This business of graduating from school or college is no idle jest, when one has spent so many industrious years for the privilege of embarking under full sail on the voyage of life. To the Graduate, Gifts on this occasion mean a great deal more than Gifts at Christmas. No relative, no friend worthy of the name should overlook this. Each Gift should be as richly cor- dial and as lasting as the wishes that go with it. And more than all, some- thing that the Graduate will thrill to receive. The fact that you can scarcely pick up a publication nowadays without seeing friendly reference to the Par- kerDuofold indicates. and correctly, that these black-tipped heauties are all the rage. ' ‘ Mad: |n Canada ‘ '- —5amc Pntu ' I! III the States om.-,x.~c Dua{uLl_ $7 ar I)mMJ_Ir . ‘S .‘ _ .1, =5 'Du¢jbId 'Duette Couple this popularity with the fact that Parker Duofold Pen and Pencil barrels are made of Non-Brealo able Permanite. instead of rubber as formerly— and that the Parker Duofold Point is guaranteed 25 years not only for mechanical perfection but for wear- and you may as well make it unan- imcus by stepping to the nearest pen counter for this classic writing Du- ette, in its attractive Gift Box. While you're at it,pick your Birth- day and Wedding Gifts too—or Prizes for Bridge and Golf. This will save returning for them later. But look with care for the imprint. “Geo. S. Parker."'Then nobody will be disappointed. Tnr. T‘All(FIl'|'DUN1’AlN 1"tncmumNv.Lmxr:D TDl\C-N10 J. on-ruuo and (mid. lllncl: “mm! In-‘Cr ur nl.ILl1-l||1|’Ik'tl 1,..t.u..-. nil. am £11: 54. Our-H‘-~ 1‘”““‘ $l§fl.l.:1Lly s3.m1.m unify‘ filled by Inst-mm: \ 1..-.nJ .n_ u .y,,_,... mm: m f(H\U'-L tlic umtlns.