DALLET THE ORGANIZER BY JOHN WILLIAMSON State Organizer, Communist Party of Ohio OUR Comrade Joe Dallet died as he lived--in the fore- front of action. The sad news of his death by a fascist bullet in Spain shocked not only the members of the Com- munist Party but deeply affected hundreds of steel workers in Ohio, Pittsburgh, and South Chicago. Joe's death re- vealed the high caliber of his leadership as a Communist in establishing the strongest ties with the masses and making the Party an integral part of the community. These ties were established during three years of devoted leadership in many struggles involving employed and unemployed steel workers in Youngstown, Warren, Farrell, Steubenville, Weirton, and Newcastle. The entire city of Youngstown felt that Joe belonged to them. Within a few days a large memorial meeting was organized by the Communist Party. Disregarding the spy system of Republic Steel, fifteen hundred steel workers, Negro and white, entered the hall with bowed heads. The organizations represented by the speakers showed how dear Joe was to everyone. They included the Steel Workers Or- ganizing Committee, the A. F. of L. Central Labor Council, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Communist Party, the Friends of the Lincoln Brigade, the church; several other outstanding trade union and Communist leaders were also among the speakers. Even those who had fought Joe in life, who had denounced him 9