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To Rome firt/zeHt11y}5I17‘/

5,...-.11; P I L G R I M A G E S lilrry ls-an Jun: li«ll July

ll-1546 Ilu-urnmadulniu in null an: I‘""“- lliinllun of Pllnrlnilleu I: dun Iliirlrrl. CauI—5-H! Ilnvunl.

College Tours (530 l%‘’:=.=$'-’ ‘‘

Tu Enxlimd. Smtl-ml. "I-llllfldv llclzlilm. Ptlnrl and [mum to Fnnuln.

Thur is--In’ l-enunuily runrluri- ed iuurn nnilu rllmilun ai Earl ll. llillibell ull from .\luiilruI uu

I'll‘ {Imam |kn|nn—.\l:x Il¢—Durl:~—Cuuull Juli: 6-l.'l».l) "7 Jul)‘ -l«lI

(And lrarn New Yurk Jun: 25) Fur caluyltlt dreinlln all, plum: or wriie

Lin‘ llldx . cum: In-nu mil. \-nmirrr. :u I21-lll h'L. llimlrul. as man an r. Tonnlo. . nun sr. marwvx


nu-an lmmull


Hotel Tuller l D E T R O l T 800 Room: - 800 Baths $.50 per Day and up e:—o

Arabian Restaurant Gothic Grill Cafeteria Tea Room h C. C. SCHANTZ, Gen. Mgr.

_ jj-2-1-3-u

Brown Mutercrnft Bonn me real ullilnlmion because 4!

lnulr. :31 :5: tini°A'llf3.°d "“ 7°!!! run’ ulm-lance ennble in in pr. with any 5.... . (innate: that main wins- (Mug.

Wtlu: {or uuingue.

l. o'ri'u'.'.'.'.'a‘.'

', 'ol>l.-iien‘ und V~Ill use them


(‘nnfianrrl [rum WV! 70 RDhlAN Win! l|.lllIlJlln' noisily lo the trunk which lll‘ liu lll'l|KZ'Z‘d lrcim

unllt-r lhe in-rrlr H, . “\V|iut's that you're rnnrnrl his wife

llemnrnlod |IlhErul(l|l§l)'r ruuunl; Ii won row

[mm tllt‘ hilluuo “Nulliiiil: Nollilii he mliured her In

ll lliluk \'nil:n lle flirt vely nllppiill B nmnll [iul'l<iiy:e into his brain! pliclmt unll glliilc-ell anprnlrsrnnrrly in nor. She had lallnn lra-vk upon the lullawu “nun. ex- l'lB|ll1!t‘Ll and uiilnterlaterl _

Sliirrel lull. nu Roman had let: him. C|lYl(1L|.1l)’ I|UlEL

"Here ll in." Human fllIl|ll|.Inl‘El'l. und huniled nm in Sturrm llle tlnkut ror zlm return VIISHIIEP ur hlmsell Ind his wire. “Lusl— l ils lull." he luuxliecl Liulstzrnusly. Slarrut iiuilllr-ll. iilitl llrowingu rlill 0! lllll! (rum lllfi packer, curslully counted out two liundrcd uilil nlly llollurei. _

“All rl'lit," he said. “f|iey‘re walling rur us mm {or your revenge "

nnnnrn lilillulerl. nn lullilly lhni lielniu turned tnwiird lheni. "Plliy (‘l|IE[Lll- var’ careful Now [or my H- vengc I'm I xllori, l um. I " null lullnwcll Siurrut. murmurinll lilntltuzltfli fluttering in lI|I'lI:|!!ll.

Stnrrnt l<lu|i[iell suddenly uiid lurnell swiftly on Roman "Did you ever puss nut u par hund in ulurkpuz, sitting under the gui " no l|ue=‘tIlIril-’ll in an eager wlllslil-r.

