mat l]-NH‘ “V . lllv _ M4,». 1 I'<~l'I'!lJi ..« w.-"H" ll‘:

,,,...r lull I1“. gruI'lll‘‘‘‘'''' ,'lll‘7 ‘*""(, .H1..: llll-‘ l’ :rI3l:{"' , ‘, .. I fl‘ lr«~1,\~1*“‘“' In \\lml5l ‘'''l V‘ him Km muuxluvll


N. V 1.. .4 ‘l1 I. llun ll'IH IN’ (4lP'll,l ( ll” ',P.lZ1"[‘.

[| V . .-(I. . , llll‘ lull "”'m'”

_‘. M} NH‘ ml‘. l-J u.w““""‘ l in mm! 1‘ ‘M. lllll \ .lI" "ll ‘‘ .1-‘V

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A cursor}. refldillg nl _\lr, :\l'll"l| \\1|l fair cstinmtc of the (lulu l_\\ lmlx .Ir<. any city) and :1 gl.1nu~ ;:I Mr. llurnv ductions will l'urm'sl1 .m crrzlmc-_.:11~l\ idea of the miles‘ . . - l""""ll"”" l! and the Dunn‘ \\lllLlI llt‘ rll lI1r”*' '“ dz Manlprmmnrr. thout fear ()lC(mtr.lLll1l|uI|, llml Ilu fffihaient wouh] lw lmrvxl l1(‘_\<rIILl llllv thcr of tllcsc pl.1<c~'. \l\rI. In llln the P.1risi;1n rr:'In‘f -11 “l"Ll‘ (“ll 1: keep the n.1tl\L'% in -1“ ”l”'“>"_~| ’l‘ 100 idiomatic fnr lurL‘lL’ll url1ll)‘l“'“ '["' fag» Spectacle at the (.‘a,ru:-« l//‘ /r'"‘

",l1InIt areas of unmu-rml l1um.lmI_\’ 1"’

‘fllflg llcll-Illlx‘ I-l §\\'.l,‘l"L' lllumll"

eaigns Of Cllilrllllllfl jrl/rlr'rv'r lllrlllfllli-' min8.on the <uu:<‘- ”“‘ -'“" fl‘ l I: olirrltalinn iL‘l< in, (.111--wl l“"q V érlorlty complex .11 <iIliuL* lul.:- : numb ipprccintc the sulrlixuz lun

ntrlatcs make 4 l’;lri-. ml lllllll \u\/llll lhlcturc them as l\cln_L' "M", “hml"ll:. 1 K6)’ are drmvn from all <|“""‘ “P” W], " ' no uncommon siuht 1-‘: W“ " " H“

Son :1 Chlncsc stmluul ~ >‘”“' H.‘ ,1. lIll¢ black licrmunllan. H1 ‘l"'l‘l'” L

i U lllll 1]] 1.’ mI1nml' Ill l.

lmllu,-l-l \lL-. . K ' ”‘l»ll“l(l llllllL" —u.xIlI l 1., lw ||.,_- (;.M,m., /‘mm’ 'l x'.\llu»'. l’.lLZ|‘1‘ lllr-Bun/r.l/Ir/1' null R'.'lI|(l\\.lll. “K Fr H,‘ mm, ~ Ill llxc unrlll “\ lml. 1] .1 T. Vll_L’L'l"wI(‘ll 1 l\llll'l all u“. I1--\\lnA.l.,m tlml. H-rm:-v.1!-ll._ 1*

"”"ll|- Fl «lll rt Ix. ll llll4,‘llLl,l|l.ll.

In I mp

.|lIn (\)1._,nL. "’”"-lllIH1Illlltllql \\l rc ql,,h.I ml"-'11.

n\ Iftllllllllll, mpln kllllll Ll lrw-m um.- a-;L in lllr .1r-L-ml ml th: IN LUV l'n"‘l"‘l :1’,lll'H“!l|ll"lll1]C'“Ill \l|lll('r'- - ' . Urn/Mfr (..‘I1/rrr/r us -‘u.1\--l\_ .lll\1'lll\wtl r-Hv-n I‘lll\l‘ ,1, 1,‘, _l L,[m\]L4',‘ fmihnll

