w,m,,,,,i..,ly lluy. si um. mill
‘,‘,’,’,'ii"u.l.n .vl....l. ul Illulllllllill l....l .
mm within the iiplll-re ill hi»,
l llulug. slw luvt-ii iii'r N(Vl'liil
lla nlltartilllu-r ill villi-rtnlilllli;
llllL‘i|" Itli'li|_IRl_'liI'!.'( loy Nl\_i1'ly. A,
'iIii.1'l'-lL'lJllIl|l' i-nlrlplleliiiun-i. tin.
llitiiflil were L'lllRl‘tl to tho lillrilrfi
,,_ 5..., in ||(‘i'lIl’tll|l|l'I.' \Villi)[ll’Illc
.- ulllulllllreri to l nulll her i illltn.
udl-. .
nu-uni-nl oi lnlonimn uml .,,
.'.'"liiu two iliiicrolli ll.u.g... sl...
llln vory ilollrl)’v_ ““=*l|l*?=4. 1'liillll, -
lorllllim ll(‘i‘l)|’l|i|\’t‘ly, \\‘|l.*lIIl ,,
,. i'il|ll(llI'i um.» lm llW||_\' lilltl lllii l
r|'lL‘lrll!Wli|!I‘|‘ l\l!
!i“" "
.. i. 1, ‘'11
l£'.'''l'5'.§'.'.'-‘i E’-l..i‘.'.'.i.'. y'é'.'."'r3'lliilW “
lsn ha‘s down?" _ H
ln't intand to hit him Wllelli ll|11:‘|,",l"
lll§f"l".l‘..li°.‘l.‘..l’.“ll.‘:‘C .
no at Chadiord." , -l
ll" -less: ”'“l’."'.lV'.‘l‘..“".‘»il-3-"-ll
it :1 ll Cl 5 new "‘“.'
lcietl l10ln'i‘;uviritt‘l,l' li.‘l‘nnkplllt)'t to 1"‘ "
Nmiooolpont‘ to afn onu-
n Y 0 IW ll iii
L d D"-"“ ..
5 llikfiillnniillmtag doaltldlil P“'.'dill.l I
’°ml,mlail to tell him m>'I“"' ",.,. «
ll!Wl!rcn't alraid no we“
rlbl ii over III||l“-
ho ""
I , ton Gr“
aohoy In “W,
oowfldly in
,. ll
., i from U. K
tho Lmulidarles oi the l'rllvllll-l-,” he Nlllil
in ii rc-cunt lqlulluh. . lie has ll vur
donnltu Wl|ll;l|iI|},’ ii-l
Ham: Kalli: l,liiil,li'Ull
Nowfoullilllillii. l.Gll,1l(ll.I l::,7ui,.xnu
New Zilllluml 1.li-lll.l~lllil i5,n7liiill0
Other llr. lzlllip. l,-llih,.'ll'l0
Tllllll lsl.l,.ln- .. $10-l,0lI1,llJl)V$:i’El-i0,E
Govarninclit ilgiires cstinlillc tho prim-
ilzgggqlorest production nt $197,000,000 inr
Tila lumlier industry. illollo is on ii
$100,000,000 per mmum iinsis. Lust yL'fll'
3,200 saw lllliiii iipcriitoti, aniiliuyeii .'l0,000
portions llllll diutriliutel $27,000,000
wa cs.
nilcr the stimulus oi lnoiierll lillsilloss
Ercssure, tlle_pli1p and [inner illiiilstry has
aeome tlnmlllilllhv Tia founder ill the
that papor lnill in Cunmin enrnell n
¥0V0l'lIlllBllt bounty nl’ L100. To-tiny the
ndustry sullstalltlnily contributes to the
llraiirc-is ol the Donlnlioll. lilill ll liiliion
dollars is invested.
Canada's palpwood rcsollrces nl-e esti-
mated at 1,418,000,000 C0i'(lH of which
630 000.000 cords nrc believed to be
available under present collditlolni,
The importance of the industry ill our
world commerce is cviclcncnll by our
export trado. Pulp nml pllpor exports for
the twoivo months lllldcd April, 1025, were
valued at $140,000,000.
hat does this menu to Clinalln'il in-
dustrial life. to the hroliduliillg proizrtus
the Dominion‘!
hs ultimiite ollect ill ilicnlcuiohle.
,ut the trada returns lit Ienst sllizizest tllc
inlluol-lea which forest; crclltillg ii-eliltll
now bsars alid is likely to continue to boar
to the future progress of Canada.
The Business cl Film mid Fish
ROMANCE illlu hr.-cli strillieri rm...
- Canuda's fur industry! " lot is. ro-
lnnnca has Valle for illl BKCIBIIL i.llu.-in
lflfllvidunla W010 still l.lI3llt‘V|> that Cllllluin
°“l|l_l_Ito entirely of .lcmlui—.-.l..t.».l "Molin-
il‘. trnppors Illltl lt!ll.'li£4. The tiny: al
Elle intrepid trnppcr llilvl‘ llrlfll vlvogl
n .«l lill' .
gluon to alllciulicy liietiiurlii.
Mada’: fur lliluint-as him bucolnc ii
_d,lii'inlta wcultil-crantinir ullit.
CANADA'S 'l‘ilAl)l-I Wl'l‘ll lllll'i‘AlN
llrlln Grflupl
-2 our trnda iniporln i:..,...rl..
ll 0. K. tn
1‘: mu, eiiilnii lilmll‘ 1025
and Vafatnhln
. L|‘llo -
indeed, from tho parlod whon
are Canadian ourrfiflnvl
on in n to micro the
no It in,
Jack Canuck Sums Up His Hel-it
('mllI7llii‘il /mm ,m,,. 37
linsls llll lllll‘lliflll0l‘il|l auction was
l't4ll'i‘llllNll1£ll ill; Montreill At the first
;:l‘i"l;1|I.r-.5,0lil,00il nl lune wore iiulil; the
wyuunljlnisrj’ iusllleei returned in oil
lhui lruln ll umillill thini: the fur busi-
lli'.‘l:l lilo ii...-llnlo Ii ilolirllto co]; in the
lllltluli s nrunollllc nillclllllnry,
‘More nr loss .‘lilii.IDlII|l'_Y llnw upon n
3‘|l(l,il00,iJUO )L‘r nnnum pmllin-limi ll|L‘4l!,
cluuuln H llsllllg lntluttlry is ll ill-iinitoiy-
to-|>e-revkonl -with liiltlnlllll it-wet, Like
our ll|i'l1Ii‘l':