24 ing bloofl aroused. He keeps pluekily at it, though bruisefi and hurt, ana finally the trance starts off on e cclirious spree. Dick holds on far dear life, and digs the brakes” into the herse‘s flu ks. it last, triumphant, he rides into the new cheering creme, nmfl is emaiped on the bag ané celleé e "hell of a gooa fellow" an& accepted as one of them by thof fellows. From that moment Dick is eonvineoa that he is out out for cowboy life. His chest swells up and he is so stuck on himself that Biréie laughs at him. During these tags, the twins, neglectea though secretly huggeé by Birdie and Dickie, who keep up between them the farce of hating childreb, are all over the place, uncared fer and ungauardea, save by that miraculous mother love that hover: over them and interposee between them aha all danger. en the 3c=ee§ may be shown the shadem of tge mother above to twins as they wmmerfmmh. These are some oi‘the éangerous places into which the babice wander: 1. They play hide: ana seek in the tall oats. Buck, harvesting the cats, on the binaer, with Dick following stocking, new rugged enough actually to stock, Que giant .wingS of the binfier whirl around, cue the teeth of the machine slash into the thick grain mithin a foot of where the twins have fallen asleep in the cats. mhe mother lave spirit flies in bcttee; them aha the binder, which sudaenly snaps anfl is broken. The children disecverea by Buck ana Dick and ccrrieé to house.