Roht-rtson»Win:h ~ December 27‘ i926 in St. Tl1C|!]1{1S C:itliedi'al, Boiiibriy, India Captain William Douglas; Roh— ertsori Roral Engineers, son of Mr. and \.Ir< l\'illinni Fleet Robertson of \‘'ie— lmrhi B,C., and Miss Phyllis :\\II‘(‘ClE \i’ineh. eldest daughter of Mr: and Mrs. T. Moiitague Winch, of WCS'ElJ0\“‘"C
' ‘
l i.
i ll Terrace, Hyde Park, London.
ll,‘ Mejia-Roy~Febriiary 28, in the ll. church of St. Ferdinand dc: Termes,
Paris, France, Senor J\llredo Mejia, second secretary of the Salvador Lega- tion, and Miss Helene Roy. daughter of the Hon. Phillippe Roy. Ci1I1flCll~'|" Trade Conirnissioncr in Paris.
L\Ioykopf-Stor)'—Febri1ary 4,, at St. James Church, Spanish Place, London, England, Dr. Charles Moykopl to Miss Josephine Norali Story, daughter of Admiral and Mrs. Story, of Guelph, Ontario.
Furs Wraps
‘U Black-Dzirrell—-.\Iarch 5, in the I Bfiantine Chapel of St. Bartholonie\\"s Church, New York, Mr. James Ernest Black, son of Mrs. Black and the late Frank NiCl]Dl§D1\ Black, of Coboiirg, and i\IIiss S. Emily Darrell daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fairburn Darrell, of New York.
Dull-Gier—I"ehriiar'_i' 12, at San Francisco, Cal., Mr. john Harold Duff, <on of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Henry Duff. of Hamilton. Ont., and ;\Iiss Grace Gordon Gier, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Gier, of Grand Valley, Ont.
707 Yonge Street, Toronto
LINDSAY Clarke-Hiighes — FL-lvriiary 12, at Lindsay, Mr. James Freciiiaii Clarke, of Boston, and Mist. ;\ ‘en l‘llI§.'lIC<, ‘ - ‘ clauglitcr of the late Sir Sam l'||H.'llL'°- ‘_ V , and Lady Hiiglies,
G4.-ary-Ca\'erl1ill—\laicli 21, in the church nf SI. 1\nclre\Vs and Si. Paul, .\lr. George Regivizilcl Geaiy. KC, M ]’__ Toronto, and Miws Beatrice C: erhill. d-Wizliter of Xlrm D. C. .\l:icaro\\', Montreal.
'1'aylor~lnpraliaiii—\lrircli 1, in Cal- vary United Church. \\’e«lninui\i, P.Q., .\Ir. Ril}’|'n0H(l .\rlliiir 'l'.iylrir, of Mont- |'L‘1|l. son nl .\lr. and Mrs G.\\' 'l‘;i\lm— of Port Blelcerlon. and .\Ii<~; l'lorL-nee l,mii<L liiyrrihaiii only ilaiii:h~ ter of Lieiil.-Col. and .\Ir.~'. ll. /\, liiin-.._ lmm, of S3 |.ll\L‘ Nova Seoiia.
Ciirrie-Napler— larch 1, .-ii ihc Church of the \le<<.i.’ili, i\1E. George S Currie, 'i(II| nlllie R ' ).Curric, l),l)., Oi Quaun. and .\iia:z I/aiiiszi l'lopt: Napier. ll-’||l).'lILL‘l’ of Mr. and Mrs, Gmrxn l l. Napier.
Cll"°1~'L"‘:l‘l3'Ih—Miircli i. ln Chr"i~.r with Crithudral. hlr. Melville Roizer-a,
mini the late Dr. .-\. Fraiikford iznw.
