‘The Chatelaine, May
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H. NAPIER M003], Editorial Director
' Alum El.llz!.;l::;r'B Wll-SON
V A Magazine lor Canadian Women l
Gsoluzs H. TYNDALL. Butirlsu Manager Lovely Model Frocks
volume 11_ MAY. 1929 Number 5 P R I S C I L TRIMMED
or N
' 1 Mask To make smart frocks a V Rernoves Thls COVER DESIGN BY A. R. WHEELAN home that have all the stylll, 3 There’s no longer the slightest need and finish of tailored work 5 of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as General Aytfclgs use pl-gscma Bias Fold Tap; l Othlne — d°“ble Strength '_ is guaran’ Mating Still Depends on the Mater!-—by Mary Lou/rev Ross . . . . . . . 7 instead of ribbon trimmings. teed to remove these homely spots. Iuuswated 1,, w_ ,4. Ogilvy I Priscilla folded onatrueblas Simply get an ounce of 0-thine fr°m Sport Bound!——by H. D. McCovquodale . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 halves time and trouble 1.; . any drug 01‘ department Store and 3P‘ Illustrated by Ricardo sewing and won’t show a I Pl)’ 3 lltlvle Of lt Tllgllt and morning and Notes From a Spring Diary-——Editorl'al. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 pucker, j You Should 500“ See that even the W°1:5t Hoarding and Giving—by Nancy Leigh . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 You can get Priscma in 30 freckles have begun to disappear, whlle our problem page tubfast shades_in rich silk the lighter ones have vanished entirely. Entertaining and fine Lawn__in Gingham It is seldom that m°re than an oumle Ma Showers For June Brides—by Edythe Arm Palmer . . . . . . . . 8 checks and striped Percale-— :°.::*.:‘.1:%s..**1s;.:§::..:°.:‘.° b» we om» *“,:“‘°:.¥°‘ - - risci a ua it on Be sure to ask for double strength The Model“ Cllatelalne gilt‘ for p,is§ma_ yy must Othine, as this is sold under guarantee A Department for the Housekeeper S Y d (H 1 of money back if it fails to remove The Home Bureau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 .n{§ee“;af(f§tfi,j_“;ar§i‘;f;°;;k l your freckles. Some Nova Scotia Hooked Rugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Eve,ywhe,e__me,pens1,.e1y mead A Color Pa e ' Hooked Rugs forgColor—by H clevl Creighton , . . . . . . . . . . . 19 s{x§eEe1:Lpal;3§o}l}ti.],g2,1:lng2gEM . Four Walls Do Not 3 Prison Make—by Mary Agnes Peas: . . . . . . . 20 f 1,111-silzoe triatl c_ardtof Pr£sfl')l'wiAEn. ’ ' ' ‘ 2 C271 S If! 8 017! , - %::§.::‘:.f.‘:‘::.?::;r.::.g:. .£.‘:l?*..D:”;;°; §“§...;..- an - - e ~ - ~ :; ‘#525 mm» oi’ 0 0 Cnanadian Food Series I _ 51019 €0l0'r desimi _ The Market Basket—by Margaret E. Read . . . . , . . . . . . . 23 WW9 "ame ‘""d ‘lddmls l’l‘”"ll"
Address you-r Letter to department “H.”
