §
#t; i %"That they be not related to political activities in Canada or
Mr. D. Goldstick was asked to bring in a report as to how to further enlist the snrport of the Jewish people, and what type of Committee should he created. c
George Watson, President Toronto Trades & Labour Council, J.'W. ii ’BQCkley, Secretar , Harold Potter, Secretary of The League Against " i War and Fascism and J.IM. Conner were appointed a Committee to bringx in a report as to how to further enlist the support of the Trades V
.Unionists. . “. i A ;
Mrs. Mhrton was asked to report on the progress of the Women's V i t‘g ‘These reports have been presented and are under consideration.
EEOhGANIZATIONs . . e. N - at
mitted a memo on National reorganization which the Committee ordered ~ to he sent out to the various organizations for consideration. It was ;g as follows,— i
.\':* or
"oonnirrns or 100 \ . . 7 ¢
“That there be formed a National Committee of 100, consisting of hf
i6 representatives from each of the e'Western Provinces, Nova Scotia cfi
and New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, 12 from the Province of i ii
.Qnebec and the balance from.the Province of Ontario, or at large. This Committee to elect National officers. . c i l
n&.? ’- "That from this Committee an Executive Committee he‘appointed. ce\;; * *t hhese together with officers and the Chairman of each Province \ r X‘””
V-Q -4--B
will constitute the National Enocntive.i
AmnmnnnnwEonrmwna 3' s r i qt "That from the Executive an Administrative Oommitteeof 5 or 7 he
.§,, . -appointed to have immediate direction of the carrying out of the A
§§{ ‘ V policies determined upon by the Executive and the National Committee.
a \
f& formed to be exclusively concerned with the projects in Spain operated
‘a A by the Committee to.Aid Spanish Democracy. At the present these are:~i _.. The Eispanorcanadiense Instituto de Transfusion de Sangre, Food for Q @> Spain and Child Welfare.‘ $
militaristic organizations or agencies in Stain. ‘ . i s