When veins congeal
And gesture is confounded When pucker frowns no more And voice's door
Is hut forever
5 if On such a night :~ My bed will shrink To single size Sheets go cold My heart’hammer )_jE;§h_li£egloud clamor
While sofieone covers up the eyes.
Agprophecy is given.
When you lived
Day shone from your face
Now the sun's rays Search And find no answering torch.g
If you were living now This cliffside tree With its embracing bough Would speak to me.
If you were speaking now The waves below
Would be the organ stops For breath to blow.
And if your rigid head Flung back its hair Gulls in a sickle flight Would circle there...
A prophecy is given.
You are alive!
0 grass flash emerald sight
Dash of dog for ball
And skipping rope's bright blink Lashing the light.
High in cloud The sunset fruits are basketed And fountains curl their plumes . “#w%g,Statue stone.
5 c n secret thicket mould Lovers defend their hold Old couples hearing whisperings Touch in a handclasp, quivering. For you sang out aloud Arching the silent wood
To stretch itself, tiptoe Above the crowd...