“Y4-li No Why" Whl1tll'ye mean?" Roizriuil quesllmlall, wiifuuetl

Sml*rei.'s will-e rllr lIl(E o knife. "Listen' I i: this from ii iiiun vi-llu was playing nol. r when you wart rolling a liuup 1r _\‘U|l re ever xilllng iii ll big inckilot, on ihe l’lL’l'll Ill the ilenler with first suy mid gel in [ml hand rl -hr all the but, or ('\’(‘l|

. uri exlru guuil ‘he [ling hun<l,' 1luli't let n EH9)! uur ulIyuu' Dun‘: ul-lull the par! ml

as~<"' he Wl’I|3)l9lEl.l lmrrely lluiniiii stared ut lilm. "\\"hnl':l the b|L' ea "

The words (lime in an eager rush [mm Starr:-('5 llps. “Take a l:liiAricc' Figure tliiit sun-ehoay mnilng illler you will hlive arul ihaz

three or four niure \\lll ‘stay 'lh him

Then when it gels amilrlrl lu you avuin.

mrdein and suck u to them! Rut-«st em!

ninis the hlui-sky iho limit’ They won‘: linuvi wlmt ru muke at 1:, they'll think i you're v;-nly bluliing. that you came in II! . mi olterllmulght Andthey liall ‘gray’ and [ you aim ti.-use them along big ball: l

every time Alterwnrd you ciui urn- rharr thigh-bones tor iunrhplcks "

Ramsn stored nt him. ‘'1 get nu." he vhuvkled "llutwliu:'litbe use‘ ‘ll never REX u hlinll like that."

Slanel suddi-nly appeared to lose all interest in the l.:Ull\'EI'6al|0n ‘Well. you newr tun tell," he Agreed lutlcssly. And rln-n. with a raumption nl hi former nlmosl ihreurenrnlr liercemss: But it you rlu. roll 'rm hlgh and sleep in the street’: Take my up ilrlllda on I tell you!"

"D ,l l'til Edd ufhjmnnll,K":|ef.(l:Jri|11nebaullI.?d“n N" W"

NIGHT‘. I Drlvote Cfllllfl. the urn: players, the some nu i nir. III!‘ the aunig xnlner Rumor: colt rot and Rug hirruell 30 Road a ham! he {all con- nzruued Lu plunge, urh rhe result rhn he loan to the barter hand or Stxrrert A: the ead_ol the l-rs: ten rrunutu or lny his capital win reduced by lull, e or” Itnglcullyuwlxrr be_Ii1I ol penplntion on his lute, 5 eyes nunrnl to behald. He no ‘(l)InflEkfI;‘0‘l|IIl'?Kled his luncl.I. The an]: no am A I :12 :3! Anna once nued ov

Mu-at . in. u no ed in llla winning:

He Ieunod -romeo. liut_ [Ixnun .;

Ronni: u:i_l nullnlllltu sbuoun ooh: uenmi relieved. My 1., .1 Ilnrply Ind plekal up the pork. rirnpln.

the curd: nuvously luck Ind l rth rm.


Ion . Ilender F In Clint nipped eh.

cars: llke fins. nnwhfle ha larrlnd on

u: Irixlinnlcd Ilfllfllllll Irltl: the otlur

D1-Iver: until I reminder Iron: an: of chain

:I'i«:::lphol‘mK0I‘0|IVlKl.IClI£d&L Inn:

Ed. Ramon kind I: hit uni;

In an (ha I of Signet. I will: u I. Thm was I nmnmu Main- an. mi in rel: surrwu upon mm The ends l_v|m hllofl ya. [-1. - could not bob-vulwnl Four and



l... muttered duckli-


“CIEW oisuri," "Cliec " "Open!" promlllly rem“ lag‘: right, arnl !ll'lD\et‘l In - lzu-ll“ c I s , uni-—

I.ll"Ti,t 5.m.,v~ mnnrno next mun all {u inn rnixul _, V t

"lust Lndhe sacinlilflr ‘Ibsen ed the hex null YIIISE -

The luurtli niuu lmiltnted. s§ud>W;;g;l;= cards “The hoynglm K“.E‘"§,_mn,l; aren't llieyl" no Wlhed, D “Em ul|Ell:il3fll1lE(.lE|'I<]|Xlr|l|Kl an huLl]g}i‘1 kept hopiii v lliraume rull-to 9 sign [ aid/“M rhelr r-ads duvm lingl their bu {in up over their nyrsr {i)1||H1'1”“" 3“m§B1y iiutlilng. "lluriip_ll’ Slnwl)’r5|1-‘?l"'ll‘ g M; relucinntly, no sizadjn oi_ii H or L‘ up» ogulnsttlielluithl-t.‘mllliil; _n V

