I use Colgate’s! I like it . . . that’s_why !”

HE'S a good scout—my mother is! She’s goin’

to he tickled pink when she sees these two beams even if I did teal: my pants at little comin' through Bailey's fence. Ma believes in lettin' a. feller do things the way he likes to do ’etn. That’s why she buys me Colgate’s to brush my teeth with. I like it—that’s why. Boy——does it taste keen! I guess mother knows what she's doin’. Doctor Ellis told her there ain’t any toothpaste can beat Colgate’s for keeping teeth clean— says more people use it than any other kind. An’ Ma says ’cause Colgate’s only costs a qua:-ter—n1ebbe she's savin' to buy me :1 new fish pole. Anyhow——she don’t have to bother about

me hrushin’ my teeth reg’lar—so I guess she’: satis- fied, too.”

would pm /11: rlm pimm, In full ruler, Juilablr/or/taming} Wflllgladly um! you mt, will»-

: T

nu; ml. Aiidnu: Ca/gal:-Pulrrn ollr-9-Pct! Company, (.4 Nalalll St. omuofl. /

Tbitual 1/ i ulaar rbmnn tllinn o lln p~4..a"'f.‘ hm. m1mh‘i'."u In 11.5 Caurujl In Dana! Tlrrnv zulics ll [be mman Drnlal/[Modal In—un Ibaz Inn ban hen /ouglud uzaplalvll






Continued from P592 42

- t 1-ds the Turning. 119 “Wm Emmy oiilila water o e as sesrchll-1E lake. hls kewheid, of his family. He for the dark e when a school of trout did!“ “an pfivs so near that he could dashe1t1iP:’t“til?,:_1 spot: on their side}; see 1: 9 9" - to still He had. Pflhap $2‘; enemies. and 39mg “w:£o.1egged creaturefiy Ke- ep?-‘31“uY the ~ 3 wide berth, but not winni§l;]l_'n!15vl‘9rE‘;l?nd and Ear; not while one o 15 0 heSh?i‘l1iz:rilr:'u$1thdia§olizigl;};t.cW floated “P the very from theolalgiiifigcrlig £128: Zfshamred gmce as if some hopes andllosthlanlzegn Ilfeigsdoomed to Dglor lfigglfiisan from his kind had raised 9 em“. ' l t ll his golce‘ fol; O“ ;:iJgn,]:;1;i: Iii: hhdmfii tiiilt of EBPNT: f th were it reDel:ltedkl:il111Es;7r:nY:a:‘};3;rt ° 9 world mristK;:1imiEk knew the lonely 1 Tahlidld uttered that dismal cry. it filled no ~ . - f bodlngs, as his heart with lstzailfisg pfgfilde of some lti1i]sl)al;%:<]a]rli;ow}(lise own kindred. He flung - f on himself forward w1th_the speed 0 arrow, same to the point Val1lCl‘;Sl;lrlL:0l;ié 9' mu ‘new of the lake’ and tha stranger‘ the b“1’"5h°‘.§' his mite “Th at 0 were of the puppies 110 5‘E“- , Fm" . an conirontiniggafch Other. 1115 W5 955 1“ ft :1 e ence. _ atI‘{¢:,lwianr.iick uttered _ n commsnfdmg whistle. She heard. shaped W83’ 1'01: the side of the strsngefy and enlfigret the water. There were four other a o: soundless splashes, and the pups, V}: ‘o had been lndmg nearby. 10159? t err ts. :, pfllhedlt the oldlotter had no intention of quitting the see. His fntnlly sniely 1n the water, he shot forward, reached share, and, with a few snake-like undula- tions, was in front of the stranger, who, to protect the more tender under portions of his body from the other’_s onslaught, had dropped to his foreieet. without :1 moment’s_ hesitation thme children of the wild sprung at each other. 0ld_ la the ways of combat, Kewlrallglclr tneld to seize his enemys nost ' —an a most deadly hold—-but with a quick movement the stranger evaded the sharp teeth and his own gashed Kewinnick’s neck. The old otter made no outcry. Silently they (ought, snapping hers and there with lightning-like quickness. Once, seizing hls enemy by the‘ forepnw, Kewlnnick flung him over is head among the trampled hulrushes, then, like an eel, he twisted about and again flung himself forward, teeth liared and eye flimhing hate. Only dent for one of them would end this fray. He must be king of the waterways, or parish. And that the out- come was doubtful he well knew. The stranger who had come hoping to usurp his sovereignty was as big as he, as strong and wily.

Again they mzlnrlhu, D and with one 2lL'(’l)l'(_l :-2" H I hind-quarters and up \, and paws out—tln-ust lll\i‘ they struck at em-h ,,,l , moments, with ll'll.l,'l'Hlll at exposed throat or n Kewinnick dropped, an , his enemy's stomach illullll teeth through the in, ,,,,,,‘, was asnarl of mlnglrzrl rid,‘ _ with a sudden twist of pa. the stranger was free, lmrl upon his back, assault with 11 hlmv {rum webbed claws thnt rlppml. and flung the old 01.101-Lu 1. water, his bark SiZl"ll{llll_{;l_1- Iog. Stunned for a. mum; didn't have time to l‘l>l(‘ lll r‘ ,3

was upon him. Heh-lL1i,,., ,

sink into his flesh zlbrlvo ll \"

he made no el-Tort to llglw. l _

weakened Condition it \\.l~ , allowed himself to ho rE«

among the trzlrnplod lul’:_

he knew it was his adv: ~. .3 to try and finish him ml.

Was this the end? \\ 11 ?~ the waterways to (‘mail '0' His mate—the ]Jl1[lplL*\‘ll»-l to pass to the pI‘OLe(‘lll>ll V who was chewing zit lus: i now she, his mist .., am. the water awaiting llw V combat. Never had lw lll battle, and now ~

Again from the hour‘ if the cry of the lonely lmln weeks before hurl swum with her mate, his Vtlicw ‘l cooing notes of low-, my before her on the ‘»V£llI-V‘, beautiful white lll‘Cll.:L ‘w gaze.

Gathering his hind IIUH" Kewlnniek drove his xwlxl his enemy's St()TT12l('ll, wluw short, the ilesll tnnulrvr, mr time sank his l.l‘l‘Lll in: throat, just below Llu‘ lli-‘ with a bull-dog grill H“ {‘ teeth relax on his iinw. irnntir-ally clmvml nml ll= ussnilunfla forop:lw.~l. lilll of that. He hm] :1 (I:-mil‘ that the other could nmll

A few moments l1Il\‘l‘ l\‘ slowly and lln‘l[('.l(llly “’, breath cominlz in l'”‘” hloothstllinod lilw. nn<l_ form of his lntn rivzll. ll": somewhat rostnrvrl. l‘“ T“ edge of the lzlkv, (‘l|I‘l‘illl self, and, his Lnilol. l“"’l‘y"" his shrill wlllstlo to ill!’ ‘-‘ ing mute.

He was well .‘llli.l*«‘lll"'lh|‘ Once more he hurl «~slllv’“,. . to Kingsllip over the \\-1

and mm -
