...they are poeme which centre upon compaeeion and sympathy for the devoted revolutionary, the oomradee
in Canada and Europe upon whoee courage and determination the hope for a better world depends. instead of directing lhie ettentionm inward and making hie eubjective View the dominant aepect of theee poems, he hae attempted to turn hie vision outward and to take the condtion of other people for hie eubject.
Qhiepthuuq in my View , repreeetie the third type of poetry that was etimuleted by the dpanieh civil war: a poetry that turne outward to
the condition of human beings, at home and on the battlefield. E will
u o J“ -o 0
gave some examplee~mf1ret, from eo Kennedy'e writlngz flgho 15 one of fFour rooms for the Heroic flpanieh Republic“i~<lt was originally titled
mlou, £3gani_§l3. Com:
. —'J§ 524:’ V . g _
oldl, one an beak flah golden in Toledo sunlight, bayonet and beak
‘.- ; ’ &J5:t-g ' :5 ' ‘ "‘ ‘
‘fists deahurli, for workrs' lstrgt ut, driving invasion seaward! i
:'This struggle is no deathginl you thought fallen, the season’s turn cries up the wind once more.
5 and life revives which has lain close in g'1‘Ound. A if ‘:’You build foundations here with bone for gramte,
> spilled blood and flesh for mortar, and the bright
5% mouths of dead girls to keep a memory green-
A" time there'll be to stand and breathe hereafter when, conflict past, fruits ripen in the sun
andmen walk upright with a farther vision; A
“la place there’ll be for work and skill and learning, Q
for peasants turning earth no locust -lo c'~/‘U0 J and girls withflowers, new children springing tall.
The image of the eagle ae e eymbol of on utopian dream of freedom 15 an ever-recurring one in hennedy'e work. hut the eagle also crops up in eeveral other places. Here is a short lyric by the oomuunist
balladeer, J.;.,;;_ ivialiaoe, who dieelonly year: