‘/1 K34”. - h 3;...‘ 1;», M

("‘h. .l|-m

of the bcl;Is, M,‘ JG” Dc ‘.the Carllloncurs’ sclunolnm ‘um, and reputedly the bneur, gave two ‘ML \mrld's autumn

winter brings prob] . wér. Nobody kno“:xn‘s1tn_1he V“ 11151

Weather will mm the 1 11 ~ M‘ 5,

, If h play Mr. Price will certaiflf something to his ,;,»,,,,mu'm 1‘ :1: present, at least, }ccitals are .ogtmued'. It is announced thn we I pea} forth on Thankspixlnz Christmas Day", and I undvr \ t lsosomc posslhilit" - gs _bcmg broadcast by C. ade, Carilloneur Price say.» n- rm _n:_1y_rccit:Ils in the LN mm Mare given by the .1\‘cr.ny:- cnr:U~ yqar. Until I heard Hm I had U _'n some of the surplus In «M1 m the Houses of I’:1Ih4m"

him you um-J ‘"9 work in the Senate. llw n

iimy-eight, he Icadx Lh. 1:~Hr1* pttcrs with all the zeal Jrw uh-Y! of the young "R0|lL't L""“4” Scrmlnr U‘-‘~* rhaps the most vin\|_ Ir}?-)‘r" liaractcr in the pubhc 111‘ H1 W‘

‘day. is rnaping nnd 3'“- P out in a brisk numur 1 dint: attention. 41'“ “W |'~1 '_ '§houg]1ts. His wit I~ ““ W V‘--- ‘gnificent scnéac nf min} rt‘ nator Dnndurnnd hm 1“"‘W[L

‘jding govcrnmcl '

'n the face of


mhn: H

11 hill» (.

r the Tar!’ "1

1'? . in

VI 1‘ mething over mum I H

nds of this n1‘-1J0""‘ H met this Iitunllnn <k"‘ ‘fimost cases.

.. : he is in(lv:P°"f]“" v «'l. nuricr and D-“’'‘ .'L]

fln[i—clcrIf‘ W nt' Even t(.)—dfly h‘:(‘ll1 W‘ fate frankly’ ' mu '

mom have

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