Its erected on I ?;i,:‘;:,3:°w xe .°.::~ C miani? mm‘ "hilt: is the must g] B E Dr: P astern symbofic d embroidered over pported by poles ufliiu d with Copper. 1”‘ - y. “lhen King Ed“, 11.? V 7 miles he attended [hE‘I;dr\~_ . d it. was this silken ‘E on that memorable M 3 'al garden parties iulvimu . hold Indian cnhfi ruling Indian Print L?» l[5 of high rank are run mi Their Majesties {aka 1,‘ {oyal tent are inviudfi If the Royal family 1}, Ids and a few distiném V ”“ f“‘"°“8 the Qucenhm Iecuon of fine chinam esden tea service is I:


vho has ever been toallm :y has more than a Ward: - refreshments. Royal In England is known mum" A 3 perfection, its channel We have been told hyia , that Her Majcstymgr ' Royal menu. War 5} for the fragrant fresh um cream as stiff as honcy.i' d stimulating innit cups!‘-' reads and pastries.’ Tl! ' . for the eyes as well. All“ e bands in separated P’ :n. played soft music. lg‘: presence at 50 ““’ ms given the season "

lacking last yea!- pleasure was mm?” ‘-1 d with sympaliI)' ll" woman who carried on‘ year: since Land“? l"! ( )portunilies of Ieelflflm driving 1hrou$l' ‘l" ll pages!”-|'}' °{ Smt‘

ll . to Cowca-for Iii! Cmm he the Royfll Y“hl“ ".1 éi for a fortnight. 012 ‘kt ht of the pc0Pl‘ ‘ff lfiflumfl King is to race int



5 of politic». 1s"‘:l.i.»t convelrlt K}: igu°F

iin the an. H r . ie non of hard “ml.- reeman-Thorn!‘ I Society. ll)“. of the Sncialm I ea that life 1:15 . L e i(>c\iltu‘Li:Iil: Linn? l"':{llii :emnn-TlIorI1_l“‘"M [3 ' xghler uf Sir 9',’ K ’_ were at the Alan", £1511‘, Bay, when ch"! gflefl‘ an extra few 53'!" I“ Willingdon W!“ m‘'‘ ucbcc. Later.‘ , H y went on 10 neat: of MT» “" It their n:ounU’}' Sn alm pl!’ 7"

P Fred M”! Madeline Thompson

°w“'“pl' bi’ /‘fifliev 6' C'rIPI!:n

953. Bloor St. West Toronto
