June 15,1925
M as right ciircas this tune, rny _ 1" yonsus hlld (OHM hlm. WlIL'll Iio lIL’llYLl it my... ,1 aianiont 1...... use he atarail 1... .;reLlt1loual)'- the door 1...... sluul. o. 0,, He stagg.-rad to l‘- . liwsiau . i\l'sieu"‘ yglce nioroi-d «ha stlllnns He stumlgllztl tom... 11.. .l....r, lt......1 Nmstlll st..r..... l‘lU\Vn Into the l1:l1=1.- nlutu lime or 11 latl ul .il...... ulisan , "S111ntl‘l:rer lll'P.'(Ell|llTl(!(lllll merit "IlD\\' (‘lln_I(‘ you llnm" “At the hiildinu oi llluilollltllmllu Ninellc ouho " e liny l’L’plI .11 in .. 7 1..-1.. ..... pp‘ "i\ltIde1nu151:lluls1rlde1:1| gr111:lnu5/ ...l you law a l1r11\'o|l11l—lluL Ian. must. ..1 frat-ll loss c1{|lluull."llt> rnultorurl, .1.ah...g his llenrl. "You 11l1lt=I lliku llli.-1 cllnllt-0 _ urged the llllv rtlusrly. dalros 1t—— 111 It l5 your mil with ii 11.. urt lltu){ll Darn] hilmllzll up “l'llt:1llel1.nlyllLl|e1i11a— ‘(ls anly tlm llusll that .s iinuilling Huw .iro no to got out of llcru" 11.... am Its not cleur Dl that 7'' 11a 1. ttrmngt-ll all." Klieil the 1.... ugsrly. "\\ lien aha 1.. .1 or iuthor order you to ho liruiiglit I11-ru she harssl - 1- islreyt-.nmlt..n.a11.11.. hausa at my who is 1... gr.-u. lrlaad. It1s>hc who will illiI.'yU|.l 1... 1... ship this night. 11. is a hsl.ar...i.n. M‘:-ieu. sad walls 1... us nnv. 1.. :1 l.o..t at the mouth of the L'EJqu1lle River Ilut we must hasten‘ When the svntry p11.-1 es again we 11 hurry out. Th... you .n 1 follow me.
e . :‘e,‘;}‘, .1,“ roply W113 tuned by :1 at came from the terrace at the ltlle house. A monient litter shlluts . s could he heard on the 1:l';1\'nlled '1}... 3.1 with .. sharp o...l..n.ut..... hack into the Slmdows or the .trso. The hluod was now trickling Du-1-i]1:y's lslt arm and drippin r iron: his fingers. llo t-olllll lee I.-ealraning and Du.-nl was pro... .. hunk with rurious thrusts by inch he hurl to giro groulltl. was now or never lie kiiuw, 1... a ,1 people had uppt-tired :11 the {not ,,..1. null pure -1 utint; ai.xi..t.s as. It he did notgiia this l‘l’ElIElIs s riiiletus immediately all hope 111' was at an ..-ad. Gsith.-rini; his strength with :1 great ollort ho . quick lsint. As the otllizr side- he sprout: iuryvard and drove his unit with all h.a strengtli. Duviil. through the breast. uttt-rad u 1-y, his sword dropped from his .11 he fell buslrwnrds to the short
Let n vlhlspurml
atuly the crowd gathered about . t-omlnltnntx, utliers nugmelirlng the house at every instant. Two 2, bending over the lltllell mun, is head [mm the ground “Smnted t is Duvnll" one nl’ them crledlu
stricken man, with an Efiart, iinssll up and pointed a wavering l Dnrnluy, who, weak from the blood. was {umblmg with his
tnnsl. "St=.i_ze 111...!" ha gasped _A minute later they were standing , his ayas glirtenug mllllgllzlrltly. without the dour. in lront uf V1'l)l('li scan.» English ofllcer. . . e.~s1:1iped—" steps led up to the hiirriiclt squllnz niit
ed. choked. spat up a gran. of blood and fell back dead a crowd surged in n1'n.lnu11sly 2 swaying Dllruley the Governor L “NA1:n_e of God. Metsaieurs." ldedungrlly. “whut{olly1's tll1s"' an Duvul lies dead here, Excel- ins or the hystanders explulnecl "They; have {ought-also and 1 Ha painted to Dnrnley. 111-110. 1 to resist. had been seized by he crowd. iberuaile stepp_ed towards him. linrli exclltmnzlon of omozemotit -e1:l_ |l'1t1‘7rh|_S pals laas. “Name ..-.1 cried, lttsthe English pl-isuner' e you by that unllorrn. M's1'eu'."' «led ooldl . “Hnveyuu killed yat ll H111 ll a1'aty‘o officers?" lxgellency.“ Dnrnle replied. fl .m1le tostsrilng itssr upon his leatures "it II the property or en gentleman who now lies 21' the tinge willows in [rant or .-east bastion. I apologize [or nhldden to your lnll—I killed
luval in lair fight——he ml:
the hay led raant.
