2 + given a bread soup consisting of Bread olive oil + water, very distasteable, but we were famished, after this we were taken into the barn again + anyone who happened to have any good clothes left was beaten up + the coats, pants or boots or jewelery was taken from him In a few hours we were taken in a square + lined up the sun was very hot + we could not get any water, several fellows fainted + we broke our ranks but only for a few minutes, as sargeants + cabos beat us back into line with sticks + canes The top sargeant who was in charge of us was immediately named Sticky, every few days more internationals came to this camp untill we had over 600 men over 33 different nationalities we occupied 3 floors with 1 or two water taps + either 1 or two lavatories to each floor most of us were in rags + very lousy, no soap, or towels, + we had to sleep on cement or board floors which were all broken + very dirty, plenty of rats + mice, bugs lice + fleas, + no way to