155 3'49511F"'?1i16. 361311 Dayton b.a:3 maize the trip ‘cc his C££2."c1}]_Q ranch in tgevgqpfihills of fiheqhoekins by aptomobi13_ ‘fiche rzmch x.:u.:..'J.u1ng;u nccrc-la 11m :2 rsmall 03.12; on ‘the <:-.r<.=.:-;i: A- -o*'u'hi1l that communas u vicw of nmeurfiusseé beauty, __.-:2:-zfiurw me-:m1'*r: 1a«;'.:é!..<: maze:-5;» «Baum to C8.-I1;‘}'OIlS oazzemxr. mat: hazxg above "u~.e ‘:'.=?':fl ely curving Zicce Eiivczc. '1‘-he 1~x1\;3g;:c~6x mzé. ggigazatic 3;:eu1—;:.-3 0:? ‘size naigizty :“oc£:;y mo11"s3.;;ins, snow c;3.€:G on the 1:01‘: 53*-ce'i;c'n 'L‘hc-:11’ Jagger! :3-2'a11§;ez~:: 23.C1‘O£3{s an horizaon, 'u1~;o:3e {rm-1:: cats z.—.r¢:- zzzlmsatcixcé. :m’j]‘:‘:i1C33."C~ (21317 in tkzc \:';:):*1&. A pe:culi:xr:Z1::,* i‘ "C-he .1lEo1*ta ;:3.;'3.e£:,, *2;‘:*-.:;. 722- be 533101311 in piciru::"c.s is in aznvf-. ;‘:‘r2pt'cz::'oe:v :':=11.<>,t is .‘:.».:cw.m :21: {me Er.-.z'xre:5ir moan. 5:122: ::1::ic:s care brighi: liggilt till ten anal eleven am :2 51-03% 2uaa11~~~se::,min,=;: 9.121095 z-:2¢*{;i-£ic§.:;1 hszmgs :-Suave the 81:3. ..=u2;:u:s’c ‘ah-3 :;;‘:;ios £t3.'() ,1*e:';14;:c‘I:a13iI.c for ‘the cam: xrczeoalrs amfl. :>.1u.e;hea: of nari:'r;-em liagghta; ‘i;hc; night z“ain_}g_9_:gi_g3__, tile milky '.'.»v.;,v. in no c>‘s;i1<::r 'g.1.au:-<2 in‘ the 1‘:o3:lc1 2.23:0 the skies mecca bo:+5.1.*i;:i.:;‘c,;.’i. izlcr.-am .<":..}.’::>:La:-rm, $121’! I believe 1:11:32; 0011161 be a:I‘=.o'm in 1311c; 1:»ic:isu.:cer:s. ““r1iz3 21:37, the ::'=.‘:21oi1 ‘nuiléi;?.z1g;:: Shine 1139 xvhiizo 010-‘ . Corrzzls, ’iI.113l€)ZT"!511‘f:'£) hon-.-;c::, C:-7.’i1Zil43 ::i1c2-1:3, "oazcns ggaraggc. bunk houses, cask; ':,0‘J.:s0::3, £‘a1'oa:v:.1':s co'(;+.:ag:e, 21126. “the x~.:.nc‘u house itso1:‘:.......:=.11 .=;::-so 1:-_;i111';o:i :.~E1'i'§.~: vsi’-.:h 211,‘: Z: rail roofs. ‘She {muse 11;;-as uiao Sp:-ezxfiixzgg va':s.m£i&113, on ich st';i:~1gi:15 0011:1103 93.16: iwmmoclzaz e;~.z1<3 1om1_:::;':11:\; aim-2.i1~s ::2:c=. :~:1'zcr;1-1, 1*-;ii:h :i-‘3.o*.;oa:- z:-21:1 vizzos. Jzsaifle, ‘a§1»:; man:';‘z:e2* living; room ::‘eve::21:; '{4'§'lC3 3.5.31: 'u.«:n.~‘=. in ‘J.:;:a.1r:; on 1":-.2:ci: 1101130. A great fireplace mz3.€:o of the mztivo rocks, the v.-‘.<=.:I.ILs, ‘ahe-