TRIBUTES T0 JOE DALLET BY WILLIAM Z. FOSTER Chairman, Communist Party, U.S.A. IT CAME as a great shock to me to learn that Comrade Joe Dallet had been killed in action in Spain. He was a real fighter and his death is a deep loss to the revolutionary movement and a personal grief to his host of friends. Joe was one of those courageous militants who built the Steel and Metal Workers Industrial Union (Trade Union Unity League) in the face of steel trust gunmen and slug- gers. He was a trail-blazer for the big C.I.O. campaign that has at last brought the steel workers into the folds of organized labor. In the class struggle in this country, Joe was always on the front line, and it was quite in accord with his militant revolutionary spirit that he should go to Spain to help beat back the hordes of a barbarous fascism. Such a brave and loyal fighter is a credit to the Communist Party, of which he was long a member. It is revolutionary fighters like Dallet who will write the epitaph of capitalism. BY EARL BROWDER General Secretary, Communist Party, U.S.A. EVERYONE who knew Joe Dallet will feel a keen personal loss in the news of his death during the latest offensive of the Spanish people's army. He was a fitting representative of those 3,000 fine young 4