e nftf


.merica’s first truly fine small car

rmon now presents to Canadian ‘doni an entirely new and ad- d tnne of transportation—a truly ar made small. Performance, ease ling and ease of control that have ' been approached in any other car dless of size. Its success is in- ble.

T1L‘0—])(lS~‘(‘)t_I/Fl‘ Speedster . . . . $2,925 Ffltlt‘-dfltll‘ Sedan .5'.Z,925 F0141’-])fl8s€llyFl' Spced'!ei' _ $3.025 Cnttpv . _ . Tten-dot-ii' Sedan Ciillrtps-ilile (‘aitpc RnritLvtei' . ., ..


1 and American Motors Limited 85 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ontario

eggat Motors Sales Limited Hamilton

lie illustititinii ttliorc is altmvit the Little imi Fuiir-Donr Sedan. Beirut‘, the Roitrl.-tier with Rltlrtlllt’ arut.

TH li


31")’./ifli/‘, /llav I92 . ) __7


Ciitilitiitri/frimi page 19

liiiii/r:-iiri.’r riifr.-'. nor the snltliers in their liizht lilue iiiiif<’ii‘in\~_ the liare-lieaded iiiiiiun latleu \\itli lllt1Fl{CllHt!, the lieardetl _Qt'I\tlt'I1\t‘ll in long black capes and flat round hats. loriltiiip like butt- inli-iit Ba/_r/ieniliiétlie h\\'i'I|‘n\ ofst llLll'I1[\‘ ll“ ll"." 5l\UPS .\V’i, it is szoiiieiliinp deeper than all this; \‘t’i|1\('[lIlll)..' one (.ll"il.'\’ not until to expliiiii. lf charm, like efficienci. could be [ll-’i~§ecte(l. it ivuiild \. i.~h.

The Canadian Natioiial has niorctl inm l’|fllILl\‘I!lhL‘ new offices |tnt.lt)t‘ the Hotel SCFll1C. Tliroitgli the Parisian reprcsentiitiie. l learned that \\i'. l7._ Maxiiell, of Uttaira, iias ll_\in_i,' front Pari= to Berlin, and also from Paris to Ltindmi. The C.i\' R. hooked a consid- erable number of iri:ll-knoirri Canadians for French traiel; Mme. Turgeon and datiglit.er of Moiitreal, Senator George Gordon. Col. G. Patterson Murphy and family to mention only a few. ;\ud French travel to Canada seems to hate lieen greatly stimulated through the IlCii\’lllIL“% of this Paris office. Many reservations are now beint; made for Canadian trips, principally to jasper Park.

;\t the Canadian Pacific office, a short distance away, one learns that Sir Henry Drayton and family. .\Irs. Willis O'Connor and her mother, Mrs. de Winton are touring through France. Also that the two daughters of i\Irs. Nortliwond, of Winiiipt-g,gavean inter- esting exhibition of skating at St. Moritz. judge Tiirgeon and family, of Regina. are livinigin Paris for the sake of the children's education. And crowds of Canadians are staying at juan des Pins, a 5\Vat1}.'(‘l' resort lying between Hyeres and San Rafael, that has only recently leaped into popularity and the kno\v- ledge of the tourist.

l‘I'L‘HCl\ tourist travel is, I think lieatier from Toronto than any ntlier Canadian centre. “iinteririi: in France st-em~ to have swept that. city like an epideinic.

liieryrine in art circles particularly is talkiiiiz about Alias ,\lar;:aret Frame, ririuinally from Nova Seritia. hut latterly of Rt-igitiii. Miss l‘ranie and her iiiritlier have a studio here and lIfll.lt'1|"lL' .'l)_’f) gate 1| tleliglilltll "live rilcloek" at \\ltlCll the tvuests “ere alloiietl :i iirii ate ‘ill(i\\lIU.' of .\Iiss l‘r:ime's ]iictttrcs— nntalily her ciirtrait of the Prince of \\.ile\. \\'lllCll ll R ll has lH'('|l plt-.'iKei.l In accept l‘..'irl_\ iii :\riril. an all Cana- ili.iti .\rI hxliiliitiriii iiill he llt.‘lLl at the 'l'itillt*riiir: (i.|llL'rIl,“u lt lsliiiltltl arraiiizetl by Cliirttncr, C./tiuirin, l{.C. \.. aiitl lLl‘lL‘

