The first I ‘knew that something unusual had occurred was when something thumped 11 hard against the putside well of the ranchouse and then I heard the shouting
voices of some of the riders, tearing down in pursuit of the "®oeg:Les"——— Thats what they call the cattle.
I looked out of the window, and it seemed to me as if the house
, 1 ? s $\.-.4
ff? surrounded by cattle They were ti~ampii1g~ng over floweli; Beds bang /24! A n V
ocas hing against A:§8_;€‘_9$:‘123g$‘?of them had i>{§n§ ’to‘%;tm verandah and one'wind.ow at least lvas smashed. of course, the revolution was soon queelled by the experienced
cowhands and the fugitives driven back to the corrala. Yfhen at last I dared to_ venture out I was shocked and nausetaed by what I found. All one side of
the wall of our house-—-it was painted snow white, with green roof trimmings, was splashed thick with blood. Oh‘. I did feel uqgnaauwdwlvw sick
and I sat dovmyelfd on the ground and began to cry...wee.kly. All the
thrill and pleasure of the ranching game was gone for me. I realized that I was not made of. the stuff to stand this sort of thing. I had a yellow streak in me, if you like. I could become acclimated to the immgmzadtuxaiz altitidue and teripei-at re, but I could. not be acclimated to the ttorure of dumb cattle. I imam: d'§'!'I!" dimly compreirended the ce.ttleme11's point of view: If the horns were left on
the animals might gore each other to death. Many of the o;oer~-tions were entirely painless, so they told me, and the fact that tint day v-Jae bloody one, was
purely due to an aoci dent. I fioirget just wh-izt it ‘oqs—-—a.n unskilled
"vet", or as hears that did not work -.-or something or other.“ '..'.’e tier{;
and dehorning the cattle of another outfit as well as/9u*£;'n that day end the re use
little consolation in the thought that it was 1iodt«’€ur cattle but Hie other fello\'~.'s that had bled against my house. As an 3.f"8Z'."f1£3.“Gh by the way to this incident I migiszlzzc had food for thought in the indifference joking attitude of the men. ‘when I pointed to that bloody wall and asked them to clean it off, they almost ladghed at me. ‘.}
stop to clean a wall in the middle of branding $43.? They thought I was