ll ikeaders Recipes 5 7 [C2 Bureau's Kgich e an

th in white sgluco

minced green p ) _Mrs' C. 9DIJLr

_ alifar, N.S.

. i‘iIviniiii-mi ‘II’/ll('lL iii.‘ (WW

; C O T T O N T O P E 5 ziiipiiii. buttnr I , - we 5 teaspoon sxilr. iii ~_ jtnblpuonsconrin "' xitenupoon cinnnmiiii V riiiiwii Yllflr-<lHii

Cream sugar and lllliill"

and add them alteriiniif ii , Pour into muflin puns 11!’ ill]. Bake in 'fnI)(lGl‘£lll"l\ i 0 minutes. Just lmliirii i.. -oven, place a l1i1lVU(l nizirx‘ ., of each cake. Leave in l marshmallows melt ail i ——M’rs. A. G, Bflli’l‘l‘_ ii

To befra-ri}.-/liar (]fll/ il"i firs] cllilglil Iii/i" i -spicy butler willi. 1'/,v iii. tapping, is as gum! often give (1. I]ll’iC,i‘flIli.\' . by spreading l/ll’ lap 1l‘."‘ and puffing [li€m— Ililll hm aiiiqcrbrcrid, for Ilii' pudding? F R 0 5 T E D A Pure and cure largo l'l ‘each in melted biiitor, nut. Fill centres with I'll nuts. Pour nvl-r all .’l M cup sugar to l i‘l1]i l covered pain 45 mlllllll‘ apple with a cherry llllll just before serving. This makes a (lGll('l4lll with sponge cake or iinl —MrN. H. fr’. Lrmlr, ii‘ Ont.

Ilia ulwaym ujiiy lll/Hill cook nur Cll1l1I(1i1lil llpjill lean plenlifui 7ll)lI' ::n ll ii you will ]H‘I1,)IilIl_l/ ll'lllll '~ safely by 1/011 1!‘/illi ill! giucu out, until I/ll’ llI'll‘ i-ill


B nweui. Hllllinvll l! 9 llllr rm curriuii II'll\ ‘l“‘ I ii iilllll unil iiiiii fllIl!1l\:1\Vll‘l llililiiiil -iimiiiiiiii

Bail and mitsli H\\l‘l'l butter rind .«-it-nsiiniiig. ii‘ and place on [)ll|l.ll*l' -A Meltjiir oi jelly ll_Y lll‘lllli: pot and adding jlll('|' Hi this over ]')f)Llllll liiitl l delicious,

—Knlhlrrri I’. lilflilii ii‘ Toronla, Onl.

Mimi Irwin ml]/ii llii':: V Soulii Curalinii, Hill‘ Ill logical, for (‘iii-i>Ii‘nii lllll Ylatalacsi "lid knnllm lillli‘ In use of Ihem.

We tillcrril ill!‘ eziiml in I/ii: I1mm~ Iillfllyl‘ nwllad lL"mi07l-flUi'(Illl’l'lI _lI‘l'” passed it in i/ii-. immr llO{il nwrn u7ipoali1l{/ la mi I/l(ll ll

1il::/i ill

‘De beaten egimiii l.l)l: ll“ '

\ 4}’: 1932

‘I use and zpprove Magic Because I know it 's pure, and free "ram harmful ugredieuts . . .

MISS ANN ADAM, cookery authority of the Canadiaii Home Journal, has won outstanding success as a crea- tor of recipes that are both delicious and practical.

"\Vhcn selecting ingredients for my recipes," says Miss Adam, “I consider three points——cconomy, health value, and successful performance.

"Magic Baking Powder mccts them all. I use and approve Magic bccaiise I know it is pure, and free from harm- ful ingredients, and because experience has taught me that I can count upon successful results with Magic every time."

Magic Baking Powder is used exclu- sive/_y by the majority of cookery ex- ports and dietitians in public institu- tions and cooking schools throughout Canada.

