June 15, 1325 iadians (5 cl‘ .-iiuiism-< iinrl lillIiA[- W much tu unit in the ll0u‘:i_-V ‘ his stuck iinil lJUl'l"(l\V llIU[yL in the fiirin nnil life in Iii-i im uulitlul lienrls, nnil lzltré-rr-[rm imugli the lonely iviiidmv. W. - bent over his tnhle, lnlinririui 15 of wheat. in the light hi‘; .tin belly nml ii criickud mu ,‘ -,« that "rim fellow i\‘h.-91;. ‘in ill 1 2 iviis lookiiii; further into 1) umliling, uniiiiloil, hinm,-i ,, ; (lemurs. .ll0I‘l1,' H10 pm), -1“. i tn lame; but l|l\V;l_V'~l, 1, ruining before his tired n us id:-ul—«to prodiiuu llll’ hw rlioat the V\'Ul'l(l l\(.lLl ever saw The cliuiire mi: of [1 }I_(i\‘i-vi nent '-|RTlL‘llltu|'lll QV([)Dl‘l, l ird ll. Newniiiil. then Seer if the Ciiniiiliziii Seed Gm uciiitloii, to his Iiirni ll liortened his ilrtlllullsi iii. , lle wiis shown sliort ,1‘. 0 (lie enrl he desired, zinil iii» 35! l"llE‘[lICI(l5 ul breeding ll ind set aside plots [er 9* :1, iientiil purposes. rind, in was sent ii ’.-mlllll quaniiiy M i\li1rquis wheiit from the (li)\'rrh— ‘nent expenmeniiil izirlii. Thv I] turn he iiripraveii lln(l llici, zntered the New Ynrl: illl! the World’: First Wlient lieeler’s seed grnin hus lll. I“ ind eager buyers consume Iii. lll his hard years‘ When ser-nnr.v_. iccess he was hailed out an it out in :1 single night. B: d name back [or more and l;. elusal to be downed liiis lL>\li1llV imes (including three year: rv ll all the \varld’s wheat prim n lnrmers from all the grain in '' ling Dynusties ir for the title has l)G('l1 J: i n. Saskatchewan, wlio I hem “Finn three times, wiiiniug each occasion at the lni national Livestock E tion iind Hay and GI Shnw held llYmulIllY Mr. Mitchell, who nl>H ‘ burn in Englimcl and him where in this issue. The year Iollosviug Sou Wheeler's first win, :19 ,‘_ bertn. wlia also hind l-"Tl Helm, at Riiymnn Exllerimenting with Quis wlient, entered Ti" H] hibit at the Interniiliai Dry Farming conzrefi Letlibridge. Little is k""“," Di Holmai' nntecedenfir ‘hi ‘ Old Liirid and, priar tu1° CEPE that he wiis born In‘ in: England for the C ence in izrnin (arming- dflmll. however, ll" ‘El’ blaze. He wu fol W in 1913, by Pull G€'l“f}1‘lQ of Allen. Sukntnhawnnilxflfl has since died. Mr‘ 5" ma 6 mm‘ : |adj!huW5Y:liJ$db\:rBn5 inweli-tk“""‘,: 0 community. He helP°d.”, "W1I‘I.uhlevamanIz in P“ ‘ tv . uahei 9 @’ w Mr: Bean once lge t asioide ‘like animals of’ For=e§;c“¥gx/%1u,ite, "Bread isrft worth inrm experience prior 1” coming tn Cnnadii is LEW“ N > by Douglas Miii:ka)'. is.- Th1s.bu.&Er, now‘.