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the knew. he began tlmt 1 .1111 1.1111h wa. 11111-1. 11111111 la the muakrflls
loans, knew th Dance
the wine 0! hie to his veiru. He Pmnt, mining the lily-[ml 1111 ‘ d 1111-1211. he 111111111 close to the 1.1.1. 1. an 1111111 11.11.1111. 11.1.1 11.11.1111 out he 11.1111... 1. ‘ 111 (or a time at least his creatures would 1 .
June 15,151,;
1.; get moms "H1111 n.1l‘th1-1-1.1»- 1111y r1111n I11
1 11.11 0111 0.1.1.’. .-......-1..
Dalton h111J 111.111 n..I1l ,1 out lm 1111-1r'11t=d 1I.111l11n.; .,1 1.1...-11111111. 1.1111 111.11. 111... ....1
TII1-re l11’(‘ l.1ll1- ‘11l111111 ,.-1
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11.1.1111 n 1111111111 11...... .
the srm. ... ll{11,11rl111rll11 ,-ull1111 l 1 1111.111 1111- 11111.1 11 .11 _. Ul1.l l.11l1.1 \»1.u|1l 1l11-.11-.. haw n'114l1i'11-1l I11-1 (1.1, lov11Ar1l~ lltu mun U111 11-11 11111 n1-~11 111 the 1..- and llm wmst .11 1111; 11...... 1h. 11., 11.1.1111. ... a 1111111111111; 1.1111111.
p11t11r 111 1. 1.
1lrun11r1111.v 1.1 11 111111..‘ the 11.11.1111; 1.n1l th1 ,7.. D! the l1u1-11.lrctlr11r11l— other s1r111|lcre11tur1-,..1 . l(1r('.<lC which are tl111 11111111111 .11 -.1 1.11 1.1
11.11.11 h1r1..1- 1h1- 1.1.1.. .
1111- 11m» 1111.11.11.11... 1.1111 1111: :1I1:r111l 11. 11.1.1 {111 the l1~:1[1ln1.; ll.11r1.
Antl (lltl (i11l111 l.... 111111111; him now, 1111. than had Clue! (1'u11l1 '1 er...
“You get 1.».> u 1.. 11.1.1," 1'1-.1111... 1.1.1.».... the moment th1-11- 11.1.1 01111.11-1-11.1h..111.1 1.11.... > nhores of the Sulmun ll. Luke. "And rt.-mt~m'11U 11-111.... 11.. In here to get :1 l11.11l 11-1or1.- than sixty .1., 1.1.11 1 w11r1L .1 ‘
Old Gabe nudrlml .11 thruut his 1:1-.1n11t- .1111. water; und mth D111 he11..e h.1.1. ready 1111 low threading 11! I11
AS,,T'”‘ “W1 llilmed away. the fire 1.1 11.1..
1-1.... 1...... .1 .1 . :1; l'’“'“‘ the flute. .11 1
"en the remotat
"H101. walla
w1th111 culling am were the two lrie "1 111211111. 11.11 .11., '4n11n.'tL11 lreedurn. "All rizht, (;
Y 1.11. 1h. ‘b_
him. And gal“
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win; 1..
1"11- 11.11131 -"
VII I f. with
but .11,
3111. 111 I
an ut
P with brighter llume Olrl Gabe to which he 111”
otunea at them; there were 1111-11
lure of the camp nt night; and ll “d5 D! Qalton who had seen 1"‘ "“ ‘I"'\'eri1111 1.1...-.1 had 1111 1
l‘l. '
uz111clun. and yet he 11111 11-11 1 1‘ ‘ Yhmpae at a mouse.
luck’: Ixnlnst us." Dnlwn 111.111 l can 111 .111. you .1 “*9 Burke's 111.1111. 111.111.... -1.111
P1111111 G 11 1 ‘ '°" "“'"°dl1:E:«1.:‘1’1‘n<§la 1t3h:hl1‘J1e:c
'?,‘n""* _Ill11 at 1 111.11 Ihnwinl W“
Old Gnbe." Burke worfie
allow ln the lore ~ b t ha 111"‘ , ‘.‘'l'‘’‘ “R! ynu wrliflllt-l‘hBEve mmll’ 1 21.111101 G“"Ic2 1111.11 1.11.. .1111 1111.111: 11"
9 "II Ilnxlnul. For the man ‘ .
the Little Sulmun 131111.11; .
CI . gm E:k:llhntanm_et'l:; Wu mundlnz G1-can l”
“Er. 1nd from that mflfi‘ ever upon him. ,, 1 Hill in I n/nmPY, b""
' ‘Edit point: llku thfl
1 1.111111 0111 6111.111 11-1.-1 l“ Ymlhker mun; 11ml :0 Dalton 1111' ‘er 11111111 1.111. the fury .1111 111 the 111.1111. 1.1 0111 01111.». hm“ It was the only kill. will! “"'
11¢ 1tu1k°:zIe 1.1 1112 aemmu 1.1.1 11112411.
