‘ _. _ ,-_ :1 _ _» . ;-ll.‘ . * ,. ~ ' - H ‘In-‘W’,-I: U V r Sgmg ‘Mgtgyfigtg Am Ngfi A5 i i ’ ~iii‘;f§’:.::1;:iS%?§£.iii§‘e";"£§:aZ‘;,?i§: r ;
7 from the drum outside our gtirztge-7- ,. the “lboss” lieing-away, and the W0-
E- ‘ 0 ‘ .
our Popular With the Farmers 1 r i , ;,
i " 9“ . '_hobof ulsi the-311 8Vj:10l.It1}t)imlT718 , ' " .‘ ‘-
' h V -_: ,<;as:lir:;:v1:Ei-om our‘ “hands” .. ' . 5 ._________ _ . » 6
in our abseiice, omitting to pay for . - 11 the seine (zit 3. time when gasoline ' was as hi§.;‘li as 60 cents per gallon). but handing a. tip to the “himd.” At ' '
._ _ p’ - The %F,armers, However, Are Painfully Popular with ihe
_. p , ' Moior.ist$——Nlany Joy Riders Expect Much for Nothing §§§a“%)§»“§i°§3§‘3§a‘§re §§z3;%§°'§§r“l«§§::c1§3 " ‘ x ;' I l And Believe it is ‘conferring a Favor to Land a Hungry lfiéifa,hé3i€§f“a,b%E‘£“iyS‘f3£.?§iid?XZ’u§.e§
girls and men, and ii‘ We would but . get up and get him some or the de—' _ - ,
Cerload Into a Farmer's Dining Room ——- Some Very _ Magnificent “Tips” Are Offered, Even to the Extent r *Zi§i‘i§§§2‘é‘g3§i°ii3§17’“:;‘ 9” “S “ “W” » . . or Fifty. Cents--—But the Freckle Faced Boy Refused /, We do IiotNro1Ena3.‘p2:fl:Il?:'g:3raf:‘e, but
The Dough Séorn. zi cattle ranch. W‘licn the farmer
hauls out to his ‘ranch at consider- _— able labor and cost, a,‘ drum of gasp- line, he does it for his own especial
By WINNIFRED REEVE ‘we discover the wanton cutting of use, because he is not near to the in ,‘ (Onoto V‘/atanna) the fences, and narrowly scape being - sources that supply the ;i0YTi<1<3PS-. 1 Tiicy come with the first breath of hit by the crazy shooting in pastures “cg ‘Often the motor lioboes are of‘ the 4‘ -‘~l>I'1I1$, IJ1011:%“hiiig 'cl10I1I~3' the muddy, a!1d‘"w'oo<is where our cattle are gra.z- ; ' feminine persuasion, and very D_01‘*1 - . ' .<‘.ippery roads, bent, so they assure ing. “\ suzisive they are. With ingratiatingg V us, on “making the grade" to Banff, So at vlyunch of husky "hands" are ‘ ' smug, the-y tender their Vliriou._< re- i _ , .- i but ll’]E1I‘l{l_'.’.'lllfJ," generally to get as far delegated to"go clown/to the camp or « (lU€S’ES, the C0mm0'119St 01195 being -"~ 1 ' . - our ranch, leill the engine, burst camps as the case may be and read 1 square meal, 8. harbor for the night, ‘ — :i fire or run dead out'~ot‘ :.:iisoliiic.. the riot act to our guests. There butter :;md.eggs and “Could We goi , As the roads dry and the sun of they are variously received, 3.ccord- into your woods to ;:et rzi.sp"oerries. -; the (L(IV'.'LnCiIl,'3,‘ summer glows upon in»: to their si-z ‘ind number and the saskatoons and goosebcrries. They ~ the iziiid, they come s-hootin‘: along nzltuzie of the oboes. 0: course. have first scouted through said _ the mriiii road to Banff, with such each hobo protckts his own personal Woods. am} a5.3m-ed theniselves of the - :_il.-ii~iii3iig spoml and froqiicric,-.x,', that innocence, and “passes the buck" to s pr;-sence.tlicI‘e of the (T0Si1’9‘3 heme?» ' it is no Wonder :1 number of them “the fellow who just left before we . .be.f0,.e making the request, which is :l‘r.'l1l‘.i’lf.§(,’ to «spill the-nisselvcs off at our got here.” ' nearly always granted. ;;;i.os. ,
