1 The concentration camp of San Pedro de CardeƱa is stamped indelibly in my memory. Who could ever forget the savage beatings so freely given by the corporals and sergeants, beatings that were sanctioned and in many cased ordered by the camp officers The memory of 700 internationals lined up for their pitiful noon-day ration consisting of 8 ounces of bread (for 24 hours) and a ladle of watery bean soup. Poorly shod and dressed in rags waiting in the rain or snow for their so called food. When the line moves forward woe betide the unfortunate comrade who steps a hair's breadth out of line to avoid walking through a puddle. The N.C.O. watches him and as he comes abreast of the food pot the sergeant lashes out furiously with the club, striking at the head and face of his victim and those near him.