No may I: r-um mick unusaim MI! by Ivlunnl main: or entunid my ul-mm‘ and rvlraildrrned .n». rum rumo- In nulxird mu m not nvuhhta mar Nulnlmi in um um I. not n. r A s A n i A s II o .\l R JDDIVIL the ma mi nuii manna. my me ro- Hill a‘ unnollrlld auizuu-Tlorx. 0M1 AN;jgiL/J\\|IENlAld]Ll 4 rl I Dinetur HECTOR cHARLF5“’°"""' E M . c. wIi.MA IAI1. Edlrur WILLIAM DAWSON, M.....m.:a.’u;i OMALLEYI WWW Mm”, . ’ az'ne Canadzfs Nattonal Woman 5 Mag 1 O . . 3 o -v " 0 What have you learned to-day in the New University? CONTENTS ocrosen 19“ Cover Esp¢cia|lY Deilaned and Pdinlrd. Canadian Home Journal by Rex 3);» ~ 0 TALK WITH ALMOST any woman and you will find her am- azingly informed on vitamins, balanced diets. refrigeration, household sanitation, labour saving, family hygiene, table and home decoration. Watcli her during the day and you will find her employing this new knowledge for the im- provement of living. TALK WITH ALMOST any man and you'll find him technically informed about motor-cars and adding machines, aeroplanes and radios, telephones and oil-burners. WHAT HAS HAPPENED? It seems that people know more than they used to and that they use their new-found knowl» edge to their comfort and happiness. Perhaps this is the explanation: There is to-day 21 New University——the Uni- versity of Advertising Its doors never close, it is open to all and the fees of admission are the price of this magazine. The subjects taught are ways to make life better and more enjoyable, Eminent authorities in the various fields work with skilled writers and illustrators to prepare the daily "lessons"—the advertisements. They are admirably printed and illustrated. They are studied and applied, ar needed, by the youngsters and grown-ups of all ages. WHAT HAVE YOU learned in the New University? Study the advertisements. Useful knowledge is waiting there. "lT ALWAYS PAYS TO auv THE ADVERTISED BRAND" ms is NO. 15 or THE SERIES on "WHY You SHOULD auv ADVERTISED iuzooucis" BRANCH Ornczsi "”“'5“E° MONTHLY F I C T I O N THE PARSON AND THE PILOT (Pair-r I) Mm/2.. B. 1 THE TREES IN THE Woon _ , Fnniri In , ANN: Boi.i:YN, THI: QUEEN (CONCLESION) I i.,. IMFROMPTU . . . . if in. A R T I C L E S Pomp AND Cincu\is'rANc: Nor an F,‘ EARLY ENVIRONMENT is ALMOST Evrin'rIIi.\u. (7 THE SCREEN IN llsvirw II THE MoN'rIi's EVENTS _. [law in ,. LOOKING on I_IFE— THE GREEN-EYFD Monwrn I. . ENTERTAINMENT AND COOKING We PLAN A PARTY ma ALI, l-lAI.I.ow's lfvr _..__,....__ , _. K.ii/mm. .\I I . THE CooKINo CLItS5—CONDllCTl'n HY Tm llH'l ~i BuI1sAu—-We [EARN TO MAKF GOOD I’.-miiv Ir 1) IN Pruiisii or RAMrxiNs .l~ ‘ We TEST Youri Rrciprs Home BUAEALI News, I~ IEAUTY AND HEALTH SMILE. SMILE. SMILE I '.l \. WELL-EAnY CEN'rnI:—'l'IiI' Nrw Inm- FOR THE CHILDREN SATuru:AY Nioi-rrs.., 'l'oI=sY (Cu'rouTs) F A S H I O N S SVAGGEI DAYS——l3U1'|'EKl’LY Niniirs TI-in New PAiu.s COLLECTIONS. M’ ‘v Look To Youri SLEEVES! . Wrrii SPECIAL ATTENTION T0 -mr SwAr.(.mi km . SATIN AND Wool. GET Tnorriirii 'ro MAI:i N-MI "- SMARTEST FIiocI<.s SMAILT YOUNG CLOTHES ma -nir s‘riiooi-Gum. Faun SMART WAY: To SLIIiiNrss SMAILT BiicAusIa 'I'HIiv'nIz TAILoiiru VOLUME 29 0 l\JUl‘/Ill a Y ,_ I|RAN(H 0 90% 0] ihuse apprafl all5iL‘(!I'0l] E irlmi the editor of 1 ,,b1,, magazine ask subscribers whether t prv i-r it. _Parl