will rI2A‘/
Mayfair, February, 1930
London, _lfll‘lllx'll'}' t
Tllfl World Cruisc—are you taking it? Despite stm:kAn1.1rl.ct.s and U)
V spite thermometer fluctuations, people are travelling sitluouslv. if they are not circling the globe. they are bound for sunnr clintes;—sun in some shape or lorm—\vltetlter it ripple on sensltnre or sparkle across mountain snow. Suflicient it be that it is sun! Clothes for nr.e:tn tr.1\el are therefore all momentous—in that tlte sea-route is u.su.1llv the sun- route. ‘
We men are apt to err on board ship. that is—s:irtori.1lly speaking, of course. We either indulge in the alrzlrr far mrnlr (not the name of .1 nc\\ cocktail) and fall into the slough of sloppiness. or conforming [O0 l.1.s- tidiously to fashion a‘ la land—losc that nnnchztlance of hu.1rin_i: u'hich makes all nice girls love .1 sailor. There is a middle course to -Ati‘|:t l1V which one distinguishes the seasoned traveller. '
l'le il‘t\'1It’lZ|l)l)' chooses clothes that combine comfort with propriety. He has acquired that clothes-sense with which readers of llIr1v_l'mr ha\'e become familiar. He revels in this freedom of the se.1s—yet fully amtre that he is under crtti .1l nbservation . there is no sterner gamut to run thun that “six times muncl the deck nukes .1 mile." Deck L‘llI||l'S occupied by the fair sex can be most tlisturbimz to the man who is not confident that he is dressed comm: if /aul. The cut of your ulster and the hang of your trousers become, in :I trice, infinitely more itnportuut than the price of wheat!
Of p.1r.1ntount importance is the ulster and cap for .1 blow on the upper
tlccl; hefore Boreas becomes friendly. Last month l ltlL‘llLlI)l\L’kl _l.1L't1l”IC.'lll broun anal Lmutt mixtures. .15 par excellence for this type of mint A‘: regards the hang of the lrouser.s—the hool. trouser huntzer will utleutl In that. lt (lips on In the feet of the trmtsers and hrttnzs tn the eupho.1rLl or innu\';Ilir>n trunk in such .1 \\‘.1y that the trousers .1tltnttt.1timll}' revert to .1 good shape l1)’ the next clay. It is :tt\lttt.llSpt‘l1S.’Il7lL‘ .1tljuntt on l3U.'ll’(l ship, as -'|l'L‘ r:nll.tpsil\le aluminum shoe-trees .'Intl u)ll.1psihle lllllmlllllttl t;o:tt- lmngers. ;\u inno\'.1linn trunl-.. of course. is the itle.1l travelling cr-mp.1nion_ There is no lh'It|(li(‘r room-niatc iii .1 tllltlll than it. zlltltutttzlt IL can he COf1Vt‘lllL‘l'llh\' at h.1ntl only if the st.1te-mum is spucimis. llut the ex- perientvtl traveller has fotmtl that if he is not uctttp_\ mi: .1 (nlvin .'|lUllL'. there are nuntorous tnllztpstlvle urtitles on the lll1|I'l\(‘l.\\'l|lL’l] \Hll .ts.-stst his comfort .lnd Lit when he is tryintv to .'ulju-st hintself tn the nuuixnum of space. A hluv ltmti;.:t~ suit is llL‘Lt‘S%fl[\. in these tl-'|_\S of luxurious \tx~.~els. much time is spent in the rvreplltxn ruonts where reutliniz, untiniz rind ’l’lllttltl‘lll"‘lH terms of llritlge ~.‘trc alu';t)'s part of the d:ty's prngrututne. ln fuel. as \\L‘ all know. ntutleru ships are so lithlllllltlll)’ equippt-if .t1;.tiust foul \\(‘flLllt‘l'. \\lllI ('\en the tnxtiu portions of the tlcchs !£l4lS‘€-L‘ll(l||SCll4 that llL;lll—\\CI}1lIL tlothing untl |Il|(lL‘I'\\'(‘.'lt' is tlesiruhle for lmth Ll)llllUt'l and convenience. .\ tut-etl suit living generally’ used for trxtin-tr.n‘el to port of L-tnhnr ation. there l’t.‘tI1-'Iitl the plus fours (Ilttl Ilunttt-ls with their accnntp.1n tux pulhnvcrs for tlm-l; ~pnrl~ and );ynm.1sittn1 u urk.
Plus fours in grey Slu-tlantl suth .1: Prince llenr) “cars. might he .1 stttccss- ful cltoicc. Rilwhetl slot'l.'im:.s. of .1 ut.ttch- in}: grey tone, woulcl complete .1 kit that in not too sombre for sunny l.‘lll||CS and at the same time is \V'flfm cnnuglt for the
Pm In is (he iunpt'rnIiun fnr HlI‘Rt' ullrrr wintrr npurlu rnutumrn wlurlt will In: itrnrr ul SI. Mm-t‘l:. ’l'Ite _r/ulmrrlitw xlri rrmlumc is mrntxcly prttrllrttl with :1» I1‘/yhfnin/1/nwritm-tlmtnt
mntnring excursions .'IL tht‘ vurit-us ports the ship touches. A point to he re- membered here. is that this is often .1 distinctly (lusty excursion uherefnre .1 thin dust-cont. nf nlp:t<.n xuay pI'0VL‘ -1 boon in disguise should l‘.1lestine or Egypt hold .1 port of call.
I nuggcst grey plus [SM nlm pug! 68]
/Ill‘ front 0/’ Hit‘ jttvknt. Cular for [hr Iulmflllrm ulidrs in httrnrfurt-(I in llm R('l'CI'lll 171!”-0l'('TR tiltin- IruIrrl.' ull mntlerumltc in tlrni/nu. Snrlrn tn mulrh. Ilnluuv :1 bob KIN] for the mmmlniu nlttlnt and a pair of Swinn nnnw nltunn