w,m,,,,,i..,ly lluy. si um. mill ‘,‘,’,’,'ii"u.l.n .vl....l. ul Illulllllllill l....l . mm within the iiplll-re ill hi», l llulug. slw luvt-ii iii'r N(Vl'liil lla nlltartilllu-r ill villi-rtnlilllli; llllL‘i|" Itli'li|_IRl_'liI'!.'( loy Nl\_i1'ly. A, 'iIii.1'l'-lL'lJllIl|l' i-nlrlplleliiiun-i. tin. llitiiflil were L'lllRl‘tl to tho lillrilrfi ,,_ 5..., in ||(‘i'lIl’tll|l|l'I.' \Villi)[ll’Illc .- ulllulllllreri to l nulll her i illltn.
udl-. . nu-uni-nl oi lnlonimn uml .,, .'.'"liiu two iliiicrolli ll.u.g... sl... llln vory ilollrl)’v_ ““=*l|l*?=4. 1'liillll, - lorllllim ll(‘i‘l)|’l|i|\’t‘ly, \\‘|l.*lIIl ,, ,. i'il|ll(llI'i um.» lm llW||_\' lilltl lllii l r|'lL‘lrll!Wli|!I‘|‘ l\l!<lI..‘|llt'\\'||N Vl‘l’_\‘ . “h ‘M; ‘lgo[)u('Il|llY \Vlli'li l’illllu |u[lI‘l‘ll lllul il‘IIll|t'l|l" ‘it ,,,.,._ my (ll‘|lr t Inril, Il| wlllll H [W,,,,,. ,,,.,..l your l|.‘<l?<lit|ll\lil'i‘ '- ,,, ,.l..,; in ti-ii l-.l...l_..ll.. .....l vlll\fIllIi\\'li1‘nlIl*l(lIII\VNI ,,i,nli,vi;i-ii her Nlitlilllllirfl. ,,,m.,,,,.. mil _mvn _l||i"(|Ili"-ll it'll 2 Illill it itertilllily inn l. yours, ' ,l ,,.m in» lllllln," t‘l‘i(‘(l ill|' ilulli:— ,._ uinull llrilli: ll..- l...l.-l_.l...u. ,.,.tini. liku tlm nuln ill the lllliiI\ ., lthillll. You'll ln- lino-ly ||\\.’l|_V ,,.turn to ilinizlnilii imllnrruw, itioil ll.-m tn lluln. my mm ,,,,- .. gm, ll. guy in him." i‘|‘[illI'li - -My (ll‘||l‘ lnnll, on out llllll i‘liVi‘ and inrr:-ills. ll<nl‘t l'l|Vi' ill luv. mix in ill: with it!’ " i‘\'u ll lot to ill) with it.“ |i’i('li .,..,.,,.,, "Do you ml,.p.....- l lIll\'i‘- lion-ii «till. llriivliliitz in in... inll.- .. yllllv lli- lu_m lulu-u it lill that i'll\ his llily ' ,,,.olllmi- lll‘ ini.-us --vi-r lllllpl fur liint l lIl|VU no LIMU lur lillti '.~....l
[)i.;M|-)'[']-;1{, lll Nllill‘ oi lit.'\ll‘.’l~ \\’iL~llilli|.: oi llllmia. I-ll lwr-wlf ii“. n-no-ll to in‘ n wunllin Iv\ltrill.:l‘(i r ilnliliicls nnil :<l('|I.*lIil|lili(‘,H lili- 0 nl llllllii, :(l|l“(lUl'li|l‘l'ill Wu“ A" i'il|Ii]ll|H‘li with l.lii'_ .-.....l;i»l.- .uin ill l‘lluln'i< dlsprmltlilll. llil‘ |||)llI‘Yl|lI|{!l llllil clltlrcly 'l‘|‘\'ilill- her cullco ltiull oi liiulil 5 I'lillT- Slll- wool: say liotlillli; oi‘ lllt‘ l and worldly nulc oi tillliizi-, (in: c rurtullc wltll which ilv-rye!“ l‘lilliioil’o. Nur nl ti"-‘ i!<‘““‘“"l3' ll".fll|l! nltllc grout ciilylll min I :- the modern world lllyiili: llll i ii rouid wlshlor atllerluui..l~{ullllill{; in silencer Bllhlnftun ii‘ ml: ll" lrdiluiry way she iicoil‘hI*|‘“"“’- ‘: elegant hit ill’ human bl\’l“H\Llll\ I: out the drawing-roulu. lllnl \\ll‘ lde. In reality he Wlifi mil‘ iii illnwv things witll tentacles (lri\\\‘iIlll,h in; within ranch unto llllllhli) l.‘ had enough money. “l L‘“”“‘‘'' ‘ s not speakinic oi nlolle)’,‘" s. It was a more (i|“'-‘“‘‘’’’ ,, tho name. Pauln wus not lllli/ll; no. Paulo hotly dcllilllllcltlvw an, Clara rotortod tilat silo Ii}]ll:_h have waited until tho nlis \\ {"‘n_ '0 had broken in.hor at-.r\'lk“‘ }“,,,. land hvwas physically lit to UHW throw Spencer l3IIbinl>!i“" "
