8 milk cows from the rest of the herd unfl flriving then down to the mi1k.shcd. at him in reward, "Goo&'ol& Sat! Nico ole Eat!" I call but only the vaggng toil anfi lalling tongue anf a yolping borkn of that emu l Jog reveals that he hears LB. fiat is at work, and not to be heguilefl by the fair words of 3 more gcman. Those cows must be taken and driven into t=e eowshed, ant then Lay has a Job to close that aoor with his nose, 3 trick taught him by my twelve year old boy. Presently as I town into the path that leads throng our woods down to the Ghost River, 1 hrur yu.ting behind me, and lo] Eat, his job done, breathless from his f antic run to catch I up with us, yclpo for agyrovul. that 3 flog: little mongrel cattle cur, with an ugly, shaggy coat, a comical wise head vith one our everlasting cooked up gnu two right intelligent eyes that fix themselves faithfully upon yours, u:& makes you think of "Alice, Bent Bolt, who wept with aclught when you gve her a smile, ana tremhlefl with fear at jour froth". We have o dandy cantor home, But recing anfi heating us. I don't have to utsoédle Silver Heels, tor by this tiue, the "hands" are in, anfl I to the house, as the men are hungry enough to<33t a horse, and if I don't have a c ackajack'nnel.for them, there won't be anything left of Silver Heels. *3 I come into the ranch house, I feel refrrehed one hungry, and have forgotten ull about being cross with Kelly. She, too, is in fine humorn, actually singing indeed as she hustles abiut getting dinner on time. I see her eye going over and anon to the window, and I take note that Hollie is singing the same song that that new cowpuneher of ours is whistling , _, . , .---I am relieved of my horse and been to "sknddoo" ‘Q