

/I STRADIVARIUS, greater! name in the birmy ? vialin making. He /eamra’ the violin rrafmrmi wlm lived befim him. T n tlair weal!/1 of eaperienr: /2/r //-axle fmm a I7IrlJI£'7' who had preiiiaurly a mrbezl I/1: énawlrdge of all /1’! added a lifetime of /:1; aim. There it no m/irtimte fizr eapmrme.


4 Separate Degrees of C0la'—Aut0meztzcall)/ Mezz'12tczz'72ed

E A L S in the 1932 Deluxe Kelvinators . . . and many other points of preference

( ; REATER convenience, greater efficiency, richer beauty. ally would give you a definite reason for choosing a kelvinatori

' A - .- il . i . we me’ Wand on Um I The 1952 Kelvinators represent the accumulated experi— For instance, 4-way cold—four separate degrees of cold, all

I. Frequently, \ve envcr i

ind snap a big elastic hm ence ofa score of specialists over a period of 13 years. automatically maintained (1) steady cold for freezing ice at eBureau's[avouritu1:w i 7. v _ . - , . ' Y Kelvinator's fast s eccl' 2 su erfast freezin of ice and . _1 I -1 ,h(_,, Lord KCIVID, by his far reaching) experiments, ai ossn the 1 P g I

‘|2eli{i}:1u(iidoSflT(i.(:”n‘,‘0ai:,l(ii-:; iii principles on which all electric refrigeration is based. Then <l€S56flS§ (3) 11 Spficlnl Cold storage compartment \Vll‘l‘l below- tol‘ the shelves. \Vr- rim _ Kelvinator, by specialieing in this line alone, brought the freezing COM; (4) C0l1ff0llC_fI COIFI. IDCUVCCFI ‘I0 “WI 50 lei‘ Ones Would “"““"“" dumestic electric refrigerator to its degrccs. H1 KIN‘ DCIUXC f00¢I C0mP“”' £383; pTE£Iu§;§"‘Z’:)‘:"L';l‘:\"if‘., present state of reliability, economy MAD E IN C ANA D A ments. Here indeed are features that eif given‘, ch.m¢,,,—cuii : and convenience. Kelvinator was firs: prove Kelvinators supteinacy. it-t llling unit. inthc field.Every\vorrhwhileinven- with all Kelvinatofs advantages,

“=11 YOU! I‘9II‘i}5l0T=‘I:"' tion in electric refrigeration for the refinements and beauty, the price

ivice as to wiere 0

home has been contributed by

lingflscienfifimny ‘WM’ Kelvinator. 7719)‘! it no J1/bi/‘itute

is remarkably low. Ask your nearest Kelvin-ator dealer

LOOK AT our 5"" /0" £’-\‘/7m?’”“’- about the NEW PRJCES. Made "8 9': down to M5“; Each of Kelvinator's 20 in Canada by -Kelvin-ator‘

3“ glngnm at the bakini: points of preference of Canada Limited,

ipnration that is in prim“, considered individu- LOHKIOH; 0m'-“'10-

u mizke constantly, I 11”" j _ th 3 close refrigerator I‘

n the Home Bureau. >‘ made early in the day. L“ c, unfolded with waxfldvlj » ldest part of the ram» j ad until ten minutes ‘rm [uires them, or the ten ill

i will complete tl10"‘


you can make several 2 ,.

lg them in the winced l"‘ll"\:, , . - E L E C T R rash baking the da)’ 3'“ lster than n held-.0‘/i“'

thud we like is to_ re}? “1_.

nt—and add thelllflu" [H I richer dough it I5 04"‘,-" “I

ll? Your best pastry l“‘L”]“, l

lwell before going mm hm