Bl'fl\\l\f’Clll"I|Iftl’l'ti the N lirinal (iiilli-ry, .it Ottziiia. Miss liratiie uill exhiliil IlI('l’t‘

l‘.u tlii-z |lfItt' riceriiints of Miss llt‘lL'l1(‘ l{:i}~'u rriiiiaiitic niarritigiz uill havi- travtl (l all mu" Catiarla. Slit: is the (l(lt'l‘ ILli1l1).’l]ltt'I‘ rii Criiiiiiiissiiiiier and \lr< Pliiliiipe Rn} ziiitl initrrietl Xli. .\iimi.. \lL'jii|, 5t'£Tel:IryOfIlit' lviiilnr l.t-iwiiitiii after one week's t-ui.'. I‘l’Ht'lIl..

i hate not her ii In La l\'l£Il'iflH C;iii:i- tlilflllll‘ (ilir- llmii-l for student») apt-iiutl hi the l’riiict‘ Hf \V.’|ll"o, liiit am told there are aliiiiit friity resitleiits there. Nor did l we the llttCl(l'_\' parrie [1l.'|_Vt.'Ll by a Canadian team u'|tlEIln‘il luiiropean Ct-tl]l(‘!~l.’|l’tl%. ll tins held in the l’a|;ii»: tle Glace, and very stiiarr. ltver) out unri: eieniiie drt

The Home Show is gniiiy to be (ill

irileresliriiz cu-iit Fe“ ‘in and anionu them there 3-; Canadian——.\Ir.=. l{UlWt]|'[ _\ lnrrrierli Miss \'i.-Lying“ Lrndq Neii Glas_Ln3\\'. N S. .\l!'K‘ St'tll1rir(, L, Wvrgtl Pri_m l-'M_.“r:ar. at the siiuii, iii itiiiipiiii: in p_.'||'llC|ll.1r_ ,.,_Tvi‘”m hmi muntimi. She l‘~ .1 ntCl'Iil)t‘rr1ltlir-i]tL i ' (ii rieliiii: club) and each \\i’_‘i_k [“'l|r|§(r the liuitt. Iler apartment is a Llf‘ll}_'lttlfl\l (.i.i.uoria l\.‘I\'L'n. llllttl “iii. ltcattlillll ulijrtr cl"/iv/, <.‘.\'t]||I'iilt' old fiiriiitttre arlt rare pruits. ill of ivliieli sliriii tn molt lent aLl\’.1l1lt1gL‘ Jgililril mid ' panelled walls F

IlOl'l'(ll"? upon liorrnrrl Yesti-rdiii [ saiiv a lring alt-iril i\'atiir.il|v, tlii- .iLl',, filled me with coii<rerti.itiriii, .tiitl tn. quirics uere lll<li[llV,Ct.l at mice T}... W] affecting a loni:-=kirted i.iiliiriiiatl.- ii turned out to he a Spfltllkll Jrllwt, xiii. olijccied in the current iiitittti, mi invented this iiiiigracelul iiiie nl lit‘! min She is welcome. If you coiiltl li.i\:_» \i»._.,, ll. 5l9lL‘\"'~ - . . enouuh rri l’llillLt,‘ .1 mid-Victorian weep!

in line and style there is little chat U!‘ in womi.-nls dress. Perliiips the lllt iii fullness (pleats. inverted and l1l't\' ]7lt‘tll\> is a little more dominant but that lK- 1i|_ Narrow belts are good for spriiiu iiuir, defining a fairly lnu \tai~t line .\lltl black and white i< iniperativc l,\ll’l‘.l{- 1\TI\il“.l Suits, coats, poiins for liriu-e and street wear, e\'eriiiii_v ii-rape Fllltl dress must be black and iiliite. \\'hi‘t fox i ii feverish demand.