H'- .. i. 1, ‘'11 l£'.'''l'5'.§'.'.'-‘i E’-l..i‘.'.'.i.'. y'é'.'."'r3'lliilW “ lsn ha‘s down?" _ H ln't intand to hit him Wllelli ll|11:‘|,",l" lll§f"l".l‘..li°.‘l.‘..l’.“ll.‘:‘C . no at Chadiord." , -l ll" -less: ”'“l’."'.lV'.‘l‘..“".‘»il-3-"-ll ll‘ it :1 ll Cl 5 new "‘“.' lcietl l10ln'i‘;uviritt‘l,l' li.‘l‘nnkplllt)'t to 1"‘ " Nmiooolpont‘ to afn onu- n Y 0 IW ll iii L d D"-"“ .. 5 llikfiillnniillmtag doaltldlil P“'.'dill.l I ’°ml,mlail to tell him m>'I“"' ",.,. « ll!Wl!rcn't alraid no we“ rlbl ii over III||l“- ho ""
I , ton Gr“ aohoy In “W,
oowfldly in
l'‘' ,. ll
., i from U. K
tho Lmulidarles oi the l'rllvllll-l-,” he Nlllil in ii rc-cunt lqlulluh. . lie has ll vur donnltu Wl|ll;l|iI|},’ i<lr lllt'Ul|llII): unpiinif ,,,,,,,,,.....-. l illlilcvil 0lii.l|riil I'll|,'iIII‘i'|‘it ni-a helit l||llillilI‘Kl Lu (.it'Vt‘lI)|l nlir nlilin-nil mos, iillil Wll|.'l’|‘VUl' l\tiVlL‘I' ls ilnlllzituii i will suggest to uiiislrle cniiltnl, coil ul- tliiiuli with our i-lligllll-i-rli, i.li|iH the skill lionnsty nn_<i llltel;rli.y ul llur |'il|.{llIl’I’l'll"i}{ ])i'0ll‘3|EllCIl| n<_lit titilittk Nntlllllg unll stop us if we lilllllltlllil hlizh illitliltl. ' Cllnlldllhl iurustri cruiltl: Wl‘||li.ll lor .lnul< ulltri-nclleil
Canuck ill two llilflllilltitl ellnrillaie. I _ Tilero is the l|JllllN‘l’|ll' lllclustry, the
plonuor in the lielcl mill l lurn it! nu» ma lnodarn Hi.l'|i<‘i.|lri! luinwn lei the pulp l||l(l paper llliluntry. CANl\l)A'.‘4l TllAl)l'l \Vl'l'll l').\li'llil-‘4 12 lllurllllu I'lIIli'il Mlirili, iilllll
lu.,....l.. rm... l-:x....n.. l.. l.lTllil‘ll Kllllnlmn $i0l,lll[),Mlll 5:10.’. n Austruiili AV 2,li:i-i,’IilIi 1 ilunnulin . 1-i,Mll0 ilr. liunl. illlllila llr. Gulnnll ,. .. 0,l.lllN.‘70l) llr. sunili Afrlllu lirl,lilu Dr. West Airlcli lllir,700 lir. \VL'iii. lmllnn lll.iii«l:,l0il l0,>i-l Ham: Kalli: l,liiil,li'Ull Nowfoullilllillii. l.Gll,1l(ll.I l::,7ui,.xnu New Zilllluml 1.li-lll.l~lllil i5,n7liiill0 Other llr. lzlllip. l,-llih,.'ll'l0
Tllllll lsl.l,.ln- .. $10-l,0lI1,llJl)V$:i’El-i0,E
Govarninclit ilgiires cstinlillc tho prim- ilzgggqlorest production nt $197,000,000 inr
Tila lumlier industry. illollo is on ii $100,000,000 per mmum iinsis. Lust yL'fll' 3,200 saw lllliiii iipcriitoti, aniiliuyeii .'l0,000 portions llllll diutriliutel $27,000,000 wa cs.
