idcn is‘ ‘lye. Sim 9 (‘1kLi11|H.Lr_ C/CL']Jm‘.‘ ‘g. V t Luciux I V _ lair u.«»i«.n l 5.1‘ M. vr in m 90 \L'V\ ‘HA ‘ n's «Immv. n ,\fru:m ’ . ‘. ru r1bu,w\.‘u 1 ml in L"‘!H’.A ' riL'~I‘m’L~ ‘ ’ (}m1lh“ m. cat cam» ‘W :\|h‘i\.n In vumd ‘ s<~11Lc LU L 1\nlnnr.H h ‘ l Lhu \\‘« NM A cowui ‘ nrmnni W i '//an 1 int’ (‘(I.\'INIH' " i)[4lL‘i.‘. 1:2; 01‘ _ V V mrla 1“ N/WNH; t.fht.'r UH lit 11"" "’”‘ / Mayfair, May, 1927 63 gjouoieci, i . $7 ii /7/C7UTVLQ,d/ Not with trimmings and jewels, nor the usual details, but with correct foundation garments and graceful figure lines, which is the true height of fashion reached by smart women. Gossard. Com17lcrcs, Combinations, Stepins, Qirdlcs, Clasp-armmds, and Front Lacing Corsets are designed of exquisite fabrics to bring figure beauty to i1ul1'1iidm1l women. farcerl wit/L sateen, rlcs . atm-rage figure. Elaslic s('clI'nIt‘5:'nhIin hly trimmed. Pink. Size 34 In -I.'.’. l‘ C 2 V J’ ghe 9/0:3/owml Jung (76 We CANADMN H. W. CIOSSAPD COfmm;ted 366 flddmde St LU Uoumto Ca/nu/Jpn ATLANTIC SAN FRANCISCO LUNIIUN NEW mu" nurmos AIRES s\*nm:v CIIICAGO DALLAS