. « 1- lVI‘l~HlI\ l\llH urn mn'n‘l\ .nrIIul1(, '

ll ll.l‘» Llmllmll. \ll|Lll I l lllr

l“'‘''' v" 1*’ ‘~l1ll A ll- ll L'l'HlllI:l fur llll‘ lllll|l.\ r, lr~r “NV 1\lH\ ~llll v-1:-lg’ wvln tlml I'lu~|\:* L‘ lllC4l 1[l|lll'\T‘l:' ,, Qrmrm ll.l~

~.n'm* l|.unr rx -

l|ll.llll\ ’.nI Lln: n»-..- ml llu) l mu lu I'll ml nut ull-«Int, l--r TllI’\\Yl'.1|’\ Jun .1 uruul‘ Hf lL’ll1]'I'll'llll\I]l ll ':rI|aI- Il('LIll||l “NT HHIHI l‘-Hl:w‘nn‘1nuIl1ur ’~['ll('lC‘. l..l-lln \\Illl ~:rrm'n~ uml I‘]~r‘ ulllx '-]\Il'l|—l.1IlllM .lll|.l 'nl1 ('lI*1lIlIvll‘-, llw) \ rl: ll ,l[mII,MNIm.«/‘ in .l ln-ll\' Jml -mill‘-Al H1 .1 ,/nurfr.-~. lllllfllrd,‘ m llll". (‘Mn lVv§'lV\4.‘v.‘ll Il1«.- rl »llw\- 4”[;—|_;_'y':l|1[V—. l‘.I\ll ln-.l.l~ l'll\ krrfllwl-1 \\llll llu jLfllHll\‘ pr-all ~-‘ll-mllxxll ml :1 l‘lr,v1lml.1n.1ll:-J l .1: ll «llH|l‘~

llll,‘ um l’.ni~ .19 |li~ um). lll-ll: nl-'- l'IL'lll.

‘F \S lull-.1: lllim. ll}-, Al[~|ll1!|ll‘~lll|lL' l'-unlun .,{,1I-_1U~mlx'l\L-nlnlIn l‘L‘ ll» '~lnmm,l1, llll'l1 Illc I-mrlj r'-V ml-zml l\.‘l\‘ll1l'IFIllI1Illl\ l’.1rl--i.1n as W‘, film,‘ Q‘“_m.-r_ In »:.1l'r:~ .'ln\l rolwurants “|l]Ill‘r Llm‘ l.|*lv‘ \'.rIl1 ~l1pL-Il.ll1\'<'l\' ll1‘ll.'lt.|lVlL' d;\[.,‘,\ _\I1]wHul: v.1-l1 lrrr-n on tho mum x~ l.mll|«:\~. llmml is Al||'1'Lll will: ulm-vs! -'.:rc_.m-.l 1lL’lll‘Ll.llIHl'I. l limo <m.n .: llml ~mc.1r umu Ir-vm ‘I U_,l,,\,,3 [ml lwllll‘ in llu*;n1llnnllxI‘= lL:ml.1ml ml-I-f “V ,,.L ,\_llor1m_' Illr All-.lL'lll. lIlLl.Ill"I'l'll41llC lw\(‘l«l}.'k' [<1 ln. L’u..ur‘ Vtrllvjn Hmr |‘- l:|»I'v_'n!III:~r1 ‘Ind ml; lllmlr AlLl(ll‘ lm\~ nut min In wuu, Llllrl ~H""'l-


Slll' \Kl\(: ml rum:-r~.1ti-vn rclmmlz

<l|ll .1n-vlln-r l’::n~ \l:r-ln.-<, ulm .llll»(‘ ‘llu;

lnr -l ll:-' l'.1ru ml ll:-‘ l'nnl«- ll \-.1-lmnwn.|II\r--lmrnan-l l--n-|,'n<.'. l.1H:r nms mmh llnl llu lrvru.-~' *l‘I|'4\ l lmu lurn-l nu-rr llI.1lI nnr luuri-l mm- pl um llml lln‘[~.1r1nul.:r ~': : linn lu l|.‘l[‘]‘I nu xl In ln ]'l.lllV-lIIIl|l‘_' 4]wl:.1<l ll‘ll( ‘pair-vul/lnL"l '-I cl:-.ul ,\LlI|.1ll\. 1| um, his -‘-nn wmlln rlm, lu- ll: ]=lwlU-l. ln I:'»-- Ilhlll‘. |n\l.|ur:'~' llu: ll-rt uzlwr 1~ l\l1|lll'll1Ill In lmy x ml rl nnmrnl ll-, 4 ‘~|u*-1'» 1! In l'w- lurni\'lu-ll l'v\ I-ll||'r.~ 'l lll. Irnc lllvllll \lmlu-r nml-~l1i-~»\\II|vl1..u-~In<‘;an-ll|rrr'\nulmuunllllu‘ \l|llrr- nnc lu-I\\r:.'n lmn ll-nm an-l J51! :1} :v:'n'.