We would be seen 11 we went up ths steps ' the hay wh.pcre1:l in D:1rrtIt=y's an. as tlisy re.icl.stl the bath or the magazine. "but if we climb up here vie .l'mve only to sllp over the ailge of the rnmpnrt Do you see l.'lll1t’l"»l1c- [lolntml to _1m an stanchion lllmve their heads which joined the magazine to the outer wa1l—"You must pull you all up an it. When you hnvc dime so nit until the ssntry passes again llml than get clear. ['11 [allow you.’
Durnley grnspall tho tltancllinll llnd tried to pull himself up, but in lus weal: state was barely able la hold hlsl weight.
_"Put your knees on my back and I'll raise you," whispered the boy.
Even with the latter’: help 11nd strain- ing to. all hs was worth Da.nlsy ans lust nble to drag hiulslzlf aver the but‘. and the exertion started lIlS imuntl
ceding again. But at last he lnnl: his weight all‘ the l1uy't1 pntisnt 1....-1. and. with (set firmly planted on the stunt lmll bur. crouched low tu wall the s1z11try‘s as... passing.
His hand was swimming and only by Fitting his tooth and d.gg...g h.s fingers nm the nraviuea of tho mtuonry, could ha keep from awnylllg on his lll'lrm\\' Fetch. Al: last he heard the dull tllud nl flpprauching lisist. Ilu croucllud EVDII lower. Butjust as the ssatry was cllreetly opposite his root alippud on the h_ar, aettin oasis a piece or mortar, _wluL‘lI nttle into the mont llelnll‘. \\1th a Ihnrp exclamation the soldier stopped and
IV In towards the udgu.
In that terrible moment some power not 1:! himself seemed to enter Dnrnle) 1:
the wily along the n'.lr1o\\'
rnvy_bIa11ket that was fnllinlz 121 him Ieemed to plualyse his as slumped weak] against the who were holding him. its in n w_the old Governor, his fate fllctlnz emotions, turn from Ire at the dead man, and than . declare ln I grave and twice: "M‘oieu Dnrnle , CE¢d.ln§ly the [ally that hruugglt Ill for you no 11 brave
A |Ivnlin|Ioldl2rol’Fr1m1:e. we been bound to me by
1' tin had on not killed h1'1-11. Wmkened ainewl. With a mighty sprint; Ierglure on y one noun, 1-“. me E leltpad from the stanchion to the edge . c a Ms.l.1.sud—" he 0! tho .....at and straight at the semrvs In olllitsr mailing ow by— ‘thrust. Tho lattar struck dumb by this have the firing p romy pt Iilddea apparition, iad time nnl to utlgr Tlka him lwny. s an 1...; has It muflled exclamation hglort. lll'nlEY 5 am the dungeon place id... in ‘flutters tightened ahaut h.a ‘throat. The ' .,.i"“"‘"'"‘=*g""‘-" . »..lg".'°..'l."';.‘“l" “i.‘l..i.l';i.”'..l‘é“‘..’.".?£ t > ll 1.- a n a . inns...’ "" ‘""{"I l'"k° ‘:9 plant unwlndlnl; uhtrlp at aheetmlt frflm
liaut 1.1a Ilcndar hady, ‘illndnmnisellr lnotto bade me bring it in case of an glmtar like this," his said with ll low h_. n he hiindad it to Darnley.
rr_ y this tlaia the Englishman wuld ri.-sl traagth wanlnit BKfll7|. and the it‘
in so quit-.1rly that his wall-nlgh
he got this aeamr, surged
B Ether: mills HID tlméfinlfig
I ll
'“""'.1ll'i's“l'o lowgd the hay an
loidas down the aids or tho
_ ah:,,_.fl.'m of this month a!
ll ’ "Em llllllilrg lIlh§IlIcflll.llcd' up In hll -
rgd .. glorious and Imnl
unchor nut la. in. . D" H mtl11.tFrhnL'l1vl'nrsl11ps ‘h';:llL3nll?'|_\Cl!I .1... hotio... at the hunt Hm sham.‘ mUll'lSL|(1IlSl'I¢“h nlto1,vethc-1_at. “bum D); ‘hl.t.“.....1 had been carried mm “or Inc El 11:. two«an1l the hay (“Mm “ Hm s4ll1clt1:1usly,_ wstting l..s (WM er .>. :1 l.a...ll.-oreliisl whlcli ha er.» now and th... u\'L-l’ the aids t.r.a.1 and a
R plml$lvr1' urin ssulalin hmrktw Icnlldrnrarlo to-iiig 1: nlllc-r we helped lliln uvnr the [5I|IK‘llEll‘1§l'fil all to the tiny tnhln. llors tha 5mne.Vuermn1}1 1.. .. lantern and iron. n 0! H1 lKl.'ln_l cc1Jl'ncr|ll'Jurl:Ll hstlll drink in film 11 rlnln .. nius. Wlllllh he hooded nrn ... He thor. .l.s......a...od up the lfifilmilrlnlaii-tiny and presently tl.l1:-y haliril lllrl glxlnlz orders fol-lvurll and the trunk (1fYl.~lllll{ sails. The liny tn.»
