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‘*5 51”‘ ‘E /'~ / ~'’I :7’. "\fJe.u.,--wrnt';o::te~ I lika"1d.‘fl'y 1 have'nt any of my
. ’/I
own and am darned lucky to have a ready‘ made family. I mnm ____ chances". H to -had other arguments-tint I neetrnot not down hero,-‘nut-‘-—~
‘Eeaides his arguments I had to listen to the pleas of the three children, all etoutly for him and working in his interos :1. Indeed my little girl was a long time firmly convinced that Imebancivué rried me beoanse of niv children:
Anyway, he won out!
/ . a That was eight years ago. I packed all. my trunks and my
2 children, gathered all my worldly poseeseionn‘, and going aboard train, I /1eft_beh.ind. I
‘me the hectic city of New York where for fifteen or sixxteen yeala I had lived
and worked.
We went at iaight out to the Northwest —4a .
_ My hishand had been a shipping man.....that is to say, he was one of the owners of-"
l and managing director of one of the largest of the lighterage firms of New York.
dmmE He had come from people who had amnya "followed the sea in their K
youth and. finished. on the farm". To use *e."Jo‘shing termoor his own "B\1nad..com¢..£.mm
"1-he original cave dwellers of‘ Long Island".
His people had lived on Long
. Island as far back as the family records could go. ‘.7 Now he me transplanting hinseli’, with me and my three children, to "th3+1a.st
of the big lande”, which is a. term commonly app ied to Alberta. lie was not going out, however as a tenderfoot. He knew wmetmné of farming lnving been V"raieed" on a. farm, and with a couple :6 hundred thousand dollars, Juzth ‘ ' oomparitive youth, magnificent hea1th, and a brain comiderably above the average, to say nothing of a distinct executive gift, he led. every reason to believe that ' he would make a. success of rayching-——bring to it perhaps instant’ rational bueinee
/ .-""4: /’_‘ sense which is do deplorably chants” ' the present day methods of the average farmer.
First of all we bought a. 640 acre grain arm about 15 miles from