If o1irdelega.t'ion is represented by , , One sunny -day an especially the small boy of the house (it's not liicominfz WD0 05 U10 female, m,"’t°r always convenient to spare “lizmds” hoho species. "MOW 11? the mu m_ 1'0 go three miles down the road) his Sreilt Eiiddv 0211‘. that T739 tfnm :11 reception not alxwmys cordial by of chattering and .beveiled- _sister ad»- these Well-mez1ning'a.nd perhaps un- Venturers, and sought 10 induce “S conscious iiicentlizirics, bad’ shots and» to STW0 them 931931’ She seemed
« Summer, with all its heat and (lust,
_ l)1‘iii,L:s thmn Iitci‘a..Il_v l)\' ilic hunt
~'- - ~ vliwlsi. ’Wc like to see them roll by
and disa.ppca.1' into the foothills o'=. t:.c
llockics, ‘but an astcnisiliing niim‘nei'
. of tiiwe hundreds roll no rfzirt-‘net
. ' than our doors. ., ‘ ' 1 ‘We are painfully popular at this
Delegation of One ) \ Here’s a Sweet Sister 7'
. , . oo . *5—— ‘ = » o ' ‘ ' ‘ ue-st to feed eight NWO: The fishing season ‘has opened. If-)iShr ;p01l.,.tt,eaf,%Fs lfchfilst p3?°}h;{’,?,’,ftff3 » ‘gitfglggoggg DEB‘: mncrh was 3 m-if- '_ ‘ _.mlJ1().l.1§’,'-l:J. the cars_cn route to ifuinff govemmeng has clogggd for the“ best [ling matter, and, in fact, I suspect .. — ._ :r;‘.&:.'."l‘1 lll i..iiz1iher'\vitli the passing of of I.m’sm,_s' Sam one “bi, piece of , ‘,that at first she thought she was . ‘ ' F.‘."Z‘».‘Tun,'.m°1' d‘r"~V‘“"" M93’ mC1'°‘”59 50 cheese," as the boy described him doing 113 11 mighty f9""°r hy asking» . 1.‘... as tnoee that stop a_bi'uptl’Y at when apprO,LChed. lb\,‘ said sman boy’ ~ us. We politely returned that V‘; 7"‘ mm""‘ “9“;5.9 5995: ,“'‘U‘- 11° 9”‘ and w:irncd~ that his “~bonfiz‘o" Was’ 'iVero a l>I‘iV3t'~‘ ranch: 1‘-0t 3 hm 313 i ‘.‘."“;q‘;' "-0.?" P5 ' "13 “"5-" *3‘-‘.3 3T"‘de t° cniianrrerinv the fb1"1l"h‘ J ‘ ’ but if she kept on a. bit further the f . """“”‘ “"- "*9 h“”t.‘31‘ 15 at h‘"”‘d' “Liétcn £5 who’<; tiiiiiinm now If would come to at P131530 When‘-: H0 = W779” They Foregather‘ you don't shut your facts I'll throw doubt they could get a meal; Our ’~ lrm-vii‘ :1: the junction of the Ghost you don’t shut your face’ I’ll throw motor hobo, in this iiistzince was '-'> .in«1 i;‘.o\\' rivers, which bound two The Hobo Beats it izippzirently one used to hiiving her
--f our rzmch, the motor hOl)0L‘S‘ -The boy.’ disdajnjng to 9__n§,'\v(}r, . own WZLY and would take no refusal.