'l‘hl- muii rrexl, un Sinrreia le{c_w pmiilpl "Tlle Illtlu men are nvnalorlrlrsar, nnorn he rheerlly "somethlnzfle {I35 l'iii llulilg to mlkll n killliil: (I||i‘§'f d take you lor a rlde in an aeroplane. im lie ruined the lust mini.

As he saw the size Val the lust her slam-vs {lice vit-nt white The other pluyurri ..-yr-rl llllli enzluinngly from the cnrnt-rn u[ their narrowed ayes. nfrflfll to Ian}; up (or fslir uf Ll|5t‘lD‘l|'lL’ 50"“? ernrmon. Slurrr-r §tudleLl his cards " ‘Cull’ " he sold llrlelly, Ill “I535. ll|’IIl 5lllL'l«('d n [lllE (if clilpn ugnlnst the law: hel. until the tan or his wn:i flush with the utllcr stuck

No one win pllylng any um-nuan to Roman who llllll YPl|.l:'Ell In upon the pat, prmllrlinl.-ly for luck ul s imlr Illluckfir but with line movement ul his shoklng hands. he lalinved in till he lliid. upsetting all culcullmans, or nearly all, and rho bets went. around nuuln. everyone in we deeply now [ti relnlun our al the list.

And I-Id Romiui wail: to bed a ininny man.

DIDN'T like the look al it and

thn_t 5 flat," one of ihe other players §Il|Ll tu Roman the rim day. “We can t_gcr uny ulllslatllun out of Sturret and l \'e come in you. The others wsaterl ro go_tu the cuptliin."

‘fl ou‘r2 Pour losers," Roman renuirkzd liirlly :'\\hut do you won: with me. any-how?'

"min: we wall! In know, is: who are you and who is this man Storret’ He's tun -oral Ha clulnu lie down‘! know you, hE|'lH|P! but how about that big

and he deal: you lust mzh: when you rleoned up. every lost one ol u_, Wm, bemnlr h-nus. lielsoflours and tall house.- -ml you -min: there with l'aur see. all the time‘ How llmut thnt?" he d munfeu inngrily. b °'

LIE DWII1 when you get lh§m;‘Thi'llt)'lPl1I¢!’;vylob|‘lJru:flillld;!' ll‘1:‘ri*px;:ril hlrri quire Iincerely wirl. ““d"“"9l¥Knod-humuredl

llewnspleasedro betlio centrauls l y" out a norm "lduli't know "0" °"' about Stnrrer than on do He or yum" rre and I ma anerlnrn. He had :3 $3 rr

9 mm the man. _Hethoughi I would no


' h i;.;.i.:’:::..E ‘::.:**.;z:.::;*e.,l‘n;n;-~?F- _ _ y _, I ngrgs beginning to make llllll lndj:

hi: n-e°.?.l‘°."‘r'.'.§..'r’ll‘?; one dul. You Inn

bmnf'l;.u,, . "!"!rf-idlu l.i..,,‘; r':n".?;r":i,:_ls'»,~r-

Julie 15,1925

.r l; .3 l .. ",°.‘,‘$EE'1ll.o ’i$o'r."l’l“"l'nfin.7"”’Fl£i*§Q3.;; loms. I'll call you Alxll only two lluiillruj moretu go. Bu in zo—nrnrrnw silro ., “Ell, awsryihlngs gottoend :-‘lllnt. Ilmlz‘ new a lsasunr mp, lvulliri, nnrl l gum we'll all 9 klnd or;-rlowrljy Llzjlfiniftlic hltln am bun, wliatsuy. tel’; mil" 0‘ {Illlvurl hm nu-llrest lellau-ism‘ L V1 1