__‘ to his lost. “1 must go H 1... said ii. (in ullllly tr.-nuless voice Ad u. Mslau Lclnt-la.s." ‘1SDlnEllIIfl£l stranizt-ly tithstic in his 7‘ ilriiliail figure 1‘.[ll’II.-Kl zirnluy'a ry. _nu_l.ra is brl1\'e lad lar your years," lie said. and 1 shall nave. lnrgut the debt I Ellvllc you "
l“1.an1. ya... .\l'.s-icu," said the other timely’. turn1l'll.:tuw1Ir1ls the 1:umpn11lun- _ '-tliio nia.n...t, my lad!" into Wllillu I
cried Dllrnley. l1e_ hriuldy hnil put new lilc The hay I1sltl1tE1l~lurnetl
"1 uisi ou to crirry a risssagu to l\ll1Kl]l3Eml‘1I51:l(' ‘nut. --
'T1.o lnd's syss
> ut ya, . 1ll.l.ar..l ntltlly.
"She did nut hy any ahance toll ynu why she tuult suah tsrrihla chllnci-.1 1...
my behalf, .ll.1 slie?" AQU.A1NT slnlle llrulce nbaut the boy‘: ...outl.. 1. ]'l1.‘1ssed——1md he answered gravely: "She told me that you had do... er a grant sari-iaa, t\I's1eu '
But Diirnlsy,_ staring at him ii-icrsrlir lously, had stumbled to his feet. Crussulg ..h.up.ly to Where .l.a lad stand 1... reached nu. d...n.at1a..lly and snatched the woollen cup 1...... the l..tts.'a llend. "Smut Pl2ter'” ha cried, as a cascade of dark curls fell lroin under it, “since ..—1.a.. have .1... lads at Port itoynl grown uossss 1.1.. thes 1 _11s took ans at the glsi.....n.. curls .n lus hnnd with .i low lzlllgll of delight. "Al.1!"he arlsd. as the other drew away sharply, nlleelu rloodiag
. 1. colour. ‘_‘You llroke you. excellent .s.,.u.ss lly sniiliug. l1a.lsn.alssus Suhar- oaso. F... when you snuls you show two dimples thllt 1 would know anywhere." ' he gul rxicliainleds ~1 .n..st ' and turned quickly towa..ls tho l:01l‘1pIlIllun~wny. llut D11rnle_ h.....1s round her should- o.s. tu...s.1 1.... about. “You may go it you so desire, i\llldem aell.-. but [list 1 my 1 .. to .1...-..-s the ....»ssagt 1 lllul i..l..=...lu.l sending by :1 llrnve hid wlm h..s nuw .l..a..psa.so. Mademoiselle ——he 1...... da.... u\’cl’ 1... earnustly~—"I .1.» slrutl hin. to toll you that 1 lava you— that I \\'lll 1lE\'(‘|’ Iurget you.“ llcr l.uad 1...... 1... value so low he .....ld lmruly cnlcll .1... wl.lsps.s.1...-ords, she r.pl.a.l: "1. 15 a great hanau. to as lo.-..l ay 50 1....-a a nian . . Adieu, ixlaiuux Slle t.....ad nwny ahohiagly.
la... 1.. would not lat 1... go, draw 1.... back llgnln, turned 1... .olu.ta..t lace up so thnt her eyes had to meet his own. I-111......" hs cried uagsrly, and in tas ...i....... hi all luvars, -'1 can only allel-
ou .. hon... 1.. an alien country. But 1.1 ovv tan .....l.a ..ny land a true hand it s1...1l not ho allsn lon . will you come with i-111: to Boston? I live unite: there. 1 1...... it in a nughtyhaaa to ash. hurl love )'nu—! love youl
,1. ans otnred up lntcl hla syis. her own wide with a sort :1! wond.aus aws the grinlotl ald aenrunn thruat 1.... head do».-i. tho so... anian— _ At the slghf that
outta irn astanishnisnt hrolro aaroas
is wi-lnhlsd tsaturi-s, nnd l-ia uclllrnad mmy; “The haat awaits to take you ashore. 1itsdsn.al.s11s.'j
sha turaod to hln. with a mean laugh _. gay, hravs llttla laugh that wlul like i blrd flyl g into the .u... '1 anti wlth rm]. Junl aha clgecl. ;_ Inkn huts and
char. ‘7 °“' mA:nthe ollinyrrlnn dlsappaarad, stialrlag hla hurl incrgtlulllzualy nhehturnsd auto IHIBY1 IIWDIG all e °"' ‘’ latakllwla snawsr.
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