14 are of polishefi cedar wood, the lower half comyletely lineé with bookshelves, above which are shown the spleuaia heeee of moose, elk, fleet, wila sheep, buffalo, wild goats, fox an& other big game of this country. The floors axe coverefi with beer skins and bright flavaho mna Inaien rugs, while a couch is gay with Inaicn blankets aha yillows. Infiien heed work, beaaed coats ené geuntlets, belts &c. give a touch of brightness to the room; ané e great yiauo player yilel with xecords at the far end, with e Vietrola also. ;he room shoula show evidence of every comfort peculiar to the city, bosiaesthct nixmemt of the ranch.
There has been trouble at the Bar Bar B. cattle ranch in the absence of Dayton? Whieeering Jay, a bully, is heteé by the men, aha has put an many imyesitions upin the follows that a strike has been callec and the work is wtasmmGefilL
Details omitted here, can he obtainefl from book.
Besides his troubles with the men, Whispering Jay has seduced a young Inalen girl, whose fether is in charge
of the of the brush cutting tribe of Inaiene. The father,
Chééf Big Eece is e fsiena of Dayton’e, who promises im
that Jay shall care for the girl enfi her pepoose (baby), of whom Jay is the father. Dayton, in the ranch house hears the several men who tell the story of their differences
with thispering Jay, ene also Jey’e one version . He
reserves judgment and starts_to inspect the ranch, new