d d ' A Picturesque Stone House of English Type . . . . . . . . . . . 24 ru. O D. E. Kartlarzd, Registered Architect
The Family TakesaHo1iday——by Stella E. Pines. . . . . . . . . . , 26 P". Illustrated by Elsie Deane Q
New Things for the New Baby—by Barbara Blain . . . . . . . . . 8 l May Gifts for ]}me Bride9——by fliuby Short McKim . . . . . . . . . is IAS The Chate aine‘s Handicra Service . g .. Wu. INGRAM‘-PER Gmdmmg EKAay Mlgnufacturing Co. Poppies for Adornment—by Laura E. Allan . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Limited Art 999 Aqueduct Street, Montreal » Monument Inn, Queenston~—by W. W. Alexander . . . . . . . _ _ _ 17 Largest Makers in the British Emyiu Etching Canadian Fashions Luggage That Goes Travelling . , . . . -. . . . . . . . . . 12 As Seen by Mary Humphreys Tweeds, a Basic Spring Fashion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Four Smart Creations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lg Vogue Pattern Service SANDFLUSH is used Crisp and Cool for Summer Nights . . . . . . . , , _ _ . _ . 74 to make that most Interesting Hip Treatments in Formal Wear . . . . . . . . . . . _ 75 C L H E S ' L necessary of house- Shirring, Pleating and Gathers Combine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 f hold tasks easier——cleaning the toilet With Scarfs for Street and Sports Wear . . . . . . . . . . . :9 D R- E R bowl. It takes the unpleasantness out F— - of this work. And it does its job . . . . “man thoroughly. alopelsladc (Short Story) . . . . . . . . 3 Sani-Flush reaches down into the A Timid Woman-—-by R. E. Breach (Short Story) 6 hidden, unhealthful trap and cleans Illustrated by Henry Davis ‘ l ' ' ' l ' ' ' ' that. It banishes foul odors. Sani- Double Lives——hy Sinclair Murray (Serial) . . , _ . ,1 Flush leaves the toilet bowl g1isten- Illustrated by R. W. Major ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ‘ 1° l ing, sparkling white. All so easily. Cl"'[d.,en"s Feature l -lust 5l“'l“kl_° S€"‘l‘F_l“5h l"t° ‘he Sunnyville Town and the People In It . . . . . , , _ _ I'i‘(;1wl9 lgiollfiwglfi dlrictlogs on tlile cam Written and Illustrated by Jean Wylie ' ' ' ' ‘4 en us . e jo is nishe . Poe” You will want to use Saul-Flush Tb ufl ' p y_G - - y the year round. It is perfectly harm- e1(¢:z2,,,¢,t.?;§¢ at Ma,.,“;";$1,::,;5.:Sl: S ' ' ’ ’ ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' - - - 4 less to plumbins Old Birches—by Lucy G. Clarkin . Buy Sani-Flush at your grocery, lll'‘°‘'“l“l 51! Gm“ Meflill 3° " drug or hardware store, 35c. Regular Depanme-ms l O The Promise of Beauty; What of Your Child? The Domestic Workshop. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 1 C d G t B ,m by uslnfia Monitor. Does f1‘}"]’:‘Iy ..,u.-..m : n arm a, ’ - . _ . Cle8nsClosetBOWlsW1Ih0ut Scouring (4/2) Der gear]: United Santa and P1o:essidlls,"dnlllimll(eBxl.<l.l;Ji,BlSllgggfallglscolfdlfigfi IS‘8dl)‘ll) ’(1:21/.29 t Old “Bills us: per year. mg e Copies, 0. ' ' 6 Inc. H-“loll” RITCHW & C0-9 Ltd. Nata: 1! amount not rammed. we will bill for dilemma no as to avoid dam In llllnl ordsl-I. ccgn lie folded put awagg 33 F'"ingdono‘;"o:ldt(::oS:ol:|aga:: I Engla d Copyrlght, 1929, by The MacLesn Publishing Company, Limited when not irl, use, Llghhcompa AL» I: 0/1110’... '1”; alld durabe _ ma er: a 0 area wal rloflzncr F th who need less lme 143-153 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, TORONTO 2 °' °Se ' gma - _ _ Joan Bum MAcl.nN, President Space: ll‘? Clay Dryer 15 H. T. Human, Vice-President H, v, mm“ awe,“ Mama" er and lighter ”
Publishers of: The Chatelaine, Mu-.I.ean's Magul , C (1
Hardware and Metal, C!l}3-dun Palm and Varnish llldsinhgf Sl:rlllt§!9ymIlJ}sn8ll!l:erG:}tsth°IndlmM(n}y“lr' The Fmmcm mm’ Dry Goods Review, Mens Wear Review. Bookseller snd Stsllonet, Canadlsri Mschl weer’ Dru‘ M°"°l““‘ll9l"l. Power House. Csnsdlsn Foundrylnsn. Canadlsn Printer and Publisher, Csnad "W ‘M M‘"“’“°‘“”“8 News
Trlmspofl. in Canada. Tho General Merchant oi 1(’ill‘m‘l1‘lt.°m°m° T"‘d°' B“ “ml T"“°l‘
PERFECT HEMSTITOHING T AND PICOTING ATTACH- MENT. PRICE $1.25 Money back guarantee (lreawst invention known for the house- wife. Fits all sewing machines.
Please send the illustrated booklets 0“ THE MACLEAN COMPANY OF ' 512 SUN or CANADA BLDG.. 2, 3 s 4 C0CKgI¥lIl}%TS¥.l1l.r(9}l'§bLIMITED Mom” and Clay Dryers.
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