W Mrs Iinumimi Misslsohel Blyth,
nr .\Ir. and Mn. J. lliorp
1 , QUlil’nl‘iC ilo/III I) /(';'I/ (..U ].lIIl![L’A/ rurmilo
Surkliiii;-Maiiie—March 0 at the home of the bride's pareiiv.-;,d’:\rl'igiiy
/'/..,zp.,...,./. iy .4./..'.y.z. iiwmi
Malml R8 Qall./El“iil'
11/[a3)[a1.).‘:1l[/\‘ »vI
SL, _\[r. Guy l\‘lf)i'(;[r,H 8 the late _\Ir, llenrv 1;, sf ml’ Suckling, of\ A
Conatance l{aine_ milx ii 1 li and Rl1‘\‘..BCfl1£llCl‘l 1{,1,.,l,l_W ‘l i ii
lii.. iLl,,,
ST. JOHN, N_])_—D;i\ Clil\r)l"l\l*'L-l,” _ TI’lIliL}' Chiircli, \i,r L M‘ Cook, or \lrmLrr:il, .ui..1 -(‘ill I \lai-_\' l)aienpiiii, L.l.‘|llL’l1lrili fill George Pii; "l ‘ Liverpool, hiieliiiiil 7*
TORONTO I“lon<l—Slr.1i1li\(')ii ]'{l Know PH.'<l1) ti-riaii C11. Mr Ge-3r_uel7loritl,rill')ii,i _, _ .\nne Slraltli, \l£\||j.'liLL‘!' l) 1‘, K , l’eler§1railh,.\l.\. mi \i, L of \'ictoii.'i, -llitl i::iii~.‘m ,,i' ,.i, E‘ Xieliille \l1\I'llli, ‘ ‘ sfl\li€(\lCl\L' Dcziii-l§riycc—l7iilii-i;.ii-3 3/. ,, R Neuimi Si.jn1m, |),- i{,,_,,,,, \ H and Xlisk lva .\, Bo} CL. l{1'l('liS.1}'A'Tl'lvllL‘\’ \l.iirli I. i i (
Church on the llill. .\li \‘i~_,i
hlerexlilli Rx'I[Ti9f|}', ehler viii ii" i I.
“V. '1‘. Raintay .inil \li». R. ii .. South Dl'l\ e, Riisul.ih-, .m., \i, Evelyn Dorntli} '|‘roHi;i:, xi iv_ .
daiiizhtcr of Dr. and MN. \Vll.l“‘ Li Trotter.
RiicloIph—\7ereoe—f\larch i, in [ii Dr. J. H. Tiler, hlr. ,\:L7I‘I'1'iIV. (l ' Rudolph. son oi Mr aiiil \l:» (Y“i C. Rudolph, of T’liil.iileli~lii.i, l‘i i. Mia; ]ean Kathleen \ eimi , ...i i,‘ V Xlr. and Xlrni H. l.. \ l'l'K'\iL
B:ilfniir—l7raiil\i~li l‘l'l"ll.'i’ ;: St. l’aol'< '\i1;;lic.iii Clinic. \l l’ ilton .\l. Brillniir. «mi ml lli Bruce l’».il1'ouraiullln-1.iii l«Vll'l ’ ll four and .\li'~~ Cliarlriiu l lll‘ll l i i‘ (laugliter of hlnrilia \',i:. l’ i l‘ i the late ]rihn l’odiiioi'i.
V_\NCOL' \‘ l*'.T{ CY'(‘iEliYf1lI—\llll'DlI/\*\l.|’cli‘ i” ‘ John llarvie Criiylilriii, —UH in ‘l ‘ \\lillldHl lllnclt Criiiuliiiiii, ii‘ l and ;\liu\ l{.illill’rii \'ivili" V daiiuliier ml’ the Hun \l? l hlurpliy .iii<l \lr«' \liii'i‘ll.‘~ .i Gilili‘:-lirritlii~l‘e|iiii.ii\ ll- Tliniiim Clillhril (‘iililix N” ‘ Cll7li.~,ril\'.iiic-iii\«'r,;iiiil \li w \l KIIlllll‘(Il (lililhw, yr.iiiililiiii.ilih“ late l{L'\. Dr. 5...;-iii. ii! \l ,, niece of Dr. \\'.iim Siwili» ii’ “ mniinl Jlllkl _l|Hll_‘l’ Sim ili, nil *4 ‘
l)O|].\l(l'lll'HLlll‘~U|l‘ '_ \_lL l‘ clHl\'Cl1C.|llI('LlII|l,\lLInl|.i:l’ ‘’ in .\larcli, lii(‘lI\(‘Hi|Hl C““" Ii
Dmiald, R C N., \l\i\ iil .\llV 4‘ ll. l7. l)un:ilil, iii Cliviiiui ““ ennivr l>lan«l and .\li~\ llll‘ L‘, ii l'lemler~;uii, fl.’|\l.ll\l('l‘ ul “" G .\. llt'llklI'l"xf\\\."r\-lclllllllll I. iimiii..n»(>*(‘.i-iui i .\i L Czilhedrzil on l"el I Bniiltmi Z\l\Ll .\l\s*= ()'(‘ir;inli', (li1\|L'lil|'f nil —\l‘ J.\\’ d.;C..mi-3 <)‘(‘.r.idi
\\’.\i.l{l-.R'l'()N , ,1
\\'.nldull-l,:inih~' I-‘i-hw-*'—'- "" 'i‘imm;». uni. Mr. ii.m-iy i,‘ son or Mr. iimi Mn. .\ \\.-i1~l‘_- Hope, and xim irinmici W!‘ H Llaiiizliler «if Mr. mi ,\1r= " Lanih.
‘}’aiitl,\[i-»-,\|,,,., ,, ii i_ ~ .
(Iii ll ‘l,, v
Jl/Iriyfzzir, M