Ml lllylllll; ‘-" - --—ua«<»¢.».'-- ,,,.,..«.;_, , . , .-_...ra.¢na..,u-=- -Q«—¢:~¢ <.......... - _ r ““"‘-*‘“3~W---Ivv «a-nu‘-1..a—¢ »...u,,.. , .»._ —, Ll.-iien‘ und V~Ill use them MzicLel1n‘s (‘nnfianrrl [rum WV! 70 RDhlAN Win! l|.lllIlJlln' noisily lo the trunk which lll‘ liu lll'l|KZ'Z‘d lrcim unllt-r lhe in-rrlr H, . “\V|iut's that you're rnnrnrl his wife ‘ llemnrnlod |IlhErul(l|l§l)'r ruuunl; Ii won row [mm tllt‘ hilluuo “Nulliiiil: Nollilii he mliured her In ll lliluk \'nil:n lle flirt vely nllppiill B nmnll [iul'lW;;g;l;= cards “The hoynglm K“.E‘"§,_mn,l; aren't llieyl" no Wlhed, D “Em ul|Ell:il3fll1lE(.lE|'I<]|Xlr|l|Kl an huLl]g}i‘1 kept hopiii v lliraume rull-to 9 sign [ aid/“M rhelr r-ads duvm lingl their bu {in up over their nyrsr {i)1||H1'1”“" 3“m§B1y iiutlilng. "lluriip_ll’ Slnwl)’r5|1-‘?l"'ll‘ g M; relucinntly, no sizadjn oi_ii H or L‘ up» ogulnsttlielluithl-t.‘mllliil; _n V 'l‘hl- muii rrexl, un Sinrreia le{c_w pmiilpl "Tlle Illtlu men are nvnalorlrlrsar, nnorn he rheerlly "somethlnzfle {I35 l'iii llulilg to mlkll n killliil: (I||i‘§'f d take you lor a rlde in an aeroplane. im lie ruined the lust mini. As he saw the size Val the lust her slam-vs {lice vit-nt white The other pluyurri ..-yr-rl llllli enzluinngly from the cnrnt-rn u[ their narrowed ayes. nfrflfll to Ian}; up (or fslir uf Ll|5t‘lD‘l|'lL’ 50"“? ernrmon. Slurrr-r §tudleLl his cards " ‘Cull’ " he sold llrlelly, Ill “I535. ll|’IIl 5lllL'l«('d n [lllE (if clilpn ugnlnst the law: hel. until the tan or his wn:i flush with the utllcr stuck No one win pllylng any um-nuan to Roman who llllll YPl|.l:'Ell In upon the pat, prmllrlinl.-ly for luck ul s imlr Illluckfir but with line movement ul his shoklng hands. he lalinved in till he lliid. upsetting all culcullmans, or nearly all, and rho bets went. around nuuln. everyone in we deeply now [ti relnlun our al the list. And I-Id Romiui wail: to bed a ininny man. DIDN'T like the look al it and thn_t 5 flat," one of ihe other players §Il|Ll tu Roman the rim day. “We can t_gcr uny ulllslatllun out of Sturret and l \'e come in you. The others wsaterl ro go_tu the cuptliin." ‘fl ou‘r2 Pour losers," Roman renuirkzd liirlly :'\\hut do you won: with me. any-how?' "min: we wall! In know, is: who are you and who is this man Storret’ He's tun -oral Ha clulnu lie down‘! know you, hE|'lH|P! but how about that big and he deal: you lust mzh: when you rleoned up. every lost one ol u_, Wm, bemnlr h-nus. lielsoflours and tall house.- -ml you -min: there with l'aur see. all the time‘ How llmut thnt?" he d munfeu inngrily. b °' LIE DWII1 ‘ when you get lh§m;‘Thi'llt)'lPl1I¢!’;vylob|‘lJru:flillld;!' ll‘1:‘ri*px;:ril hlrri quire Iincerely wirl. ““d"“"9l¥Knod-humuredl llewnspleasedro betlio centrauls l y" out a norm "lduli't know "0" °"' about Stnrrer than on do He or yum" rre and I ma anerlnrn. He had :3 $3 rr 9 mm the man. _Hethoughi I would no F ' h i;.;.i.:’:::..E ‘::.:**.;z:.::;*e.,l‘n;n;-~?F- _ _ y _, I ngrgs beginning to make llllll lndj: hi: n-e°.?.l‘°."‘r'.'.§..'r’ll‘?; one dul. You Inn bmnf'l;.u,, . "!"!rf-idlu l.i..,,‘; r':n".?;r":i,:_ls'»,~r- Julie 15,1925 .r l; .3 l .. ",°.‘,‘$EE'1ll.o ’i$o'r."l’l“"l'nfin.7"”’Fl£i*§Q3.;; loms. I'll call you Alxll only two lluiillruj moretu go. Bu in zo—nrnrrnw silro ., “Ell, awsryihlngs gottoend :-‘lllnt. Ilmlz‘ new a lsasunr mp, lvulliri, nnrl l gum we'll all 9 klnd or;-rlowrljy Llzjlfiniftlic hltln am bun, wliatsuy. tel’; mil" 0‘ {Illlvurl hm nu-llrest lellau-ism‘ L V1 1 “Tl-5 "hi "i+.:':.i"i;- n".'::l out 0 my“ ' ‘ | t u mixer,’ in-roan-ll.-rl,d H div], llo lstrulled arnun_ re” rr \ ulliiilrliil; all he saw, elx-on ;11letn)§-[»)xl-MI? ulgyéll, lively l I. or pea 0. 0 ' » Dlllllnl; liulmlc l'I|L'll“l'r rn“,1v|l:c, t‘lurAn“_t|ig:r' wnuhl ashore, but man {u -4 an o \N nnu rl.l.y can't no rnnname nllAv|lL- rnnn \\li;,, lunk a: me. he l:liuL'l:‘ll-ll lmyishly “come, on. hlnihur, he ulinulLAll‘|.{l_Ek- lully as he um;-rlzd lliolrubln ill.“ promised to L'0'duvin tn r Inner [tr-ililllll. sliov. lollcsyuu re n sailor _lrorn .SlllJulL':‘ \\e're passing Irelnn