. '0 f<_!I‘c-.1,';a‘tl1<ar. Neither tightly Wrote down the number of «me ho- ‘She iiirst flattei-ed‘ (the looms of our ‘, d fzzitcts or four lines at b-:iz-heal boe;s,ca,. qtu()k h:S qmqn éI)urPed "ranch and 01’. us); she then en— - . .- (“mun tliese ‘LI’ : L. 1‘ - ’ ‘I ' ‘ ” ‘ - ‘ ’ ‘ . "t charming mu-ii (but never ClOS0)e:Il)1:=§g?its£:£Ltv'$l(L: §§'§15o§,§§° }}11(;f1Se1’;S Emnliifnd t I ‘ :‘:e vgllgl pfutolfetically to! ‘ > H 'm‘Hl" . pr -2' their cars on the Ghost . .1, L , . C. Ore _’ 9 ,°_° how d’()r'rIre{1 tire}: and hot and him _ , .‘»ll‘lC‘ iiiim;-1~ the bridge, and a;,q3,pp¢;u- gwotfe {O 1;?‘ r°‘Lh.7’9“t1°n of p°s‘L”b"{’ \ ‘ ‘ r‘vvV' thp5:»°n11 xx-oi-e and wouldn’t W’ - , ‘ ‘ ' _ ‘ ‘ s ' \ I -A ._ 4. ~ ' A . .:l;ii.f: the ‘l)LlIl‘l(S of that fDI'7bid(1CI1 t}?':l”t%rp 2,, {,S1epI;‘ei(1:1‘Ogfe°1‘)1{J§§_‘tgaW:’-‘1};‘§$ 1 thfim Wag?) m)’,md z.Gr,.,_,Sh them .‘_, 7 :~. ‘cum. _ . . . . 1 . ' . ., «.2 a’ -’ . . I ., — ~ . : _- "e on the V(.'1\,llLld..1 before in _. ,‘\""""°m“‘f-? V3311-‘¥ ZLUC1 Camfiiflg ‘::2kv;_,1,11t?OP Elle gut fenceé '. tlillf itc. She then, lowering‘ lici ‘ :).L_I‘Z"-Ia‘llC."l'Vl‘.lil:2,‘ are set -111'}, either down 3 fréach ‘thé rfmch }':m%*e ,9 °y.c°u1d ' , « ;-515:9, Llesceiiclctl to -".)1‘ibe1'y, meii—\~ ' _' _, :3 the (xll0SL' river or in the pas- ‘ S6 me Home of ‘ ‘ tionins,‘ the alluring amount she was
.. . _ . the dc. artinrr c " . ~ . l.X!l(, .ii>i_».e the Lu\\- fiVC1', and our was hglm lzgufrigi £11230 lIrILlI?(§OI‘aS1101};): p_Cpw_ed. to pay for 3 good fare am- ‘ < . - . n ner, and, finally. fi£,'i%’F9~V21_’5ed by 0‘-Hé stulybornessv. she waxed -iiidignan and extremely haughty, and her aside reinzirlrs‘ zinent "Rimes" were
YHOKOI‘ ll0"U0 <‘qu':{q u r ' . , ._ , -~ .. pen the ltncl , i, W . , _ ;v:Llc‘:liii‘.cly. \'er_v ill§.€€l1l01ZS' are some SSu(:"t'ped don” the road In 3' Cloud Di ‘ ' - "‘ “WV” L'<U¥1I>i11'* dcriccs -ird when ‘ I
_\~g;,,m;.,_3. are 10;, mm théy tire of :1 So I’I1llCh>fOI‘ the motor hosboes who
« a
___.h di,._,.L’ may ,hCg_’ lbormw andkgteal bcizir a. -sort of itelationsliip to sports.
,~ , taxed , r,-- .1 ,:,. , t _ We feel f ~ x .-t - . - not good for us to hevzu-. She S ' HfLuK?)OlLl‘l)'ilIY‘1;)‘l}‘lf‘h{]§ ‘gcdtsh isome p"tt'ny 'Lll(l'O1£?V’(t.;I1l€'I11l'}l’iz:.l”c‘E1.§ZE£%t{]l1nCs3In- “ further that She understood it was . . v; ~ ~ 0 uxev wit eecm_i_ < , v. > O ., 1 5, go_ , .. ti mt far’ the . cal r:onti~iv'inccs coiineete - . . ion" as they e‘- - «r ' {the custom of ie cou TY I <» ~ ~ , d with tneir ..“ ~ -050 0111’ mates, do no . . — - 1 -who vgerrn ... _ cu. : tho»-mU., bO.L.{S, r . ~,v,,,1. Sljootinrr my . H 1 . *1 -_ .- - farmers to take In IJCOD 8 ~ 3 . ' A ». . .-' 3 cl other lu*<u- . D 4-‘ -‘L Cit» 9- flbh m z n «-- m- to 1nd . 1':ou.: ; ‘= v i‘ W . ‘ . ‘ me o = ~ -. ~i . on the roan -S u'1€?‘f ‘WW0. 0 -»; < V : -.119 ;,,0:1I;:i;,”C‘7,n(1lI‘)‘“ is ttge heart of WoodggoinSgf:m';h§i:xda1(;eO II)1§1ttse% $1” ' r:‘.I"""‘E‘<'1“(:‘\'i {lint We were outside trie ‘r . V ‘ ~ Jer‘ u or the most .. ‘. - ' ~ ‘ 0‘ 9 ‘ "'“ .. . cr)1"" v"-in - ~ p.ii-t 1} V .. . ' _o-,vn vv 5 , - - breed 0. tho.~c ..ii..i__V .4: y ‘ S“‘01icl<Lil tLllLLI*¥xZ‘pf1ln the rough’ and me the cl:})1ii1(t)ry'fl‘{iiI21i£ci‘m\I*3'tg ilzllll ethtlls ‘part of livml ’ zirw-oi-<i"i°' to sziid rule. ~ VVO I 1 , ‘ 3 “.‘ - - ( ' - I V _ - , A‘ ~,_ V ‘ ) . - ‘ -1‘1‘v’0r. «’1i»;>Z:-izin«-» up “Em the? (’i’l(:Ov£L1‘{l:OIlg: us as pliilosopl1i£i<1:a.ll)reS *"’3“'1“»“°°‘7 1“ Hus’ mm 1391” 12°.“ her a - L e p_res-nce of ' " Y as of the fact that that ruse 21991105 ‘C0
