v‘: "- {JO c,"-.:r;:z2 the azzissolsess, {;<~3‘J finfzo ;«grr.:e;>:cioz1:3 place-2;: be*'m;rc-,~cn the C533’-.'S, sure 1*e:zcucc‘; by <‘:i;3fi1*:».2c2i;e3r‘;. p0::1:o:'*s, amuse or ‘E:o:*::ze21’:: 1:110 sleorgy p.>m3eng:ers. Ste:-‘czm .-mfi i“'g;21‘t: aux}. lave 1::11*2:1.'e:, ::.:m?. are %11c.go21»::r.. .21 zmiz-zanco ‘£31233: cézilziren in ‘travelling; to mzige oi‘ ’i;hcm.*3 clue 13:71:33.6: John, w.‘.«;a'bcé1ea.c:.ngri1;r 1:119 seeming; nrzrgleci: 9;’? Meir chilflr:-cm "Bay 3,’?-1:31: 5:115; iféizriiic. heczanzea rsmore E=.a.z*{%cVz1.c:fl.. am‘: so’: in his C;9t‘c::*::.«i:1a{;ia11 to ‘(reach filler; :1 1033021. on 1:219 ;«:‘:Li"£:h :“..:;:;; they :z;'T‘:iV0 in Calgarzz. H: ‘aim twin 1*-reg; “out by "?.Z‘iw.i...r~1;r:»2r31n-.31? Ja;7**, ‘.5361: as .;_.;re:-::.{: .1-do roe em‘. 7.-M031; 2.235. 131 ‘..,1~i,f:i1i:c2'; up the 1v:‘o.z;:..ec:t oi? .-. ;r;a0<“: zricle. §3I~":.<‘: bzight, 5-guy city, ixitil :3z:n2*'b1:; moving: °th:.~an;;:: of U011 fixoszzzefi peaple, proves 9. 3;31o:.1.'5za21‘«: :5 =4p::lse ‘-sr:>rcx>ve'.c. ;.m3 ‘Size i;j;:nor:.1n'b Diclzic ant} m:c33.e:=.:v;m over ‘the .‘i1zxva‘iou>3 C.2.=.:“-.. .‘-ioircl, to which they are ta:-zezx. $711223 hs.;>.ve iznaginofl such pirzce as the *.'21~;I.‘t:<2r:3 0:2’ .:.:‘c1:ic :2:-:§:1o:::=.1:io::1 imvc écaczfibcfi an we ‘uorfler lanas, ant? }3:b.*€:ic'.c: ;i.:2.::;g;in:,:tion we even canjurc-Ci up an igloo. The ncficin mdnasgcuhere of the {zoom tovm cei’ Calgary, a216, 3«::i.nc’i:ced spirits eviaentlfy on all 5311303 compensates to Ikicizic am? }3i3:’c’:‘ie for the misery of the tr 3.1:, :‘?‘£:f! amilo ‘aixeir uncle 1:3 closeisireft v.ri'!:'u 1’£hiL'~:po::*ir1.:: Jay, ‘was 110.5 in .1on:; fizzle ‘ca 44911 of ‘she revolution Tarewingg on the cattle: 3:.-.=.2:ch -. £211 ‘-.‘:v.:3 zuezzéc a21<‘:‘a h::rmon;y whcrn the :83:-‘am G:_».mx7a 1‘; as ‘chmso, but the 3'.‘oa*er.1aa1 is lizziszzci 22:3 231.1921 as the "bobs idoliucd, ..-- IBi<:%:i.e~ ;3i:.’é:le ::C£.:i1c2 3111; -for gjooa trime. By patlningg Exit: (i.is.monc1 stmis, Esisfilzie soon {£310 179 ob-'{::;:.in ‘she aesztc ed ‘*‘noo::e", vsizidz ‘mg; 2-rm mc:3:n;.'-. {scarce in C:c1{5m= , 1'.1?«.ilo Iiiriiic, having: ssolfi. i:i1e'l::=.s'-’; the jatzrclcm mic}: 131:9 ”:.:1a:c1un:3.i1i:r1g.: Lily Selle Zaaz‘. failed fio £33-fit 1‘1.:ci: :2-am hezr, :i_::. am: in 1-1c;::: ggglorgz in av. "ro,;:2l:.u- ;'j1:zr~3o“ ‘ii ‘ch :2. E3.