1.‘ E I in had suddenly d; h, ill vim. killed one‘li“3i "i (1 th NH hty R k M ' from a cruise up the I, , g y momf d . din.’ _ F - - "*3 a“ "ring rmm fl ofleryou new t/91zllr— with 1932 economy lamentations. Butin afew days the lVl]‘ and though twice m,,,.r, , two-legged creatures (‘Elma 1-‘ dead-water. The shore opposite Lhi. and taught them to slim the water, much as ' W Dfefised along the sides; or -i was great fun, and they rm with a splash, and slim neath for several yards, in l v _ V 1932 CANAD|AN HOME JOURNAL and carried it off. Qmm lodge. Indeed, they W, V hunting grounds, and 1)-,,. sailing back and forth ,,, . rose abruptly some thirty fy down hills in the winir-r um, enough of it. They \Viiu]il , , swim back to shore, clam Er o m p a g e 4 O in the Woods 11, - mode the nights “ii or slunlr along the shag‘ ‘M: upon the young Oup°"'i , tected. One moon1i{}r' ‘i beavers were busy [9] k ‘L ‘ ‘: of the parents_ Raw”! . l for several days, fimng t|;,_““ the old otters brcathmi ' they departed without mu» . . the old otters often t,,,,:\. otters slid on their liellnx, ‘l down the steep incline, ‘lr ,. repeat the feat. UT though Kewinnicl; ll’ were unmolested hy l‘ race, they were soon to cm s from one of their own him, early one morning from ., lake, Kewinnick saw a Si rn peering at him from hi-1 rushes which grew on a llll the slide. Immediately hi swam under water to the hi. and found his family dim caught trout. But him in strangely excited, getting to listen at the opcnini: i return to her young illli aflectionzitely, Ii.'.\V1| ‘ ” H parted. With a hound .l“ ‘_ ‘ ADIAN ATIONAI. 2;: surface of the rater Zlifilimw / Vancouver . , him. He suwt orlnilfl ‘ ‘ - , V I '_ , , ,' mm feeding mu,’ t,_..,,§,',,..i{i‘|>:‘ ,.[:a/1'/a/Z‘ Kaela:/'r(,y_,/i/122'/IL ///1. 0‘ nu/; LccL_ her brood, but 0 um A‘ stranger no sign, Iln (i”“ii[Ml singing, and from the f*l‘”’f; , the beavers busily fcllini! 4 (Contimwd mi IW’