. ational Democracy has -—- more than anything else--been responsible

for the prevention of an undisguised and large-scale Italian invasion. On the other hand, the so-called N on-Intervention Pact —— “the contribut-

I ion to peace” of the democratic governments --—- is the main factor in

retarding the triumph of the Spanish people. Now, in greater measure than ever, International Democracy must unify, increase its efforts.

And what of the International Brigades? Numerically, the Brigades are now but a fraction of the Spanish Republican Army, to which organ- isationally they belong. But their task in Spain is not ended. For, this is no Civil VVar in which they are intruders. This is an International War fought on the soil of Spain ——~ a war between Fascism and Democr-

acy, the issue of which affects not Spain alone but all nations. Intern- aational Fascism is rallying all its forces. While the German, Italian

and Portuguese levies remain so also will the army of International De- mocracy remain to oppose them.

And come what may in Spain, the unity of International Democracy which finds its most emphatic expression in the International Brigades —-the unity already sealed in the blood of the anti-Fascist fighters of twenty—six nations. -- must be maintained and extended. The road of that unity is the only road to peace and progress.

Salud to the men who died forging that unity! Salud to the International Brigades who maintain it in arms!

Salud to the heroic people of Spain whose gallant struggle thrilled the peoples of the world and roused them to the need for that unity!

And, who more fitting than “Pasionaria”, exemplar of their heroism and their hopes, to express here on behalf of the people of Spain their solidarity with us now and in the future.’