It's the choice, too, of housewives who are most critical of the flavor and health value of foods. In fact, Magic



Yin) Miss Auu Aa'am’s

Walnut Layer Cake

and make it. ..as she does...With

outsells all other baking powders com-


Use Magic whenever you bake at home. Find out For yourself how dcpcndablc it is—down to the last spoonful!

Miss Ann Adnm's WALNUT L/ivrin C/um (see recipe Iielnw)

mini- niikinii lniiiiirr viii- iii-iii Ii-iiiiiiiiiiii iiiiii iiiiiliiin-ii iiiiiiii i«mii~~ (Vi iiiiiiiiiiiii Jllilfilill WM iiii

“lirl'.0I {I m D

THY-Vflln‘ .iiiii iii-i (’|Ii'I(lIrIYI i-iliiiii PVHUIEV Ill ii- iiiiiinini iiiiir riiiiili-iii- -vi \I‘l‘l'V'fiIl


1!. cup hultcr

I cup augm-

2 eggs

"_v cup milk

2 teiinpoom Mimi: Biikiniz Powder

1. mi-poon iuilt

I?‘ cupl pantry lluur (or 1' . cum bread Hour and 4 nib]:- npoonn cornnuirchl

a. teaspoon vnmllii

Cruim butter and nlziwly wnrk iii the iiiiiiii-, buiiiig well, am cu: yaiiniiniliuiick R|'|(ll£lll0ll- colored And Add Ulem. Mix dry lnxrcdltnll. IL“ uveml limtl

I cum in-iiniiiiiteii iiiiui 1 cup mm

White: of I :1”

i lenlpoan liiiwrliiii exmci 1,; kenpocn Magic aniiiiiii


Boil IIIIIP .iiii Iulzr wiiiiiiiii

Miss Adam’: Recipe lur Walnut Layer Cake

lnll iiiiil lo rim mixture iiIier- flllltly WIU1 oi: niilic Add an- vurlnii and fold in the Rim)’ heiiien cm: Wl'||lEfl. This qullv my will make me good liiym in seven-inch layer plans. or three rnilizr ililn ones. for ii ihrce-liiyer cake |n linger piinii, use half in: much iignin of (‘Nth iiiurciliuni.

Biilic Iiiym in II niniimiic nven. 375" F. iiiioiii an in is mirllllts lnccurilinu iii iiim, When cooled. pin ioiieiliei Ill1(l cover lap iiiiil nliii.-a wiili Fiilliiii iiiiii Fimilnii. Deciiiiiic (up wlili Wlllllul liiilvcs.

Filllnu and Fronllng

Ilirrinu I0 1.|R° F. M unlll A few iinii-i in (old Vllllfl’ will iniiii ii iinli iiiiii. min Ilfiwly ovzr iiiiii. ly hell!!! (Kl Whllrs iinii iieiii lllllll Hlirki ldll niiviiiiiiii iiiiii baking |\(IW|l¢l’: iiiinw In lllllul few niiiiiiiu moi: iiimiiiiiiii.


Mm-in omiiii

“\'iDN’|'AlNS ND Aulu." Tlilu innue- nu-in iin iivnry Iln In iiur nunninii-e (hill Mmllu llnkllm Pnwuli-r In lrrv lriiiii nluiu ur my liiinnlul liignuiiim.

The new M/ic.ii:: Ciiiix “HUI cun- iiiuis diimiis I1flc|n|\llnJ§ recipes for di.-liciiius hiikrd funds. \ ou'l| wiiiir ll wlicii y |I link: iii liniiic. S:-nil iiir/rrr cum".


Simiiiiiiii ll“'\\l). l.l\lill ii

[‘LI§|.|' .\i-i.. .iiiii lllIL|’|_\ Si.


Tuiiinio. Oiiunn


Nimir Jililrr i f 1 (‘ilv

Slllil “If in» clip! Ilrtllc i\l.ii;ic Ci-iik liiml