Ihavt: seen a ereat deal of hlack fllltl white leather trimiiiing but faiiei lltfl‘ it will he too common to be good. ,\l»ii, small checks. broken plaid» and Uririi». in black and \\'ltilC .\ smart. triiicli gained by weariiii: a {loner zn lY!‘?\lt t that it glflflfi in the dark. 'l'lit~ri: .ivt numbers of tlirer: piece <pr-rt ~uii-. lit lit.‘ slioun in kaalia and ji-i<r‘,\'—i;iri.ti skirt and fancy D\(‘Yl’1lU|l5C.

French uriiitt-ri «cent to tlreaw i i better than Canatliariw Uni: <i,i~ i great deal of iiiriiiriiiiiiz, liivii imii , girls can l(lt‘|Lll}' tri lviiie iiiili-. aiiil l LlnIJl‘tY that all lllt)SL' <(‘t‘lI iiiili \\ll4ll would call l\lLltI\\“\ liriiirieta, hair luv i bereft til :i llll’-lifttttl F r emit». .H -zcarcely ‘»L‘l'H at all. l’i'r ’i[i‘. liii.iiii llIt' .<(’i'l§ftl‘| iq inn fiir (|tl\t1!ltt‘tl tiiii lllltt after time, l l\|‘i'lt‘ pi-riplv iiiuriiiiii l itiiw," RN 1 ,..—.~~ ill lltllltt. i Sltltltlil ll‘ any llt(‘l't' I: iiinri: niiiue l|t'tI‘ iliiiii \\ ll i iis, iirir that ii i< t1\ttl"t'L‘X]\t'Ill} t'I]l['ll“ Slioii hair iw \llll\'t1’<E|l. llats an-l 4 in i‘ ulirirs lririlt ixactly like lllfi‘2L‘ Iii \\ltl‘ t we are i1CE|t~'i|tI)lH‘Ll, £|lll\4't|IL'lt tli‘ l"ri>ncliniaii l'lt'L‘l«1t‘L“€ he can ttll it l“‘ eit-iii-r hi‘ his‘ ‘4llr)L‘fl. V

.\lriet hair tlt'L'S'vL‘r‘§ iiisiti iiimii .ltltllCl- Ir /rtrlimi in the rirtliii.'ir_\' Sllilttttlll“ ll ' price lit-iiii: iiintli.-rate, l «iiliiiiitittl t’

I.tl.iiiy .1 cliaiici-, fllltl tll"l|I\l‘lLtl ll..\l lititllt (ll niit-2 l.i\‘riri|i‘ tVt'tfIltttt' (1 IN‘ ‘) izaiit. Coty, llutliiut. l’i\*i:t' |ll' llii lllu‘ was piiiired 0\t'l’ tint-‘s hi-ail illltl l’lIlIl\t" into the scalp. 'l'lier<-.ifIt~r. iiiii- ll.ttl"‘ ii sceiit nlinnszr, .t‘i sti-niitr l|\ that ii i‘ wriiiiidcd sliark.

.-lrlirlrr of Pam are (\‘t‘I}'\\l|(tt'f ill‘ ]'tl.’|}'('(.l, .1lllt0Il):lI the i~‘.v...ii..iim tut Temple is the real iiiaiiiifactitiiiiu titty‘ for them. ’l'|ii~y iiielutle rtal .'|l\tl iiiii tirin jewelry (iiin~ll.\‘ ‘l“‘ l“”")’ W artificial llower.~i,beatli:tl l1(l|‘%(|llItl‘ll‘ll;‘ Cari-etl wand anti It-atht-r miI\I|H"> the iy. many iii the r.iii.illi:i' wlml“ aviiitl \\t'.l[I[\il1¥' ‘ll’ l‘"""l 'r lml l

llI('l| mil r-iili " st.ii~.-.,..Y

\\Illtd‘ W


\\ lll

M fair, May. 1927

-4 i l



always below tlit It preserves perfect] crisp freshness of gi sweet for days. Frig operation and the in ensure the quick fret —the keeping of ice

Frigidaire’s bare cor the rcfrigerat0r—los intermediate stage.

highly efficient iipei

Frigidaire is a prtidii ance of the most iiiiid able service, of ours three hundred tlititisz In Lise than all titliei Frigidaire now in oi for detailed iiiforiiia


Bmricli S/l(lII«'l'fl()l1i
