AND STILL WE DREAM  And still we dream, coiled in a mountain crevice  And still we let the sun  Shift on flash and bone his subtle fingers  Before his day is run.  Comrade, the thrush will never give us warning  His singing will not cease---  The bees will hum all down the darkest morning  Inveigling us to peace  The mountains, yearning forward into silence  Have done with shaking; and the stir  Of centuries is only a brisk wrinkle  There the thunders were.  But we, who like to lie here hushed, immobile,  Whistling a low bird note  Can have no rest from clash of arms behind us  And thunder at the throat:   Here, though we dream like lizards on a rock-ledge  Suckling the sun's breast---  Manhood and growth are on us; rise up, Comrade,  It is death to rest.