nilcr the stimulus oi lnoiierll lillsilloss Ercssure, tlle_pli1p and [inner illiiilstry has aeome tlnmlllilllhv Tia founder ill the that papor lnill in Cunmin enrnell n ¥0V0l'lIlllBllt bounty nl’ L100. To-tiny the ndustry sullstalltlnily contributes to the llraiirc-is ol the Donlnlioll. lilill ll liiliion dollars is invested.
Canada's palpwood rcsollrces nl-e esti- mated at 1,418,000,000 C0i'(lH of which 630 000.000 cords nrc believed to be available under present collditlolni,
The importance of the industry ill our world commerce is cviclcncnll by our export trado. Pulp nml pllpor exports for the twoivo months lllldcd April, 1025, were valued at $140,000,000.
hat does this menu to Clinalln'il in- dustrial life. to the hroliduliillg proizrtus the Dominion‘! hs ultimiite ollect ill ilicnlcuiohle. ,ut the trada returns lit Ienst sllizizest tllc inlluol-lea which forest; crclltillg ii-eliltll now bsars alid is likely to continue to boar to the future progress of Canada.
The Business cl Film mid Fish
ROMANCE illlu hr.-cli strillieri rm... - Canuda's fur industry! " lot is. ro- lnnnca has Valle for illl BKCIBIIL i.llu.-in lflfllvidunla W010 still l.lI3llt‘V|> that Cllllluin °“l|l_l_Ito entirely of .lcmlui—.-.l..t.».l "Molin-
il‘. trnppors Illltl lt!ll.'li£4. The tiny: al Elle intrepid trnppcr llilvl‘ llrlfll vlvogl n .«l lill' .
gluon to alllciulicy liietiiurlii. Mada’: fur lliluint-as him bucolnc ii _d,lii'inlta wcultil-crantinir ullit.
CANADA'S 'l‘ilAl)l-I Wl'l‘ll lllll'i‘AlN llrlln Grflupl -2 our trnda iniporln i:..,...rl.. ll 0. K. tn
1‘: mu, eiiilnii lilmll‘ 1025
.l,neli,lilln 02,200
.lilill.urai and Vafatnhln . L|‘llo -
indeed, from tho parlod whon are Canadian ourrfiflnvl on in n to micro the no It in,
Jack Canuck Sums Up His Hel-it
('mllI7llii‘il /mm ,m,,. 37
linsls llll lllll‘lliflll0l‘il|l auction was l't4ll'i‘llllNll1£ll ill; Montreill At the first ;:l‘i"l;1|I.r-.5,0lil,00il nl lune wore iiulil; the wyuunljlnisrj’ iusllleei returned in oil lhui lruln ll umillill thini: the fur busi- lli'.‘l:l lilo ii...-llnlo Ii ilolirllto co]; in the lllltluli s nrunollllc nillclllllnry, ‘More nr loss .‘lilii.IDlII|l'_Y llnw upon n 3‘|l(l,il00,iJUO )L‘r nnnum pmllin-limi ll|L‘4l!, cluuuln H llsllllg lntluttlry is ll ill-iinitoiy- to-|>e-revkonl -with liiltlnlllll it-wet, Like our ll|i'l1Ii‘l':<I, our fllty-live thousiinil I‘l:ohi-rmull hnve alxlstiv: ursi-ii in silcil yours lei hut year when t la sixty million Klulliil‘ level WILI l’i!l|L‘llL'll. ’l‘lio ll-llling liliiuntry us now not up is. in till- llililn, illl rllitgrllwtli oi the lust hull’ wllillry, ln 1.\i-i-l.ilh- mlllnaiuul vnluc nl thil WlIi.L'lI Wm! $l‘.55,Uilil, liy 1800, how- over‘, the llllllillll n-turn llzld pasisvrl the llllillilii dullllr nlnrl: Ton )’I‘l|I':l later it went to nix riillliolli-l :lllLi by 1878 til tweivu niiilliln, ill the I‘ill'ly llli1L'llEt4 it ]ll|iL‘ii‘ll twullty nllliimlfl and in l‘Jll tlipiu-ii tliirty-lnur lilililons. Among IllIliVl\"l|lI|l fl.