. our i '" ‘r . ..- - . . . Un mitod ,.u we do Sl1(.h xisitcrs as the fiai and
. . _ . , _ _ .1“ he on .-'§‘1lCl;~d resL'&"- and “arming us‘ game in sezisou wayvf£u‘eI‘S. 'f«'M‘T1’1‘3TS like °%‘I"SeI¥°’.g('] ' Soft S -t ‘ 4-. - “ . What i‘h ' ‘ people Wh0 were ‘”‘‘W°’d° 37 1°“ Our‘ “li:incl.J)»°J-032, q.;)"‘ Hem“-“ W-,9 come now if: §fC?.u\'r.°,} - ‘ up or had an accident, and included ,w’3()H(ll‘ dudes-v " ‘ “W “10 P-19?!‘ " 5“ “ ‘O ‘””‘~‘*' I 3150 the pedestrian trzunp, but not
in ca _ , up the hill ‘.3 ‘l . . .1 - - . _ ' lizis zi sort spot for f?fiD’VV(lJ)l1lllt{i Droffcr their v3}§(i§§"§§q11§§§i:e’ ~ the '1Y(l1eI'ehTrl31t01‘ isE01"°' 5 V3: fildig , (Fin-En and liixiitem — V " _ <1‘ ~@--’ v - ‘ ‘ quire W e er we re _ __ ‘C the ‘Mg E.H1&I...'>. I‘.4‘}xI7E}I'lf‘11C9 forces us t - 1 4 . ~u:~e~ 1.0.-.. , * > <3» v< 0. - . . 0 .. » h 4 « in cairm-v with n Iom K/-, i_ ’. nucr mid on . ., . ., . .cm1rd with Sl1\"I)1ClOll ll 1‘ 131?} S 0”“? ** - . V . lnrlh t‘ni-ou~>,’u “ - ‘' 51°C“ 5>“‘“3“5 — 2 . . “ ' 3‘ an-°"camS “P lea‘-" 'ibo'tr5.‘ our Lizzile if . . o- 10 open *”"1t€."‘ 'm1 » . for shelter. meals Illill‘ "Wc t 1 (‘T “I '2‘ ‘ ‘ . Y ~ i 5011) , M D t i 418 ,_ , _ z t €a_ -. 00 S, i , . -A 1 1, even 0 ')IlI‘lO3 with the f{':f§:3“§L3bI1llgC(I' by joyriders on ho.sc.sf, \c:~?:et:il>lcs. use of telephone, mt’ “‘):J.1](E t:..(:'}:i‘,.:.‘Ur “‘ * '3 ‘1‘3i!1CiI)iC-nt fov-‘st fins; us‘-‘ 0 Verandzih for picnic '*:i<ol‘ U’: 0” “ 3 F” "W" ‘ ‘A A" no . , ¢—, N1 1110
are bare-1i" ni - - . ~ . , ‘ _ c~ ~ '4:-ft our ‘pi*c:iii.w:s in 1!, fine
:.in .to t.’-301 ‘Ij:p$I(11'e1:1Su:1‘10vl)11(1§ xye lic- ?;10‘§nb9g'l11<;‘:.rV3fonBtheVinan traveling hu?“ m)m,m,_,0a. .1 an, $.u,.,_..J mat
U . and alarm. S0 e_of 1I'l‘lt<1.L10I1 how Tn.uC_,;..w_c\1o nnfr, lmows gust ‘ fwrngnrs _,‘,V.m.c~ not an “my “.L.,.C \ and fuck 0 Wire the gates If i.a..L ine .'..' takes to carry Cracked, up to «be,-but 3 tight,fiStQd,
11 i " '7 , . ' , - ;
‘\Vc leave, 'hgVV':'3V0;X\' U'*TrL°p'QSj ‘m"n'» _ 1.If}7° has PE“ 011 In" _ ‘ . ' .-qoan lot——t'hcii- women at all events. _ ;,,,nd,,h}_; me hridwe. ulportion 0f- the mm m1dW5:1§L)0 inf, there is Coch; _ --I it dhonml mt. nm,m.',€,,.’.,_,O Sup- _ 3 fish-Fr =. ,wiei~e{.the aspir_- mu u ‘W 3 « cmccri, where he ’q,».-‘\ ._ OS‘; tr‘ Rfirpl mm 51,0}. .._- ._-«mm; _, -,‘_L__, in _, D. c liztvc-,h:ul one Inotoyf 3 - , ._,_D_‘: ‘ _ , - —
1 96%-j]g_u ‘ -‘.2-‘7*~ "'=
A "“' ~ I
<"“:=-- ...«z .. - . . - ' «‘:~~:_v/’,‘r‘«"‘l-‘.7193’-.».’3':‘l'1'-C: _-up fn -,--4 "f'.——-—_—v-:,,,__ , -« -—
V.» _\»‘_\.‘v[ V _\
ox p '-
....__, ,1 7 v ,,\>'7 _.__, _