‘.f.,._— A —T—v_7~ W” 77 ——
out choigoe between the things athat are Caesar's and the things that are Godle. They are on the side of property rights against human rights. I have yet to hear any of these paafionate advow catee of the high Chrie inn queilities of the rebels evy openly that they believe that irrespective of who wins the great estate: should be broken up and distributed among the people who work them, or that they are opyosed to general £rnnco'e plan tg destroy the labor unions. s,O mu%§%r%fE%lO§§fl&Eit necessary to wear strange masks
U s y‘ && causes.
The opeoeacle of devout foreign legion thugs and pious, infidel “sore, aneient enemies of the Christian spenieh people marching to the tune of Onward Christian Soldiere leaves me very cold indeed.
.5: 0 I w 0 \ Q i t ,7‘ ae 1f it wee a eirect paraphrase of‘~a laghen e prose, here is aeekay'e
poemz, Battle Hymn for the Spanish Rebels:
Battle Hymn for the Spanish Rebels
The Church’s one foundation Is now the Moslem sword, In meek collaboration With flame and axe and cord; Deep—winged with holy love The battle-planes of Wotan, The bombing-planes of Jove.
yL6/N . - ° ‘ h s .V. wrote three with the same message, but in his own rhetorical BtVl91 A n,A
H“ s ‘n Snain" . f - : n'~ , V sic ” pOem8,0TO%a3%%gfi {W0 are Satlnrcal . Here 18 ‘Sonnet .1thout nu .
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Sonnet Without Music
Upon the piazza, haemophilic dons g‘ ,z_/ delicately lift their sherry in the sun. '
Having recovered confiscated land,
and his expropriated smile redeemed,
the magnate, too, has doff’d his socialized face. He beams a jocund aftermath to bombs.
Also, the priest,-—-alas, for so much bloodshed!»-- cups plumpish hand to catch uncatechized belch.
The iron heel grows rusty in the nape of peasant feeding with the earthworm ———~ but beware aristocrat, Don Pelph, beware! The peon soon will stir, will rise, will stand, breathe Hunger’s foetid breath, lift arm, clench A fist,
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