-iii ]ll’0(.lUl'L‘1 cod rlllil lilllillnll lung illziputell Canadian prlrrliil-y; ii the l'L'i.'1llKl goes hnrk to till- \‘L'l’y in-izlllilillg oi Callnclian fulhilli: the L'llIl llluiit lit: ncciliitcd IL‘! tile mont vtliiillllle. ill the lust liltecn years, how- over, the rialninli illis Lieflliitciy taken the iilnd and tho llolivy pilck liml l‘il|,'l‘i prices of inhsters hllvo lnora than sent cut! down til third ill or British Columhla now iIt‘L!||[)lL‘£4 the provincial ll.'l|ll|!l‘.llll]J in tho ii!<llll1(.{ industry.
'I‘lIu New Wuiilrli l'rmlucer
CANADIANShl1vc, uliate ycnrs, begun to take cognizance of it new ulilt oi wenltll production. Two years a it pro- riilcerl $136,000,000 for Canada; list yaar $160,000,000. This year hy all rolisonahle eoiilit, it will exceed $200,000,000 liecouss it will he stiniulatcii liy organized ei"ort. I refer to our tourist trade.
(000 onllttcd) 1922 1923 1924 3 S S
Flllltl crnpn , 052.25: 500.100 sssaao lhirni oniuliiis 77.5.is 82,402 00,037 Wool .. . ., 3,100 0,100 :l,'r'r1 Ulllry ]1l’ml 2iii,r.70 200,033 204,000 Frulla it veg. 05.005 50,210 44,343 Poultry
nn<l eggs ., 03,315 58.647 00,830 For nmuilu: 1.530 2,175 2,300 Miiiiic proti. 5,570 4.709 5,901 'l‘nlluccn ., 4.5-is 3.513 1,369 Ciavcr ilnil
mm sued -l.:‘ltiI7 4,000 3.000 'l‘iIiI|lll . 1.:lsl),'.‘..~l0 0,050,000 1,468,388
Before the Will‘, I understand. Switzer- llilld counted it n sntlsiactory year when the tourist trniia bruugilt in $150,000,000. Cnlliiiia tlloll lnny ho snid_to ilava atartc_d lluaynlltly with its now “lndustry." This
|'||r provlllcilll urlmlllzatlons will taka hold of the irlen; ill short. wa Clllliidians will cnpitnlizc our seellcry ilnd our hospi- tnlity—turll it ovor llito all income-pro» dllcilllz IIlllL‘l|ll|L‘ and lot it \\'url( for us.
’i‘llu:io. than. llro the lorlrls which Jiloir Cnlilic|:‘s wealth tnkes. Those liro his lnun-is fur lillllkin credit at home lllld nllroiul —unrlelllnh y tilextilullcilast secur- ity nny nation can ullcr
Those nrc the rellsols for an ahidillg mllllhlollce ill tho l'uture~tilnsa and an llllwrcllt lnitil ill Cllllliiilalls. tilt-mselvu for tilalr yciir ill and your our performance uvar n period of yours. _
It is hocilusa of ii lulnwludnc of Canada ll illllrinnlnntals that men ks Otto l-l. Kuhn. thorouglliy versed in international acollomlcs, plodzo their luitll and olier their co-oporlition ill the iuturn up- llililtlllllfi at tho Dominion.
as Canada la a atora-llouso of proclous mllioruls. or rich and rare l’urs._oi mat and glorious forests. or iziifnntla watar lorcol 01 acres. richly lol-tla. awaiting ch. tillor to lulflli the prophecy that do shall become the granary oi the
Canada ’s Minera
I Eldorado
Supplies the World with Nickel One of the World's Great Gold Camps
in 1924, Produced 40.59 per cent. of all the Minerals Mlnecl in Canada
Some Figures in Ontario's
Mineral Output
To the and of 1922 Ontario's l'l‘llliE5 had paid in dividends and bonuses for the gold compnnies $65,867,183; and for the older silver companies $86,388,185.
