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weighted down with frills on horseback. So ignoring Hollie's look of aisapprovgl, I trot off jouatily from the kitchen; hnkx not so 3331 quickly however, but what I overhe:r.Uollie's_rem3rk; intended maybe for me, onfi maybe for her emu eonsuntion. Says Yellie:

”Pfettg soit for some folks as takes life easy end_con go ru3nin' around doin' nothing”.

Icing nothing! I or overcome with ireignetion. I who have helped to put down daout 400 lbs of pig! I ah so cross with Nellie that I cineh Tilver Heels muqh to tightly, on? he turns about restlessly and noses tomerfl my shoulder. is I throw my leg~---I suppose one ought to may ilimb” if one follows the standards of 2 Hellie—--across my horse's bonny back, and I come out through that hnrnysra at a neat clip. Before me stretches a wifie expanse of rolling meadows, fragrant of nzw moun hey --—fnr they are still haying, though it is the ~nd of October. Thus it is in Sunny fllberta. I face the beginning of a glorious sunset, lingering in splenC0r_behind that skyline of Rocky mounfihens. There is a clean, cola nip in the air, a


stillness snfi freshness gun fragrance that both ohayme one 2 '~~*

exhillzrutes. As 1 cantor JCJOSS the country, I forgot all

.ehout the tiresome day in the hot kitehen,~;nd the mountains

on? hillows of eig. Our flog is leafiing around us, jumping up to tease Silver Heels, unG I tell him to begone one firing here the milk eons, enC I point izxmx with my quirk to ;here a bunch of cattle are graningon a hill slope. You shoulfi see our Eotsy then. He is off across meedou .na field at e breathless scumper. How he is on the hell side. That little dog barks at the heels of

three of tlmt herd oi’ or 25 h.e'_‘.G, piclzing and bu chingthe