- "ls never worth Ildinn West had no 9*" I w:=‘ ‘ imbued with the skim” dolnitnble spirit, for he 1' W. {in dimculty in taking P'f‘E';|‘ MacLe2ii1’s Magazine flmi Uncle/Iopal_o11gf 2%/a’ r‘fie.S‘z"ory of Beneath a SPl”€ad]l’l ofiest Tree. ‘7fi9SZ(0I'67lII I‘-bl'9.$‘l“70h’ll This li ile tale wills rive to show How unny Fovest Folks may be Mr Be h ‘V t d . b ' l'Ll ‘ has o:2;€§t»”§jas £1-Shisssiieyiiiii-hiiigiciiic mi: . S 2 DY’ U11 , HIS seiranek ‘was la!’ 2. He Fourid instead they were too low, his pY’1CeS mgh . ‘s rofits were s very small He wrapped his areels Tha i he roughtt i‘ELlOWQf‘Sl’ll.l up with smil 5- ll: woul ri’t pay to work at all. When suriden1y.0n9 Door Mi; Bear Felt very sad A i i . i=2:‘;%%‘%S?w'2? ° ~p*lsa%iJi2i12;;*§,i:a‘£i*au8 ii, Said he, “Bears prices Y are t1’c‘:{>+l"1i‘g I , «'1 0 an , . °i§ ‘i’)‘#-ring; then? clownl‘ .‘,, Whdd alwa 5 been eon ' . B A:ll.ier§.‘§a‘3fi::‘r?ip §ciSi111ti:sMti'lat 33} night. Mr= Bearfl c_%u.ld. notligll U.'l: %l'v\v.E?yF eygzllligfi in 5‘/:i’?°§Lea'r=— "You would not do sci . %*igMia9il—”£h§i °"sie¥é:'-' 3°“ °°“1'il °Tg:5 REEQNS DER l§Bl%ESI .-inf Pu up asigri upon your door: "l(Ef:ggsda}‘4tlus r;iee_%:ea uiie abtsaelprdif T J‘ P H1 (is me» "5 W‘ 5 » 9' " hen make a lo 0 o er car "I ll l: l: t - I 1 ' Anlgilflggs a flea, oi§c.l"li'.' P212?!" lgéilelfi g\llRTaFg"‘ sci.“ ffifrlllgnei Arid ijouwill have alot 0 fii.ri.' t t 2‘ . ' en-é‘a*ir»i6ioii%“i.1i »%i,2iw9i:a5*i1:ai3i:ti*riiéiaeii “Oi bu)/r -~ ' . Arid operieclv u H gaofiarifgaitxglvf no with €V€I'Kjti1il1g'H1Ei3l<5Ef§{illeUIa Eiigiiii-1!" h31é\grfiJt%g>f‘§,c$‘§ gow wlkieniichtse Fglks J31? Foredfggn ~ me ac o , g Thaeg Found hdd nI.i‘llliingetlSi%$grl*‘ur salie. which caused fliem verg great dismaq! cried Mr=s,G%5'1L’r. 9 Said Mr: F‘ox.”whai: cloes ' mean? 1-miigfsgggenei 1 o A‘,5‘$é$§‘ “§Zi"‘<‘1 -1 so business then oi’ rail-Lei’ bad §DoY"éQE§\lo$"Lf E3 ks f For-e Towri om , .E5ear: we-must have bread, We 0 not like goim liftle gains." t, zed ioybea his p¥s'3‘3§ cf'c§lJ,"r'i5 .q_‘ l- _ And Mrs Wolf’ and MP5. 0.3‘ Declared ”It really f libors came in To make comp amts to Mr: Bean andmE3igs d to b wit ut success. Price was fiar arid the t ought , S ' he an a imsk and w§ri?e“a"2{i”iX§’é‘o’§?i,mi+ma Sana summer’ ay To see his glans all Fallm mg 11. ONCE 11107‘?- Said he,"Raise all rough iiour shore o Mr. Bear began one , r menfioned rice, ood Mr: Owl had sai . 1! Bean '_You eanrio The %‘°bss‘i-3?’ "The prices that _ t. 9 ‘r‘r1ii‘l’E;'“Lf%,EL"if‘a3é‘¢,o Eigifidg 11; Must be accouri ed For as well.‘ ;}l‘§§§3‘y§§i“‘ Inafiflé o be decide YOU No eg '5 For sale,—and Ere the same; 1 A G%’E%l;’i-‘hie Eggs ¢3CE’f.n old roverb in 9 HE‘/BY‘ H115 ‘_ We find the L ,