To the and of the slime year there had been
from the mines of the province
produced $676,000,000 approxi-
mately as follows: Silver $220,800,000: Gold $108,300,- 000; Copper $60,800,000; Nickel $176,700,000; Pig Iron
$84,800,000; Coibnlt $10,100,000.
Gold and Silver him“
The Mineral sections of Ontario are steadily growing in import- ance with tho growing discover- ies of new mining properties. Up- wivrds at’ 70 per cent. of the province is underlain ‘by the Pre- Camhrion strata, which has been such a prolilic sourca ol’ precious rind bass minerals. Evcry indica- tion points to tho fact that On- tario is only beginning to come
of the
as wall as graphite, talc and gypsum.
this was a serious factor. hll’|l1tEl‘{* however, them has been
throu hunt the Province. fiighqzrads feldspar,
Nickel and Copper Followirl
the war years them deal ed falling all in the
demand for nickel and copper. As Ontario produces 50 per cent.
nickel used in the world, For-
into its own as a gold and silver , Kn, ,, p(|_ncQ_th-ng ,l3m.mi in do in sectl rl. In 1920 the h , i, _ oil-zpui? 05 gold ow-as 565,288 fine that H in“: t the“ maul’
ounces; in 1921 it had risen to 709,509 ounces and in 1021! it had reached 1,000,190 ounces for a value of szo.s74.1oll. This with iI,,,.1,_ the man now finds haing re- man: ported amoat_dnlly is rapidly making those figures seem unim- portant. New discoveries of oil- ver in_tha South Lorroln camp have given a new impetus to this industry, and there promises to he a rapid davolopmcnt during tho coming year.
Many Other Minerals
Ontario produces virtually all the economic nllnornis, with tho ox- ception ol coal and tin. Ontario has lar c dcposlts of iron are that, wit the new processes now being perfected will nssuma great imfiortance. ami will in oil proh- iii) it)’ replace the “iako" arcs of Michigan and lillrlncsutu. Nan- metali_c minerals and structural ulutcriai: are also widely distri-
for the
once more, into prominence, with II more certain and assured de- mand. Mining companies or: now
roduclng at virtually
rs—war archip- in the near
and still further is indicated
future. From these Sudhury oroa, lnipnrtant metals of the platin in group, as well on silver and 3101!. are being recover-ad.
Generous Governmental
The Provincial Goilcmlucntglvcs every assistance to those inter- ested in the development or its mineral resources. It maintains a large stall
In-ans. and pin , data. and all this is a\'o.liahle on
for mapping nsiv pr ring accessory
L The Department also maintains on many office at Cobalt chiefly
sampling of silver ores.
and aim at Toronto for the {rec idontificntion of minerals.
Copies of the Oni:l'li'io Milling Act, mill lists of publicntiolis fIll_(l.lnlIpS may be secured on ilppiicutioli lo the Deputy Minister. Those holding mining licenses. costing $5.00.
mny stoke: :10 acre cininls on Crown innds is given on the completion of
lands. Title to such 200 doys' work, and
the payment of from $2.50 to $8.00 an acre.
Provincinl taxes do not hear heavily on the lllduSl2l')'.‘ The tnx is 3 per cent. on net profits in excess of $10,000. Evan
ill this case the first $10,000 is sxcmp iiutornilticiiily relieved ill icon years.
t, and the ilid.ustr_v is
For further information in regard to Ontario and ill: opportunities, communicate u1IHI:—
Hon. Charles McCrea Minister nl Minn for ma I-mom nl onimu Toronto Ontario
London, fiigluid
W. C. Noxori
Ann! Gonna! for Ontario
lfl Strand