2 After we receive our rations we are forced to wait out in the cold wet patio for no apparent reason other than to further satiate the sadistic cruelty mirrored in the faces of fascist N.C.Os and officers whom are watching us from the office windows. Eventually we are allowed into our quarters, to huddle together in a long dormitory to shiver and shake until our clothes dry out. 350 men crammed into a space barely sufficient for 100. Swarming with vermin and unable to wash either our bodies or clothes except at rare intervals when they took us to the river 6 times in ten months Toilet conditions were unspeakable 5 toilets for 700 men. The odor from the latrines permeated the entire atmosphere of the barracks penetrating even into the infirmary Every day a queue of 100 to 150 were treated for running sores sores that were impossible to heal