ln llu nl:.l:l.n.; ll|1' lvIv|ll("\.lr\lI'\\.1~' :1 l.lm.nlrvn| \‘~llllII|ll 1Llm_v lml\\1llI.1nI1Inl'--;rufprnlunl-I: lw l|u- Ilurnn-: ll mmlr annl rlnurv-l v.1\anl~'. ll ‘-[I,'Vl]l|-‘LI nml lllllllLllI‘£l r(-[\I1I.H1nn~, lur its p.1\v‘~ nu-nu, 5-Iruxn \\lll] an nr.lrvrl\ nli-..1rr1x --l nlmxr . .1llr.ILlv.'-l all the lwrillmnl L'IV*"'l|"9 ml llxv rllx l\nll1u\'17- -nmllll-3} n1-,.1wurr.'npllm l'l['VlI‘1|ll ll -‘ ,]_,\_ \..u-_ _-llxlymuzll nllvrr--_l, llu‘ l‘1llll|'\.‘r\ll \l|l’\ |\n- l‘!I_‘l'.ll|“~L’ tlu-\' .'ITL' n,<:-x,mi.|l In l'lrI . [*.l,Ls; h;l\l,' lnwn mllul llIr' lun;:~ r-l lHml*-H /fur‘/1. l1m|lu:\'.1nlc- arc the lllrnfll on-.l I‘-"'3" "l lllL' l"rx.‘ml| cur. On lhcm \\llllICl4Illllll1l|L‘l'l‘ ' fwd {nr llm lm«J_\'. .'Iml run them is ullurcrl lm l lur llw Sulll (.1 nllcl llml l-H‘ Ill-1"" l"7"l‘l" ‘1l‘l"‘” lo liml |n~ufln in-nt, lay Il|I,' u.1)"l. llcl UK‘ *‘-‘l‘l-“"-

3},” ‘mm |1|*[plI,llll'(‘ llu‘ lmulc\.1r-lci Ir.-‘rv'l\ as lmllu :.l1.mncl.~, .'Irlvrn~s_ lmnlcrcnl l',\ :‘ l am] ],..u«l-~, They are nu-re. mmll nwrc. lllv-\ ale pnrl-.<_ uluwzc l7L'll|Il|L‘§ arc r.1n~l_\ \'.ILxIN I" line unullllcr. 'l'l|(‘.‘ "Y" 7‘ """t "l "rm" ‘fl/""""‘ ‘I rrn./5: II, uln,-n‘ all and <u1ulr}'I1_1'l Ill? :"""”"" mil. 'l'l1u:_\ are Llllllrlll l1;1ll<. lL IS r.1nlll11I <UII!"l'l [hum ;,w,‘1L- ghc p,1lr011.1;:r: ml .1 rll-nu<.1nd |"—"‘l‘l" M J _mtim_,Am, flu» =,.|L»“v;.]L,. mu umlvr—l.'Iml 'l‘lu-y .Irc mlmu nl _\rr_ lwlmll l‘r“‘Vl‘l\“'.] lllll‘- rr3l«;rx'11cr: In lwul lrvr lllr maul). \\lIL'l”L‘ run‘ “.11.: "“,m”_,h h,m»‘,,,g- ..{ pullllrccv vxlnlllllml lllllllillll l‘.1\'«,-xn-rnl; thI:}’ -1"" ""mnL' Elllhlrw .”r.‘Um ‘I I1“. (',,;,,I_..1,u] (nn[In|llI1_L' lllr||llL’ll Illa‘ ‘~|:Illl[l‘l‘L‘; mm lm: r31-’l1 Sun-.l.1V\ (llw cxlnlnn ‘ll l .n_ 4! (hm. l(_-nLv[l1 {rum Ila’;/.-‘rrln/r .51, llvl-flllullll-‘lll;': lulu ll-mlmrrr/r(' ll‘ "' "ll" MK"