V fold it on the angle so ll‘. _ - double triangle of mzim , the fold and then lay Llw v _‘ tho fold of one triamzlv all ‘'7 point on the other triimx; ‘ [have a double square of l. alihese firmly together ulm-lg 4 lie square, then fold tlw §4,_l1d cut from it a t!‘l£\I‘ll{l>‘. {wtha V shaped neck open Emu ‘ ‘Tum in the edges of 3 haste and blind stitch 4., lower edge of the squmw I I/hitched along the lmstx, :g'iVes itunice finish. LN.‘ i ‘section which was laid all i no that it is perfectly sin _ under the edges or the n« the back before lmstinlr ll” Now fold the fabric in or measure seven incllos from either side. Mark tluv-zu pw '~'mensure two and :1 hall the bottom, and run tun ‘ threads up. Those, \\'llI‘l nnd cut will give ynu Ill‘ through which to draw bottom points of the fr them loosely at contrn ll‘ duplicate points on Lliu Im i 133181-‘ha you first cut I'M‘ turning the rough ecluv“ ‘“ . olerve to draw the pmnlsl i ‘ rtrinngle forward, closing ll» ‘ sections. The sash will tit‘ H‘ _.i. Ind will permit tl1ol:louin*l“‘ ‘ 00 your figure in lines numb sun’: n-on rraunr r-OWNS lay, 1932 'lll‘llll’ ‘ all Dn=I=ERENT,czcIfJ. HFFERENT Your f,‘_\'l‘9. ynur l1:n1:l=.. gr-nr nnuv nnIl#l|m l('lll‘Il sink !l‘1_’|‘('I" Ilnn \nn H tlllln-rv‘nl— l‘lll!‘1ll_\ 1li|l'¢'rrnI {rum mu nllwr ll1|l[~l'lIHl1l ‘illl-xl‘[‘ yml lIn\<‘ l'\4‘l' I|~4*rl' T4lH‘|\ lm\\' ~m>\\y \"l|il:-—~lm\\ vlvnn ll is". null fwlirniiit‘ pnr|l_\' nnvl [wrl‘m'I ~nni1nImn Iwl lumv lint‘ nnrl mll. 'l'l1nI'~ \\l1_\* ll pr‘m-- ll:-~ inlu nnul llIlll’l\l} l'1'IlIH\I*~ :I1rt—-ull} il ‘ 1n~n'( .~r‘r.-m'|n-tl \N,' l"m lion ,\vn| .II'l~ only ll|‘(“[irl1'”‘l' on Iln‘ Illinz ll vlt-nn» Hnurll llun \nn_ '|‘l1uI} n Ive! for n 1-lv>nn~r-rl -n \vnl luu~ nu nn[»lx*:|~.'1nI mlur. ll Il|.’ll\(‘N n|g;~ -|nvll rlr-nn— ~4'l<-nu :u~. Iln~_\' lmuk. '|‘ln-n Ir_\ lion .\Ini un }(IIll‘ luIvln'n ~|nl\ nr \uni llllllllllll.\\1lll'l!l|(I\\ nlilllr~unn4lmn[: nli 1‘&|‘Il)’ nml x[l1it'llrII~II]n' lll1‘llli'll \nrl Ilun \mi ulur“ Hlyl r'ln;_v tlmlmnr]I1pv~~v|«u~< mil lI‘II\v ~I'4llIlIl'll| in tlnr Wink nr lulu. Ii rl:-nn~ luntl |mli'~lu~~ us ll I-lv-:Iu~l pr:1r'l1v'.|ll\ l'\ V‘! } ll‘.lIl;_',’ \\ llll lilllr i~|l'nrl—L|I:'ln'n Hllllx. rlnnnwl ~lll\I'. ]ml~ nml pnn~. 1’:-l'rI;_vvI*nIrn'. lmllllnlr. lillnu wnumlli [unnh-cl \\mnl\\nIL, \\ imlmx -. lIlll‘In|‘~.lIII‘|1ll~,III‘. I'm" ~mnr‘ u~»~ um ll [urrl'l-r llw l(IIl\(‘lI|l‘lll /'uwr/¢'/' lurnu ul Ilnn \vni ~llI]'1l|llI‘l‘-.llH‘ll:Il|Il\' (uh nnun lIlH|~l‘\\I\I‘~£Il\\1l}~llwl‘ lmlll. Inn \\ll L|\I|iI I) \1n\I||I \l. b Jae 2 NO OTHER CLEANSER 4'/ég 5;’- 'rv-«xm mu mmux u.. n .-. v illmlv Ill ('u/Iurlvr A ||l?\l"l‘\ lll\‘I‘ \, 'm \\.~ lH‘.||ll\ .,..m.1m« ngrrv um: nu. ..l.n..u. my ,. Vnnr ll ml. lm-I. lllllll xlr.\u., V m: mm In»! mnl Iw ....|mv-mu ». up 3.... "4 IurIm«v,,u.m rllun-n‘r-lrnlwl->» m.i... l‘lIIlIlll~x Illlllfv-ll|lllIilfl' Iuv|\HIlr-Lm r will l|n|I \nn‘|n.n \nnI .u,..rp,.uu..i..x< III-Illu1ujex'lL.In«vrIlIllriri » -mum--u B oN A M I £74/ca/n'£ CS0/aic/zec{ Z/ezf "