11/lay/air, 11/lay, 1930
ILLIONS of well-worn Gillettes are now
going to win an honorable discharge.
Sure — they're good old razors! And if you
have to wait for your dealer to get his supply of
the New Gillette Razors, your old Gillette will operate with the new blades.
What have we done to the Gillette Blade? Not just one thing, or two things, or three. \X’e have made a dozen imyortant changes.
Take “razor pull," for exam- ple. Our laboratories examined tens of thousands of used raz- ors; our engineers talked to twent -seven thousand hard- to-satrsfy shavers.
What did they find? A razor “pulls" because its working parts have been dropped and dented on floor or wash basin.
Perhaps the dent is micro- scopic. just the same it makes a difference. \V’hen you handle
n Gillette, you are dealing with
a fine precision tool. liven the smallest dent can throw it out of alignment. Hence ”[mII.“ Now look at the corners of the
The New Gillelle Razor, gold-/Ilalerl, in bemlliful mw, mmfzlele will) New Gillelle Blade. . , Price
Other De Luxe models from 55.00 to S7‘5.00
new razor. See those heavy lugs? You can't dent those corners by any ordinary accident. But sup ose, by some terrific abuse, you slmulzl dent trem. Never mind. The ends of the blade have been cut out. The blade is no longer held at the corners. Therefore, a dented razor-corner can't possibly affect the smoothness of your shave. Another thing. The new blades are pro- cessed to resist rust. Think what that means in convenience and time saving. No more do on have [0 take the razor apart to Wipe the hide. No more cut towels. just loosen. Turn guard at right angles. Then re-tighten. Hold under hot runnin water for rinsing. Shake well. Lay on the siielf. Notice the new guard teeth . . . longer . . .
turned back farther. They glide over the skin like velvet. You hardly feel the razor slide over your face. The famous guard channel beneath the blade edge allows the blade to meet the beard full and clear. yet with perfect safety. This has hitherto been an exclusive feature of high priced Gillettes selling at $5.00 to $75.00. Now you have it in the 51.00 model. The New
“ /../’ :g/
New blade am be Iltrrl in your alrl Gillrllr New flrurcnnl .Yll‘L‘I,' nun lilmlc rrvim nu! Cul«aIII mmerr af lzl-ule [in-rm! "razor pull" To 1/van. mm glnml at rig/)I unglrx . . . (hm re-Iig/.-In! . . . rims . . . I/mkr :Ir_r New slmfw grmnl rlmllucl gin»: /ull J/v.u'iI:g rlmranre
.4‘ $.14-go...
. New sllufic gllunl Irrllv mrrl rim Jmanl/-Ir. naturally
. No flrojvrlilrg fmrlr Ir: llull lulu-lr nlgu Rein/anal razor rarurn ]Irrr‘mI :l.imu_L'¢- il
. Square lilmlp mil: .m/rr In Ivumllr
I0. Sburer nuicr uranml munll.-, Iltllr, ran
ll. New lzlmlrx .mnu- /Irirr .1: (I'll
I2. Nrw m:ar, gnlrl-/vlulnl, will» our urn" IrI.uI¢-,
iu mu‘. SL110
Gillette Blades in the new green packet 51.00 for ten and 50c for live.
See ‘our dealer today. 'l‘omorro\\' he xna_v be soltlhrut . an inconvenient delay for you. Give your face this good news muv.’
GILLLTFE s.\n~:r\' aazoa co. or C.>\NADA. LI.\llTl5D, .\io.\'ruE.-u.