MFOR DNO I DGET FARR“ _A second pair of en.aom.. efrigerator and u coml‘nn;._, la is provided for the mum ~11 is a small vestibule lm . ad drying yard. In the v. .' rd for brooms, mops and E4 icient pantry connects’ m :1 like the latter is entirely 1 v if those working details xi: ing but whose faults awm. :12 when built. 2 bedroom floor IIISCU‘/V(’I\ ~ :practical details of llflllm ~ lent is good. There are 1} l ousemaid‘s equipment, th, one for linen and one {I ediate use. room is entered thruuyzl ich has doors nt eitlu-r I e clothes-cupboard. The I ‘ my but absolute quiet, ll me at those times when ll ifi go hand in huml. 'J 1 and has two cupl)our4l- hose treasures, so ])l’(‘[’l'lll D the housekeeper. Tlw ier end of the corrirlnr gun.‘ f privacy. '6.-atment is simple. Til in creamy plaster with l‘ )r hardware. The llll‘l'”‘i ',y from old gig-lnm_pt<; 1‘ zult single decorative Wf‘ " . hat of finding l1K1“""]“‘. . ;ood taste and whiz-h d0 ' the owner's P'“'91‘- , ‘, entire house a cl1nr““"",‘. kes it pnrticulnrly W0”, I 3 builder who wislxcfi "W, . late of distinction. T't‘(‘Vd I is amply demD“5”“L N I tlons as is the fact U1“) nprnctlcul nor exP‘—‘"5“'L' May, 1932 CANADIAN HOME jounwu. "He’s an awful spiller” "My in-laws can’t figure out why my hands keep so nice” “' Young enough to learn” But his daily washes are a snap with Chipso He's my DARLING, but he's always SPILLING MILK down HIS little FRONT! * * * But I've found these WONDERFUL Chipso suds get. Bunny's CLOTHES SNOW~CLEAN. * * * A Chipso washday beats the old way I CONFESS I not :1 REAL SURPRISE. EVERY 'l"Il\IE 'I‘nm's SISTERS come over * * * H . ‘ ‘ they PEEK umunrl. , . ?v:,:;::_niJe,€1?§§JIy?:07 They c:u\'t FIGURE OUT Ive used _C}"p5° “vs SUDSIER how my house is so NE.-\’I‘, “" SIX Y E‘“_‘S' than EVER a a Yet my HANDS uoocur ' " t1."°"” T ' GRAND stay so NICE. x va an room - fo):rIel\lPI{0\¥EMENT V, W bnby ”""‘‘s' * * * in ANY \\'ay- '1“nEYdon'c KNOW * * * I've I-huugml In BUT when you GET Lhe uu\\' CIIIPSO. D()UI3LE the SUDS * 5: 4: in IIARELY WAR“ X Th CRE \_\n_ Elma! unler '“>. W‘: . " ‘ . ’ “ml see DIRT ‘* \\ ID , I m uuslung euvn my ’l'l1( IUFSEAU undies just BUBBLE OUT’ in CI[IPSO—uml ‘ 1 . ‘¥(’;i\I(]§.fI).‘:IING.S They ve sluyed luvuly HAPPENED. * * * * * * \\'uln'h YOUR hands SVUUTII UI’ \\'lu'n yuu W/\.\'lI DI.\‘IlE.\' “I”! III'\\ (‘lIIl‘SU llulua. DO TRY Chipso NOW. IL WASHES M fast ns STRONG POWDERS But it's safe us RAIN for the SHEEREST SILKS. You can have n PLEASANT surprise, too. cm. x .-.: |''.-. NEW IMPROVED 1ps0 Lightning, Gentle as Rain,” MADE IN CANADA "Quick as