“Tl-5 "hi "i+.:':.i"i;- n".'::l out 0 my“ ' | t u mixer,’ in-roan-ll.-rl,d H div],

llo lstrulled arnun_ re” rr \ ulliiilrliil; all he saw, elx-on ;11letn)§-[»)xl-MI? ulgyéll, lively l I. or pea 0. 0 ' » Dlllllnl; liulmlc l'I|L'll“l'r rn“,1v|l:c, t‘lurAn“_t|ig:r' wnuhl ashore, but man {u -4 an o \N nnu rl.l.y can't no rnnname nllAv|lL- rnnn \\li;,, lunk a: me. he l:liuL'l:‘ll-ll lmyishly

“come, on. hlnihur, he ulinulLAll‘|.{l_Ek- lully as he um;-rlzd lliolrubln ill.“ promised to L'0'duvin tn r Inner [tr-ililllll. sliov. lollcsyuu re n sailor _lrorn .SlllJulL':‘ \\e're passing Irelnn<l_ ‘ll :4 as green rm

us, Cami: um! see it.

"GUI! n budy n cliniice. My, llut 1‘\L been un awful lot 0! lroubleltu you (lll&' trip. sick and all. and ynu no been so good and neicr comp uinorl One thing 5 sum; Ill ilei/er, want to’ L‘O|’TlE ilgllln \\'lio_t's that you re doing? shcdemlintll ll suspiciously‘ ‘_

"Oh, nmlung, he mural her, ll.iiIgl,. in; “Jun: pumug our rerurnlticket lnnl: m the trunk I had it nut.

"£\'e}I‘l, l dhn wlslllkyouh wuuldn't rnnl wit tool: 1 mgs r e r at; you mnl, rue unciisy Sure you huve the mime; orders iill right?”

"Surest thing you know," he lullglvul lit-rvously "See," and llrawlril; the inn. [old from hls pDL‘l(M., he upreud nut lllu tenlafilsybrkntfis. fanning; lier mlllunittlshly

. , ow you (D gt) on." ils villi: sold loudly

In the murning when Roman nwalrl-nrll nml peered t_hrougll rile port lion, he gave in boylsh” shout _ j'\\'o'ro lreru, Mother! Look! ‘She joined him and together they look In the low-lying mud sham pl _i:he Mersey. clusters or squnr grseg nfiiuinfis, Quilt! a rain or Liverpool

“C inn‘ so much nlter all " Roman camplnined disiiippuintellly. '

Agniu as nnlthe nrar day, there was Ibuut the ship on air cl unnatural gilggyxtehnr was ulréim; hysfiefin. The

' " llrepare o .u , A “Ker to {or ofi_tl.inn thgy hu‘l'l'ebee[illmrYr(v :68 an, J) for am the donkey engine ffialfilyanf t asfigd as gr reached into

0 2 l_lp wit a huge net. wuliingzixa hurrleéli bafik and forth like

99! PM rig i;gruge,bidl|ml: ’;':Wf'llli5n.mliunItirI(z liar nrrlcles. wnrlnr 2 et , ;‘ ' r v d:

was non1'uxion.Em ‘Wink “mm

$3 Rgmfliu stqucl at the hand or my 1!. waiting ' ti cl , . hum: Stnrrzt lzunlllmnniin huwed about tDVl|!!l(nDWlEdgE£lle salute, a wife n.s she turned her

"he's not lit

told me tlul morning h .

all the wny over, and

Sam: men caught hlm

the csptnin und hi-

thalr money lunch’

w H h Ma. .l'ennir}lIKE ML;

9 came u to er U5

° "'°“1dn't even Inyygoad-by: (0

And th¢*w:re gettin reiil son an

Door '19 way he zcaived that web he feel: terrible. Men vi‘ - The capmn w-med hm‘

* War he obl: to play cards

I‘ lulu. They any has rig?” in buainua to 9

let alone trleko like

u ulumad before the whole

to him nD“"

Hal I hid mnnl" . Roman agreed I5

lrnm Snrret. "Ha dae§_||"

lllly hislmrdx myllow

0 you iraorr shout‘ us rill-Y’