


had suddenly d; h, ill vim. killed one‘li“3i "i (1 th NH hty R k M ' from a cruise up the I, , g y momf d . din.’ _ F - - "*3 a“ "ring rmm fl ofleryou new t/91zllr— with 1932 economy


Butin afew days the lVl]‘ and though twice m,,,.r, , two-legged creatures (‘Elma 1-‘ dead-water.

The shore opposite Lhi. and taught them to slim the water, much as ' W Dfefised along the sides; or -i was great fun, and they rm with a splash, and slim neath for several yards, in l v _


and carried it off. Qmm

lodge. Indeed, they W, V

hunting grounds, and 1)-,,.

sailing back and forth ,,, .

rose abruptly some thirty fy

down hills in the winir-r um,

enough of it. They \Viiu]il , ,

swim back to shore, clam

Er o m p a g e 4 O

in the Woods 11, -

mode the nights “ii or slunlr along the shag‘ ‘M: upon the young Oup°"'i , tected. One moon1i{}r' ‘i beavers were busy [9] k ‘L ‘: of the parents_ Raw”! .


for several days, fimng t|;,_““ the old otters brcathmi ' they departed without mu» . . the old otters often t,,,,:\. otters slid on their liellnx, ‘l down the steep incline, ‘lr ,. repeat the feat.

UT though Kewinnicl; ll’ were unmolested hy l‘ race, they were soon to cm s from one of their own him, early one morning from ., lake, Kewinnick saw a Si rn peering at him from hi-1 rushes which grew on a llll the slide. Immediately hi swam under water to the hi. and found his family dim caught trout. But him in strangely excited, getting to listen at the opcnini: i return to her young illli aflectionzitely, Ii.'.\V1|<l‘\'li:‘ nick that she had H('(‘ll lhi He hristled with iUll,’l‘F

Had the stranger mi-r"l3»' l . . . . _ V - - ,1 um‘, fighing 1,93,,-(. 1-yriviw This year Jasper offers you greater vacation thrills than warmed outdoor swimming pool, and happy evenings in Other W‘-IliBI”W1|.V» UT “’“" '.‘ ever heforc- and at low rare; to fit 1932 economy. the Lodge itself with its luxuries and coinpanionsliips and,

*0 ink“ “P hi5 ”"”d" l" i] now, the added attraction of the best trout fishing on the

the former, all wcll and is Lovely Malignc Lake, one of the finfcsth trourhlnrceding continent qt Mmgnc Like latter KEWl""l‘—‘k “'“"‘ .'W waters on the continent, is open for is ing t is season ' ' tamely 5“b"‘lt t” “W M‘ f h f‘ ( (imc All these thrills and amenities you may enjoy for $8.00 a A “we 1”" he MI‘ W‘ or K C "5 ~ - f d day room and nicals—wiih a 10 per cent (.li§C0lI|"l[ if you coming to the surface Hf Jasper also offers the exhilaraiion o snow-cappc r _ _ l°°k9d “bout him‘ Am] Rockies; the adventure of trails to ride; of peaks to stay two weeks or longer. Any Canad.ian1\.lauonal r\gcnt I added fuel m m5 anger’ W climb‘ the challenge of a championship golf course; a. will give you illustrated booklets and full information. RUIZ 1:(ll‘l’J‘ (III? y

on top of the beaver lvlllf‘ with the family of liiuw stranger, calmly sunning:

was ii. beautiful crcatui-in M

in big as KeWlhHiCl(~~l|ll(“ l Iunli.

L0)1't'I‘, T00


him with i1 proud am I mm” . . . . mi Quickly Kewinnick. ;u“i\ lliiliiax . , . . .siis.7u entered the den nnd run. I . «gm: . “mi Quclici, . . . . day. He slept but hit [ I-N , Mmmml I . ' 9_,_m disturbed by dreams I! N Om“ _ "mu

-0 as

the pence of his domain. H ing he sunk into iiL(lfii(:’;vr:|l"' i -I - <4‘ W finally to find tlm Smkmmml I I > H

parted. With a hound .l“ ‘_ ADIAN ATIONAI. 2;: surface of the rater Zlifilimw / Vancouver . , him. He suwt orlnilfl - , V I '_ , , ,'

mm feeding mu,’ t,_..,,§,',,..i{i‘|>:‘ ,.[:a/1'/a/Z‘ Kaela:/'r(,y_,/i/122'/IL ///1. 0‘ nu/; LccL_ her brood, but 0 um A‘

stranger no sign, Iln (i”“ii[Ml

singing, and from the f*l‘”’f; , the beavers busily fcllini! 4 (Contimwd mi IW’