Sing, an in fiaflrifi tha rifle-ahota
L were drowned by voices singing, hearts made this
from acts of se1f~defenca, the haricades thrown up with kitnhen pots
and ‘attresaea, confesaisnala and edta against the onslaught of machine-gun storm. Sing, sing out I as linea collapse, reaform as bombs hiss vast, explosion blots _
the écieaming ch11d- all urope falling now. Sinrfi till thé crumblinr ruin 0‘ our worlfi becoiqs a a’anpinfi—Hround for brotherhood: Sing t111_the barricades of life are hurled
V agh;nst opnresa1on—-sing #111 banners bias:
in fine imperishable cry unfurled!