__ cu LHIKV‘ ‘ Cut of: J |.U v'u.a ~~-A .l1-cached the dealer. and , ‘ .r’ not his V-lake me the ecornful -011 1 dl _. W 13; so h‘£LDI3ene .~ibes and Jeela. A eive ‘ . . h be 1-W90 that this fine rnotorweo did’ and m our son as 5002:; still ‘benevolent, face clearing. b t een thumb: he “held up that coin \ 9 W . and forefinger- I (‘7 boy if"!101'lI1:: - flgtnen that 133-“ de' his su:-'£.’€5t‘Ve ’“° ’ ‘and aDl>1‘03Ch° scendeddfiorsiagés <%:~;',Ckle_mce& over id re —- < '1 ‘ :?1‘°1"‘d farniear :)01:’o’¥.SCt‘ld 31¢‘ cheerfl "Here. httmi Your mamma “won . ’ ilv, “is 50- cents. along‘ and ‘buy “ , « 1°‘ - 91 _ ‘_ tin. Very >ftcn when put to ,mel l 2§’c§ndy° for Y0l«“'Se“E' km(1. of candy ,_ , I test. said ti-1) calls forth explosive; : (I d0n:tliestox-vim them loaned out fc-red us a fifty- - ' prof" Q ,. ' “by this U11\}XD€Ctt?é3n€f('f,b1(fj.f . . ' ca \V'oq.§r1nned' and shook our head_ /_ o,_ th-am: y‘o;1_ It's an rig-htn ;_, At tnat moment, around the Sid . of H” ~"~"’”""‘:',~"-9 Wmleared our so -'l»‘-'C‘f1 1? We rs: old.‘ Vfith the cyniogfil 912.: iri .3 ; ~ 4- '. V ‘ '-I) r 011: Vlnd ,,,Il)1,,§;‘ eye pecuhar ‘J "' f"~“°""1"~f3-00%‘-. re:ul-haired ~<{“Hf!‘." nit. mm in some was’ <21! other ll.’l§' mxbibml a wholesale (:i§. mun for nicrely “ciLv' Guys’; ml \m.tc‘ning that trarfsaition’ and ‘Li v ‘Knew ‘by his diabolical egzpressioyg ‘4 ‘T133 he Dllrposed, should I take tha. ' ' ‘fifty. coma toretker at ' ‘ (V. ,____.—._-..__,,.._ _. _' __.. . I. n ->|i“)'.\Iu‘V° 33% ."'fl’,’f, y,l(xllCllU; z1'fOW 01.’ the Ram... ments appearing on this page. I hop? ' Here's your dough ‘l)ar:l~:.” Normally that boy can hit straight and that 50-cent piece should have - landed where it ,W£LS aimed, at the , car, but the car was moving with’ 5 increasing speed, and the coin flew ' _wide of its -mark and disappeared into the grass. Several hours later, I asw the boy on hands and knees. carefully going over the ground, inch by inch. Quite late in the afternoon he came to the hou.se,_with a. glowing face, and held up triumphantly the scorned piece of omne .y I "I found it I found it Hey, mom,’ ‘ can I go over to Morley after the dirty‘ ci——m ‘1 L mail’? T. gotta get something at the store.” i I 01’ other ‘tippers, I might write . considerably, especially the ones We pull out of sloughs or up slippery hills. They are fine follows when our horses are hauling them out of their trouble; but they get down to grim business when the job is‘ done, and hand rattlinss: the small change in pocket, they inquire: "How much for that little tance?” ignoring the distance horses have come from the and often the trouble of getting them in, harnessing, etc. Our men zharge variously for such jobs, it - Icing: the rule of the ranch that they ran keep what they get. We had an <1-ishman who was always satisfied Jvith: . “A ‘bit of tobacco, SOT.” V And .w-e were overwhelmed with mirth by tho canny dealings of 9.‘ Scotch “Yank"'in our emrploy. When chm-szed with usury by an indignant ‘complainant. he sulkily justified‘ himself by telling us of a friend of his who made a regular trade oil‘ m1llin.£:' "‘Ju.Vs” out of a muddy hole; that "he himself kept qrentwzi and well watered. Close at hand, his friend was always there to bargain with the unfortunate motorist when the latter’: car sped heedlessly into the tron set for him. In this special case, however, the Fbiter was finally‘ bitten. A victim having aweed to , pay him" the exorbitant price of $19 » to pull him out of the muddy hole. I once on dI'.V land,’ turned on full Speed. tooted his horn and madeioft merrily and swiftly. returning. how- ever. the followin: day With 8- Sill?-35' that not only patched up that ‘hole efficiently. but pumijretl the fear of_ ‘K retribution into the soul of*thc fel-i ,. low who thought he had s-ecurnd n- - corner on this dubious trade. Which - all goes to show that there are.in- ieed two Sid“? to every <‘l110~‘v'fi0“-. ind‘ no doubt the ‘Tnotor hobo” could- zell a stofl’ on the farrrigrfr that ye better than mine. { 4 _.z dis- the field.