The Killer 11h.-11111 l1ncl-1 111.111 the saudden 1 5111.11’. oy1~.. then. when 11_1..1.1h 111 11.1.1. 1 guI1le'~1 am. he Wm‘. 1111: 1.1111. 1.111. 1111.11
''\\‘..11. 1-11.11 111 111" 111- 11.. 111111 1.11». .11 1.111111 11.1.1111... om n I111’. nnfl I 1111.. 1111 111111111 bury .1. 1111111 1 1 i:1|1u 11 1.1111 11.11. ..11m11" _
nu. 0111 61.111 1.1111 111111111011 upon Pm km 1111.11.11 1111.111. w1-11- -.11 1111- ch... 11 1111111. 111111111. 11.11 111.111.. .1111. 1111- 1.1.1111 11.. 111-111 111 1111- 111.111 1111. 1.1111111 111.1 111.11 1-11.. 1.1111 l1..1.11 1111.1-11 the 1111.11»-1-1 111-111 up .11..-1 1.11.1-.-, 1111. 11111111.. .1-c-111c.l 11. 1.1
-'(1...- 111.1111] 111.1111 llm 1-111 1111.. y11ur:1. tl 111-11 1.1111111 11." 1111- K1111-1 1.111 1:r1.w.11g 1.11111-1-1-111, l1u1 hv 1111... s1.t11rtIe1l t111;uln by t lound 111 1111- 1.11.11‘. «.11....
"\'1.u 111n t111111k your l,1.r1l thnt 11. 1«11't .,,.,1.. 11111111., "1.1.11 1 11..., 11.. 11.11.. 111.1 1111- 1111.11 1.1 .1 111-11. w1- 11111.. 1.1111
‘-11.111111 11. 11.1.1111 1...
‘‘l 1...111.11.‘1 1.1 11111111. my 111.111 1.. 11.11 .1111..‘1 "
A1 11.1 .\11..1..1..1.1 1.1111 .11. 111... 1.1...1:1.1. 1 1111-11. 111- 11.111111 11111.... ~11. 11.11.... 1h.. 1-1111. 1.1.1 11 wus, :11. 11111111111111.1111 1.1.1. 1.1 1111..., 1111111111.... ul 1111» 1. 11111111111; 11.11111 11.1....-1 A1111 1\I:1 «, thlnkh
11uLfl(t1 Hutll 1111 lhl1 ltlr |l\l mun tun, ‘.15: 111111111 1,... 1111 1.11111," 111.111.1111. 1.1.1 I will lJL :ll‘l1Ll!|<l unutltur y1'11r, . And I W1
11.11.11 1'
llli 11n1Il1’ nl the 1n:1v1 M1 hr: mid it wm
whirl. Old Gabe utrried with l1lm all 1 1.1.1111’. 11.11.1111... -11.11 11 .1111 11.11 .1 .111... early 1.-h1.11 he 11.1.1114 1.1111 1.111.: 1 I11-111.11 cuunlry.
Two-Ilellu wtua wlutlng fur lllm, on the
.1 hwuy 11-1111...; up .1. 15.11.11 P111111, .111 11.1 curitmet 1l strange [1.r u time, there wm 1.11111. 1111- 11.. ..11...111y1.1...1 the 111111 11. .1111. 11111111111... T111 11.1.1111». 11.11.eu. 111.111 the 1 11.11 1111'. 1.1111 111..w1..g more 111111.111. 111.111 0111 1111111111 1.1. .111 11111 11.111111111111111, 1111111111 T1.- him
"It ain't right that you 11ho11I1l come t1 much 1.1 any 1.111 1.11111," he spoke 1111111,. ta “[orti1ortt'21 kill:-1'21 come to the-4e wands: and you this. llltle neighbor. which 111 mnbbe 1-1.1.1 11..1111y 1111111111 111., that 11 yuu 1111.1 .1 .1 y11u1- palll. ll1tre'11 only uric tlung to 11:1. Gs when 11 11.1111... 111.1111 1.. ynu 1.. h1.11,y111.'1et 1 think was meant to l1v1-1'
Yet Dultun 1111] not tome back that fall. mare 111111.. 111.11 0111 0111.1 1.1111 hugging the that the furezt was nd .11 h1m: and whlln th11t hnpe, Two-Bells was 1.. 11-111 stuture, At the age 111' 112111-. he looked nt T111 sturdy 1.111111111111911, ho 111111-111.111 1.1 1h. 111111111. 31111 found 1111-... renchlng w. titties; und so 1111-111-1g was the bond between he knew the folly of his nwn trainlng.
"It 1111'. 1.1.1, ’l'w1;-B1.-lls. I've nlayed you t 111 11111111-1-mu th1- 11111111111111.1111 1111111111 '1 yr1u nne thu-111. n1-111 tht1t'.1 the wranl! thmg 1 like you to lmuw ln the [crests Cntte.-11 1 c1in't nll like me: nnd I'm wondering how I 1 up to yuu."
There were times when ha took out hi Ioruilad lt as he looked at Two-Bulls, and i 1112.111 he 1-1.111 1.111111111111111 whether .. -19.1111 brlnl home to thn mouse 11 new Jason t1-.11 1111.11,. 1.. 1... 111111111. 11, carefully p111 wuuld bring pain nnd anger, but not 1111-11 would 1.111111 the 1111.14 between 1111-1111, yet it might be better 1n thn end.
But Old Gabe mntinut-tl to Inndle thn rifle. Ind by the time the lairches wan turned l11tr1 cloud: 111 ochre the deed wu still undone.
Then he put thz 1-lfln 1.L-tide and led the way 1111- 111.111 11.11 Salmnn 13.111111 muntry, put the southwut Mirn- rnlchi and {Ir nurth into the thinning nvulet at the Clenrwnrer where it graapl down [mm the dlvldn.
"Yuu nntl me are purtinz." he -111.1111. an he 1.11 '1'...»1a.111. 1111...... the balsam. "Perhaps we won't meet up again: and 111! I'm 11-klnu la thst you any up here where I've ldt ynu. Thurs a'1n’t mnny killer: 1:01-ne thin wry."
And when ha reached hudquu-ten lnr the lnll guldinl. than wu Dnltnn the Kllldr. once more.
"My old lrlend. the best: lilldu nl the Bllmnn Brnokl." Ha lynke with In unrlu-ton: oi 1-alhh which tald Old